Even she can deal with a few of these things.But this blood moon is absolutely abnormal, there must be someone hiding behind it, plotting something.

The wild ghosts were quickly defeated, but Gu Dazi still did not dare to relax his vigilance.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of them. There was no sneak attack, let alone superfluous movements, but it felt full of oppression, much stronger than those little soldiers before.

Musashi didn't dare to neglect, and even took two steps back.

"Evil aura—a monster aura stronger than before?! Who is it?"

"Of course, we are heroic swordsmen, not the same as those evil spirits."

Saying so, the figure got closer to them.

Ah Xie and Ah Zhu were so frightened that their bodies trembled a little, and Ah Zhu even burst into tears.

"What's the situation—didn't the [-]th year of Kanei end the Shimabara Rebellion? It should be a peaceful era, how could it be like this? It all smells like blood—" Musashi gritted his teeth and groaned In front of Dazi.

Bows and arrows flew from all directions, Baozangyuan played a trick and shot down all the arrows.

"It's excellent, let's try this trick—"

"It's my turn, isn't it?" Another voice interrupted the archery woman, as if competing for a toy.

Treasure House scanned them and counted—1,2,3, [-], [-]...

"So many, are they all heroic spirits?"

"Servant—" Gudazi looked at the black shadow, "it's all of them."

It's going to be bad now.

"That's right, that's exactly—"

But the words were interrupted, and Musashi slashed at him with a knife.

"Dead? No, not dead?" Musashi murmured incredulously, "Obviously his head was broken."

Gu Dazi immediately made a judgment in his heart.

This hits your sister, but I can't beat it.

slip away.

But how to create opportunities?

Gu Dazi took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "Listen up, the seven of you are already surrounded by me, surrender quickly, surrender quickly!"

Chapter 9 Purgatorium is born!

"So why are we running all of a sudden?" Musashi asked dumbfounded.

"That can't be helped." Gu Dazi's eyes narrowed into a greater than less than sign (><), "Dad taught me to say something unexpected at such a time, but I didn't teach the operation afterwards. I'm gone."

"Your father is really a strange man." Baozangyuan shot towards him, knocking the monster flying. "Is it Wei Gong? What a rare surname."

There are more and more enemies, especially the sword hero and heroic spirit behind him.

If this continues, it will all be over, right?

Treasure House stopped.

"Hurry up and run away. I'll kill you."

There was a crisp sound as the gun collided with the knife.

"Treasure Institute?" Gudazi wanted to stop, but was stopped by Musashi.

"Run, don't stop!"

Gudazi bit his lip.

Leaving Baozangyuan alone in this way means to treat him as an abandoned child.

She doesn't want to be like this, abandoning others, or what, that kind of thing has been experienced a lot, but it makes her even more unwilling to experience it.

When she was in Jerusalem and Camelot, even if she knew it was the singularity, after she went there, as long as the singularity was resolved, everything, those she saved or not, would disappear.That is to say, as long as the singularity is resolved, nothing will matter, the human will be repaired, and the distorted history will disappear.

But she couldn't do that, but she couldn't just watch other people being killed and die in front of her eyes.

Seeing others happy makes her happy, and seeing others killed makes her sad too.Even if the servant can be resurrected after death, she doesn't want to see such a scene, it is no longer the original person, it is just a spiritual existence with the same name.

She fantasizes that she can stay and fight a bloody road with Musashi and Baozangyuan, whether it is an rpg game or something else, but she doesn't want to leave only Baozangin.


As soon as Gu Dazi spoke, he froze.

Only she can't die in battle like this. If Baozangyuan dies, he will return to the Heroic Soul Seat. Even if Musashi dies, he will die at most, that's all.

But she is the only combatant in Chaldea.Even if she had no conscience, she had to live.

Gu Dazi nodded: "I leave it to you!"

Baozangyuan smiled: "Understood, leave it to the poor monk."

The enemy stopped chasing Gudazi, and Baozangyuan smiled happily, so he felt relieved.

"So, are you ready to die?" Baozangyuan said confidently.

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