Chapter 7 Miyamoto Musashi can't be a girl!

"Hi, hello. Thank you for saving us." Sanada Yizang quickly thanked Gudazi, but the constricted pupils could not conceal his panic at all.

Gu Dazi knew the reason immediately, and quickly explained: "I am a person who studies Western magic, so it is normal for me to know a thing or two about close-up strategies."

Sanada Izo nodded quickly: "Yes, yes, it's very normal."

Just kidding, who dares to deny this?If you deny it, you will be torn off by the girl in front of you who has the same hair and eye color as Grandpa Muramasa!

The horror of that ghost just now is still vivid in my mind!

Gu Dazi glanced at Sanada Yizang's face and knew that he didn't believe in himself at all.

Woohoo, I'm going to be regarded as a violent girl.

It's just that there was no time to feel emotional, these ghosts rushed up again, Gu Dazi immediately threw out his fists, jumped slightly, and while flying into the air, his legs flicked, and the wild ghosts were scattered as if they had been hit by a shell.

Sanada Izo and Muto Nagahide sat on the ground and stared wide-eyed.

Master of martial arts! ?

It's fine if you can't beat Grandpa Muramasa, but don't the two of them look like they can't even beat a girl who is much younger than them?Are people with orange-red hair monsters?

Soon, all the ghosts and ghosts retreated.

Nearly half of them were beaten to the ground by Gu Dazi with his fists and legs.

"Wow, that's amazing. The big sister in the strange clothes and the big sister in the gorgeous clothes are both amazing. Much better than those two warriors!" Axiong said cheerfully, with a hint of the joy of surviving after a catastrophe.

"It's okay." Gu Dazi gave up the action of proving himself to be a very elegant and noble woman in front of others, and sighed.

Every time she came to a new singularity, she tried to create this impression, but every time, she failed.

This is the last time, Gu Dazi looked up at the sky, and failed for the last time!

Next time, I will definitely create the feeling that I am an elegant nobleman!

Definitely won't tear the enemy down again!

"By the way, what are you guys here for?" Axie took out a bamboo tube graciously, which contained a lot of water, "Do you want some water?"

"Thank you."

Gu Dazi drank a little gracefully, then handed the bamboo tube to Musashi, who drank a lot in big gulps, showing a satisfied expression: "It's really delicious."

"Well, we need to find something to eat now. We haven't eaten for a while." Gu Dazi answered Axie's question, and aimed at the trembling warrior duo who dared not speak. Basket and paper.

what is it?

"Huh? If that's the case, do you want to come to grandpa's thatched cottage to have a big meal?" A Xie pointed to the two people behind him, "They are delivering newspapers and today's dinner to grandpa."

Musashi heard it, and hurried over, and found that the bamboo basket held by Sanada Izo was almost full of meat, and there were some ice cubes? !

"Your grandpa really knows how to enjoy it." Musashi exclaimed, "It seems that there is a big meal today! Finally, you don't have to eat bugs, Gudazi!"

"There's still tea, there's still tea!" Ah Xie said with narrowed eyes and a smile.

Musashi looked at the things next to the two of them, and suddenly realized: "It turns out that the reason why you two were chased by the ghost with A Xie was because you took these things?"

The two could only nod their heads awkwardly.

They were also ashamed to say that they just ran away because they couldn't beat them. When someone gave them a step, they went straight down.

"But it doesn't matter, anyway, the monster has been cured, and if it doesn't work, there will be me and Gudazi." Musashi narrowed his eyes and laughed, but was soon interrupted by Gudazi.

Gu Dazi covered her face and stared at the dark clouds outside through her fingers, she couldn't bear to watch it anymore.

"Musashi-chan, please keep your words to a minimum. Your poisonous milk is terrible, and the monsters have appeared again!"

"Ahem..." Musashi coughed in embarrassment, "Is my mouth really open? No wonder I said that the village is coming soon, and then I lost my way after walking for a while. I feel like something is going to come out when I play a lottery pinball game Yes, and after I said it, I always spent a lot of money and didn’t get anything.”

The pain of Africa...

Gudazi didn't feel anything, anyway, she only needed to throw fifteen holy crystals or five amulets to summon a powerful servant, and she couldn't feel the pain of the Africans at all.

Just as they were in a fighting posture, a flash of light flew by. The sharp marksmanship was flawless, and each shot could kill people.

Musashi drew out his two sabers, breaking out in a cold sweat. If the trajectory of the spear was pointed at her, she was not very sure that she would be able to catch it perfectly.

The sky suddenly cleared, which meant that all the ghosts were dead!

Gu Dazi stared in front of him dumbfounded, completely unaware of what was going on.

"It must be Miss Gudazi's supernatural power. She is invincible with her fist. It is too terrifying and powerful! These wild ghosts are so scared that they dare not come. As a magician, the power of one punch is so terrifying. It is really a role model for my generation. "

Muto Changxiu patted the horse's leg, but was slapped on the ground by Gu Dazi's backhand, and fell to the ground.

"I told you I'm not violent!" Gu Dazi blushed and said loudly, "Can magicians be called close combat..."

"Okay, okay." Musashi comforted Gudazi, "As the only magician in Chaldea, I don't even have this ability, how can I do it? Diversified skills are a good thing!"

Gu Dazi sighed, knowing that it would be very difficult for him to change the impression of others.

Especially in the eyes of some people, maybe this kind of behavior is quite in line with their appetite, such as Musashi, and a group of perverts in Chaldea.

"However, your Excellency should not be hostile, right? That fierce marksmanship..." Musashi admired, "How crisp and neat. There is no fuss, and every shot is perfect. Could it be the marksmanship of Baozangyuan?"

Before the words fell, a bald head jumped out from the side.

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