If he risked his life, even if there were seven people on the other side, he still had the confidence to eliminate one or two.

"Hmph, there's a lot of big talk. Monks are also telling lies?" Heroic swordsmen surrounded Baozangyuan.

"Who knows? Although the sword energy is very powerful, I am far inferior to you in terms of magic power-but behind me there are beautiful female warriors, children, and young people who work hard for mankind. How can I say that poor monk You have to stop here too, so you won't be allowed to pass!"

"Then die!"

The guns collided with the swords, and the seven people fought against Baozangyuan, but Baozangyuan managed to maintain it, and did not even lose the wind.

The three of them drew their swords at the same time and stabbed directly at Baozangyuan, but Baozangyuan didn't rush, but jumped slightly, hit the tip of the sword, and flew into the sky.

Staying in the air is extremely dangerous for martial artists, no matter what they want to do, there is no support point, but Baozangyuan, as a marksman master, will never make such low-level mistakes.

A sudden sweep of guns in the air forced all the people around him to retreat, even allowing him to find a gap.

Have the opportunity!

Baozangyuan has no intention or idea of ​​simply sending him to death. What he wants to do is to cut off one of his fingers, and then he will reunite with Gudazi!

The spear slashed down suddenly, Heroic Sword Demon gritted his teeth and did not dodge.

Now as long as you dodge, you will be caught in a bigger gap, which means that at this time, the only correct choice is to take the opponent's blow!

But he felt the pain in his heart.

"Nani?" Sword Demon lowered his head.

Obviously it should be blocked, but how could it be, how could it be like this?

The sword just now, didn't block it?

No, no, it was stabbed in the heart after the arm was broken!

"Unfortunately, your heart has already been shot by me." Baozangyuan drew his gun and looked at the surrounding heroic swordsmen vigilantly, but did not notice the panic on their faces.

Instead - ridicule?

"This sentence should be left to me, Baozangyuan, lancer." Sword Demon sneered, "Although you are indeed very powerful, so what?"

Wearing a cloak and covering his face with a cloth, the sword demon and the other heroic swordsmen blocked Treasure-in, making Treasure-in unable to move.

"Caster, I'll leave the rest to you." Seeing this, Sword Demon took two steps back.

"Understood, leave it to me. Take it, my glorious pentagram!"

Following Caster's words, a scarlet five-star magic circle was engraved on Baozangyuan's body.

The head, arms, and legs became the apex of the pentagram, and there was a strange smell, an extremely foul smell of blood.

"What?" Baozangyuan opened his eyes wide and groaned in pain (harmoniously). He felt as if he was plunged into a sea of ​​blood, as if he was about to become an existence equal to these heroic swordsmen.

"Don't worry, Treasure Inden, soon you will be like us, in order to eliminate all human beings in Japan and kill all living things. Like us, you will become immortal." Caster laughed.

"Is that so? Because of this, you won't die even if your heart is hit." Baozangyuan said, his body twisted suddenly, "Ahhhh—"

"The seventh servant that was missed in the summoning ceremony, Treasure House, means that you are going to be a heroic swordsman. Unlike us, you have developed free will, what a pity, otherwise you wouldn't be in such pain like now " Caster shook his head as if lamenting, "But it doesn't matter, soon you will be stuffed into countless killing karma."

"Stop it, stop it! What are you going to do to the poor monk's spirit core?"


"Reshape your existence. We wait for the majesty of the master, the magician hall! And we wait for the supreme demon king! In the name of becoming Lucifer's Satan—let's fall to the dead of death!" Caster shouted and raised his hand, The pentagram suddenly shone brightly.


Run away, Gudazi, Musashi, samurai and children!

Hozoin prayed with the last consciousness——

Don't get caught up!

Baozangyuan closed his eyes, and smiled wryly at his marksmanship. Although he could shoot gods and Buddhas, he couldn't cut his karma.

No wonder you lost?

Caster opened his hands as if announcing: "Let us welcome the new Heroic Sword Master Lancer Purgatorium"

Author's message:

Translate, the word title should mean purgatory

Chapter 10 Gudazi, let's run!

I don't know how long they ran away, but they were still in the bamboo forest, and they couldn't run anymore.

Gu Dazi panted for a while, wiped his sweat, his eyes lost their luster, and he was thinking about something.

Although the magic talent is not strong, her physical fitness is very good, otherwise she would have been exhausted under countless singularities.

And even if she was tired, according to the previous test, it would take at least an hour.

After running for more than an hour, it is already a long distance, maybe ten kilometers.

Gudazi is very tired and needs to rest for a while.

But compared to her body, her heart was more exhausted.

Just now when she was running, all her energy was on the control of her body, but now as soon as she stopped, her brain started to work, thinking——

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