"Speaking of which—do you have room for people to live in your village?"

A Xie replied, "Of course there are. A Xie and A Zhu live there, but it's a little far from the village. It's a thatched cottage."

"That's just right." Shirou said with satisfaction.

At least if you stay far away, no one will bother him.

That is——if it is too remote, will those ghosts and ghosts suddenly come out?Shirou is not afraid, but Ashi and Asuke are in danger.

"By the way, do all those ghosts haunt the mountains? Do they usually come out of the village?"

"Generally speaking, they only appear in the mountains. Usually, there are no ghosts and ghosts in the mountains." A Xie thought for a while, "Only some people who often go to the mountains will encounter them, but it changed a few months ago. There are more and more of those monsters, and they can even be seen in the village recently, so I need the help of the samurai."

Shirou was taken aback, this ghost even went to crowded places?Is this really a ghost?

But Shirou is more worried about the safety of the villagers. Can the samurai Shirou met just now really survive the threat of ghosts?

After Shirou asked this question, Ashim replied with a look of disgust: "Those samurai basically ran away."

Sure enough, it's rubbish.

That's right, although a samurai is said to be stronger than an ordinary person, he can't deal with mystery.Unless it is a particularly fierce one, in this day and age, there should be a powerful swordsman who can deal with these monsters and ghosts. What kind of soldier is he called?

What about Liu and Wei?

or what?

Shirou, who is blind to history, is once again at an impasse.

Forget it, forget it.

If you can't do it, don't force yourself.

Reassuring himself in this way, Shirou followed Axie along the path to the vicinity of the village, but the weather suddenly turned cloudy again.

—I met a ghost again.

Still at the gate of the village.

Shredded by hand or steamed, choose a way, braised in soy sauce, Shirou can also give this ghost.

Just as Shirou was about to put on a stance and wait for the opponent to rush over, Oni turned his back on Shirou and attacked the two samurai.

Of the two samurai, Shirou knew one more, the one who asked him if he was a robber.

Shirou didn't ask what his name was at the time. Anyway, it was quite tough. The ghost just now couldn't beat it, but this one was stronger. Shirou thought that he might be chased and beaten.

As for the other one, he looks a bit tougher, maybe he can fight a little bit?

Shirou quietly projected Wang Hassan's shield, stood in front of him, and quietly observed.

This ghost is slightly different from the one I saw just now, and its strength is much stronger. Shirou may have to slash a few times before he can die.

But that's not the case for these two warriors at all.

At least for them, the fight was very difficult. They had no chance of winning against one of them, and it was considered good to be able to hold on.They can't last long.

Shirou has always dismissed the exploiting class of the samurai. Anyway, they are the guys who drink the people's blood and eat the people's flesh.But now it's a ghost, so that's another story.

Shirou and the samurai are both human beings, so it is natural to stand up and fight side by side with them in the face of such monsters.

In short, Shirou wanted to jump out and frighten the two samurai by killing the ghost to show that he was strong, so as to get some information from them.

Then protect the villagers.

Become a partner of justice, do good deeds without leaving your name, and tell them that your name is Wei Gong, ahem, Qianzi Muramasa.

"Why is this ghost so powerful?" As a young samurai, Muto Nagahide was trembling. It was definitely not fear, absolutely not!

"Looks like we won't be able to escape today." Sanada Izo sighed, gritted his teeth, and rushed forward courageously, "Changxiu, follow me!"

"Senior Sanada, I can't help it! I can't beat it!" Muto Nagahide wanted to cry, but all the seniors rushed forward, and his junior was nestled here. This is really, too, too...

Forget it, no matter so much!Just die, this is life.

Lord Bodhisattva!Please guide me!

The villagers behind were also talking about it, and some even couldn't bear it and ran away: "It seems that the samurai can't beat it, let's run quickly!"

Shirou is impatient, how can this work, he hasn't shown himself on stage yet, and then he doesn't leave his name for doing good deeds!

If everyone runs away, the loss outweighs the gain.

So Shirou slashed over with one knife, and then slashed over with another knife, and the two ghosts were wiped out.

How lonely is invincibility.

Shirou lamented his strength and waited for the praise from the people behind him, when he suddenly heard a cry:

"Ghost, ghost!"

"Ah!!!!" The villagers scattered away in fright like sparrows, leaving Sanada Izo with a sword barely standing up and staring at Shirou, and Musashi Chohide sitting down. On the ground, my body was paralyzed from fright, and I kept talking about ghosts.

The good thing is done, the name is indeed not left, the goal is achieved.

But Shirou can't bear to be treated as a ghost, who has no wink?Thinking of him as a ghost?

Have you ever seen such a handsome ghost?

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