This surprised Gu Dazi: "Too hardworking, have you lost your hair?"

"I feel that this sentence is very rude, my lady. But although the boxing technique just now looks immature, it is obviously from the master's teaching." Baozangyuan saluted with one hand, "Poor monk Baozangyuan Yinshun."

"I'm Weigong Gudazi." Gudazi returned the salute, "My mother taught me boxing, but later I studied with Master Li for a while."

"No wonder! Master Li? The surname is Li—it seems to be a heroic spirit of China." Baozangyuan suddenly became respectful, "The poor monk knows about this, and the servants there are very powerful."

"I'm Miyamoto Musashi." Musashi's eyes were eager to try.

"I've heard the name of the public -- eh, isn't that right? Shinmen Musashimori Fujiwara Gennobu?"

Takano-in rubbed his eyes: "No! Shinmen Musashi can't be a girl!"

Grasping the gap in Baozangyuan, Musashi swung the knife over: "Look at the move!"

Chapter 8 The seven of you are already surrounded by my Gudazi!

"Don't fight, don't fight." Gu Dazi looked helplessly at the two in front of him.

"Especially Musashi-chan, who was so eager to try, he rushed up and slashed at the other party. If it weren't for Mr. Baozangyuan's superb skills, I think he would have turned into a corpse, right?"

"Hey hey hey..." Musashi tapped his head slightly with his fist, stuck out his tongue, and squinted his eyes, "I guess so?"

"Musashi-chan, don't be so cute!" Gu Dazi increased his strength.

"Gudazi is lighter, lighter! Someone made a mistake!" Musashi struggled, but begged for mercy after a while, and now she was pinned down by Gudazi, unable to move at all.

"It's good to know it's wrong." Gu Dazi sighed, "Really, Chaldea's followers are often like Musashi-chan, playing around every day, as if they are not satisfied if they don't fight for a day. "

"Is there any way to do this? Servants were also heroes before they were alive, right? Heroes like to fight when they are full and have nothing to do." Musashi defended the servants of Chaldea.

"Speaking of which, what is Chaldea?" Baozangyuan touched his bald head and asked suspiciously, "Servant, do you also know?"

After some understanding, Treasure Institute finally knew what Chaldea was.

"It sounds really powerful." Baozangyuan admired, "Is it just Miss Gudazi as a combatant? It's really hard work, Miss Gudazi is much stronger than I imagined."

After receiving the compliment, Gudazi scratched his head shyly: "Where is that..."

Musashi was more enthusiastic than Gudazi, as if she was the one who participated.

"After all, Gudazi has seen a lot of battles. What kind of enemies and scenes has she never seen? Let me tell you, those people on Guidao, Gudazi chatted and laughed happily with them."

"Si Guoyi—" A Xie's eyes lit up, and A Zhu behind him followed A Xie in admiration.

"It's getting late, let's go to Grandpa's thatched cottage to rest for a while?" Sanada Izo suggested.

"Yeah, senpai, I can't bear to get that good sword forged by my grandfather." Muto Nagahide was more excited than Sanada Izo when he thought of this, "Senior, let me play tricks when the time comes." chant?"

"Knife? Is grandpa very proficient in forging?" Musashi was also aroused when he heard this topic. For her, knives are much more important than clothes.

Knife is life!

"Let's hurry up, maybe we can get to the hermitage before dark, and then buy a knife to try!!—Eh?"

The azure blue sky was suddenly stained red with blood, and a blood moon hung high.The air froze, and the grass seemed to wilt. The situation was very wrong.

"What's going on?" Baozangyuan looked at the creepy sky that enveloped them a little calmly, but found Gudazi next to him as if he didn't see anything.

He couldn't help smiling wryly, he had seen it a lot, isn't this kind of anomaly a problem to her?

"Musashi-chan, I said I don't want milk...but it's completely different from the previous one, the blood-red moon." Gudazi looked around and clenched his fists vigilantly.

"This seems to be a sign of the boss's appearance. Generally speaking, there will be a lot of mobs. We are outnumbered, and we can't beat-run!" Gu Dazi relied on his experience of going to the singularity and playing games so many times. Based on experience, he immediately judged the meaning of the current scene.

Gu Dazi hugged Ah Zhu up, and quickly asked the direction.

"Huh?" Treasure House was dumbfounded.

Gudazi, why are you so proficient?How many times have you escaped?

But before Baozangyuan could say anything, he ran with Gudazi. After all, there were not so many monsters and ghosts around.

"Here, here!"

Axie pointed at the bamboo forest and got in, and Gu Dazi got in too.

There were indeed fewer monsters and ghosts in this bamboo forest, but they were soon surrounded.

"Why do these things run so fast?" Gu Dazi smiled wryly, put down Asuke, and punched the charging ghost.

But these monsters seem to be getting stronger and stronger under this blood moon - they could be killed with a single punch, but now they are only injured.

And the situation is extremely unfavorable now, especially since she can't connect to Chaldea yet.

No matter how severe the situation was before, at least she could summon the servants she was familiar with, command their shadows of heroic spirits, and defeat countless powerful enemies.

"Looks like we've got it." Baozangyuan raised his gun.

Musashi drew his swords and made a gesture.

Even Muto Naghide and Sanada Izo drew out their knives at this time, guarding their surroundings.

"Hozoin, Musashi-chan, I leave it to you. The two samurai, please protect Ashi and the others!"

After Gu Dazi finished speaking, he threw out both fists, and the wild ghost was knocked into the air, and then sent whip legs to the ghosts who rushed up again, kicking the ghosts away.

The situation is getting more and more unfavorable, and this does not mean these ghosts who are not very threatening.

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