
"Ghost, ghost! The dead are resurrected!" Muto Nagahide choked out these words tremblingly, his face turned pale with fright, and his twitching face made Shirou think he was watching a video of ghosts and animals.

"What a ghost. The old man is not dead." Shirou rolled his eyes at him, "It's all right now, the villagers can't see the figure of the old man chopping up demons and goblins, how will you pay for it?"

"Wait, this elder." Hearing this, Izo Sanada quickly put away his sword so as not to appear disrespectful to him, "You know my junior?"

"I know." Shirou said angrily, "After seeing the ghost on the mountain, this guy ran away, faster than the Hong Kong reporter. If it weren't for the old man, the siblings would have died. You warriors , Collecting taxpayers’ money, but not working, what kind of tax do you collect? You will be shot in the future. If you return the money to them, they can buy some food anyway, and be a dead ghost.”


The problems that money can solve have never been problems, at least Izo Sanada feels that his life is more valuable than money.

Sanada Izo immediately took out his own purse, and took out Muto Nagahide's purse, and made a dochiza: "Elder, we were wrong, we have eyes but don't know Mount Tai, please forgive me."

Chapter 4 Shirou's New Residence

"Take the money for the old man. Why do I need your money? You give the money to the villagers." Shirou looked at them looking at each other in embarrassment and gave up the plan.

It is estimated that the landlord's family has no food left.It's okay for them to give themselves some money, but to give money to the villagers, even if there are only fifty people in the village, it is difficult to divide.

"Get up." Shirou hit their heads with the back of his knife.

The two of them stood awkwardly, didn't know how to place their hands, their legs seemed to be half-squatting, but they didn't seem to be half-squatting.

Seeing them like this, Shirou couldn't help saying: "Can't you stand up straighter? Put your hands on your thighs, hold your chest up and raise your head."

Then the two people's legs became an X shape, and they tried to stand up straight but couldn't stand up straight, and their bodies were trembling.

The consequences of kneeling and sitting too much.Shirou turned a blind eye and pretended nothing happened.

He projected some bells and ropes at random, and Shirou handed them over: "Here, follow me."

"Elder, what do we want us to do?" Sanada Izo asked suspiciously.

"Don't call me elder."

"What's that called?" Sanada looked at Shirou in confusion.

Seeing the suffocated look of the two warriors, Ah Xie was extremely proud: "Hmph, you don't know this? You have to call Grandpa."

"Grandpa, grandpa! What are we going to do?" Sanada Izo hurriedly changed his words.

"Isn't it because the embroidered pillows in your group can't even beat such a weak ghost? The old man deploys some exorcism arrays first, so that these villagers won't see ghosts every day. These bells are broken in this array. When you fall, you can give an early warning so that the old man can rush over to save people." Shirou looked at the two standing in a daze, and yelled at them, "The children have come to help, what are you still doing? "

"Yes yes yes!" Sanada Izo and Muto Nagahide rushed over immediately to hang the bell by string.

Although it wasn't too complicated, it took a lot of time. After a lot of tossing, it was almost night, and Shirou's exorcism array was also well arranged, and it was time to eat some food.

But Shirou is a clever man, but he can't cook without rice, and he is not someone who can pour rice with a bucket, so he still has to buy some rice from the villagers.

"Grandpa, I'm good at this!" Muto Nagahide immediately expressed his loyalty, and kicked the door of the house he found.

"My fellow, Grandpa Warrior is hungry and wants to eat your rice. Open the door quickly, or else..."

Shirou took the back of the sword and slapped Muto Nagahide, making him howl.

"Do you know what's wrong?" Shirou asked.

"I know..." Muto Nagahide didn't understand what it meant.

Shirou glared again, Muto Nagahide nodded immediately: "I know I was wrong! Grandpa!"

Shirou sighed. It is really difficult to popularize the idea of ​​serving the people these days, and he can't pretend to be good at it. With this attitude, he will be sprayed to death by Internet keyboard warriors in the future.

At this moment, the door opened tremblingly, and a head poked out from inside: "Wu, Lord Warrior, please spare me."

Especially the Shirou standing in front of him now looks very strong, unlike the two samurai just now, which made this man even more flustered.

"Buy, buy some rice." Seeing this man like this, Shirou didn't know what to say to him.

The man hurried into the house, then ran out again, and got a bag of rice.

"Here, here you are!" He looked frustrated, and muttered, "I just harvested this year, and it seems that the child's mother is going to pick some wild fruits again..."

But he stopped talking and saw the silver in his hand.

"Here, rice coins, this amount should be enough for rice coins. Go to the market tomorrow to buy some, eat something good, don't be hungry." After Shirou finished speaking, he led the people away without looking back.

I went hunting again and hunted a wild boar. Today's food can be regarded as settled, so I can get some ice cubes and put them in the kiln, which will be enough for tomorrow.

"Excuse me." Sanada Izou saluted, showing respect to Shirou for cooking for them.

Nagahide Muto looked at it and imitated it decently: "I'm sorry to trouble you."

After waving his hand, Shirou said, "It can be regarded as some reward for helping the old man."

Shirou sat on the ground, looking at the thatched cottage, he felt pretty good, especially since there was a room next to it that could forge iron and swords.

Ah Xie sniffed the smell wafting from the bowl, and his saliva almost flowed out.

"It looks delicious." As Xie said, he put his younger brother down, picked up the spoon, scooped up some soup, blew it gently, and handed it to his younger brother's mouth, "Ah, good boy, ah—really good."

The two warriors looked at A Xie in a daze. Why did they eat it before calling for it?

"Eat, don't be dumbfounded. Do you think the dishes made by the old man are not delicious?"

"Isn't it good to have no manners?" Muto Nagahide scratched his head and asked awkwardly.

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