What will happen to that monk?

Although I haven't seen Yinshun much, Gudazi thinks that he is definitely a hero, worthy of people's expectations of him, and he is not inferior to the followers of Chaldea.

Heroes will always sacrifice themselves for others and abandon themselves in order to save others, so a few of them can escape, panting here, lingering on their last days.

She also thought of Leonardo da Vinci in Jerusalem. He, or she, who was called the Almighty, drove his own artwork and suddenly exploded among the solemn knights. If it wasn't for Lancelot's subconscious rescue man, then—

Da Vinci also left her long ago, right?

At least the one she was familiar with must be dead.

"I don't know what's going on at the Yinshun Hall." Musashi frowned, observing that the surroundings had only gotten darker with the passage of time, he couldn't help feeling a little relieved, and even retracted the two knives into their sheaths.

"Huhu——" Sanada Izou panted, but when he saw Musashi's slender and beautiful appearance, he couldn't help comforting him, "After all, His Highness Yinshun is also a famous spear master in Japan. The existence of the spear god and Buddha, I think Even if you can't beat it, you can run away, right?"

Sanada Izo spoke out Gudazi's heartfelt feelings.

Or what Gudazi has been expecting subconsciously, hoping that Yinshun can come back alive like Da Vinci.

"Master Monk should be able to come back, right?" Axie said anxiously, coaxing Azhu who was on his back, "Be good, don't cry."

"Whoa whoa-"

Musashi touched Asuke's head, wanting to comfort him, but immediately put his hand on the handle of the knife.

"Who is spying on us in this bamboo forest? Please come out and meet us?" Musashi drew out his sword and looked around. The moon didn't turn blood red, so it shouldn't be the heroic swordsman, right?

A familiar figure came out, and a large purple cassock was blown up by the wind, a huge Buddhist bead was wrapped around his neck, and a sharp spear was as sharp as its owner without any complicated parts.

"Master Monk!?" Ah Xie shouted happily.

Seeing the figure of Yinshun appearing, Gudazi had a strange feeling in his heart, did the expectation really come true?Just like buying a lottery ticket, Gudazi was very happy when the correct answer she wanted appeared.

"Great, are you okay?" Gu Dazi breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, but the smile stopped quickly.

She looked at Yinshun who hadn't shown her face yet, feeling a sense of fear.

It seems that there is a feeling that the body is still the same body, but the person is not that person.

Is it an illusion?

Yinshun was silent and did not answer.Time seemed to stop.

The uneasiness in Gudazi's heart became more and more intense. She felt that she was falling, which was more violent than when the elevator descended in Chaldea.

Maybe she didn't even need the elevator, she jumped off the cliff alone, completely unable to control herself.

But there is no bottom, no river, and no land under the cliff. Below is an abyss, a bottomless hole, just like Yinshun's face shrouded in darkness.

Finally, time returned to normal again, and Yinshun spoke.

"...I see, that's how it is...it's not good, it's really not good...how to fight against them."

"His Royal Highness Yinshun?" Musashi's heart also tightened, and Tianyan secretly told her that the situation was wrong.

"Quick, escape."

"Run away, Musashi, Axie, two warriors. Run away, Gudazi. You guys, live! Don't be caught, don't be chased!"

"Don't be caught up by the reborn me!"

The blood moon finally came with these words.

Heroic Swordsman!

Is this metamorphosis?

Gudazi's heart finally fell to the bottom of the cliff, and found that there was indeed a bottom, but the bottom was too deep, and her heart was smashed to pieces.

The blood-red and murderous eyes told Gudazi that this was a situation worse than death.

Living with a body that doesn't belong to me, forced to do things I don't want to do.

The merciful monk wants to join forces with the heroic swordsman and kill all human beings.

So sad.

Especially, at the last moment, still using his own voice, shouting for them to escape.

Gu Dazi clenched his fists.

"I am the one who fell into the blade of all dust and death. I am Lancer Purgatorium (Purgatorium). Babies, children, are all treasures, innocent lives, very good, very good..."

Musashi immediately drew his sword, then slashed, and slashed at Lancer while he was speaking.

The knife comes out of the sheath, and the qi is born.


This unexpected move pointed directly at Lancer's head, and blood erupted from his neck, like a volcano, and the blood splashed three to four meters.

Gu Dazi hurriedly covered Axiu and Asuke's eyes.


The opponent's life is over.

A person whose head is lost is mortal.

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