Death is nothing to be afraid of, at least better than being manipulated.

Gudazi also closed her eyes, she didn't cry, the tears didn't belong to her.

"Hehe, sharp sword, gorgeous slash, but so what?"

Lancer's body worked miraculously, picked up his head, and put it on his neck.

"What?" Musashi's eyes widened.

The two samurai felt that their eyes were going to be blind.

Can people be resurrected after death?Can Anshang still talk?

"Do you think you have won if you lose your head? No, no no no no no. Heroic swordsmen are invincible soldiers, and such mortal weapons are useless to us heroic swordsmen."

"A slash like yours can only chop off the head of a chicken, right?"

Musashi was not provoked, but calmly began to analyze: "So if you don't dodge, you are testing your body? It is absolutely possible to dodge my sword and slash with Yinshundian's skills. I didn't expect that I could be resurrected." .I underestimated you, but chopping off chicken heads really underestimated me."

"Now that I've finished testing my body, now I'll use your blood, the blood of your child, the blood of a warrior, and the blood of Gudazi to test my gun."

Musashi looked at him indifferently: "Get lost."

"Gudazi, let's run!"

Author's message:

Checked that Purgatorium is purgatory, from the German vocabulary

Chapter 11 Shirou is back online

clang clang...

The hammer fell on the sword over and over again, making a crisp sound.

A sword can only take shape after thousands of tempers.

A ray of sunset shot into the forge, and with the last sound, the good sword that Shirou promised finally took shape.

The sun shone on the sword, emitting a dazzling light, and the breath of the underworld lingered on the sword, as if it could cut something that ordinary swords could not.

There is no doubt that in Shirou's opinion, this is also a treasured sword. Although it is not the best that Shirou can make, it is still excellent.It's just that there is still a little bit to cut off the connection between Archer and the Killing Academy.

What's the name?

This is a huge problem.

Shirou is a typical bad name - as strong as his fighting ability is, his naming ability can be weak.

Take a simple example.

If he has a lovely daughter in the future, he might name his daughter something strange like Gudazi.

Shirou decided at this time that his wife must choose the name in the future, otherwise his daughter will be laughed at by his classmates.

As for the sword—

囧囧 pill?

Then add a Muramasa to the suffix?

Shirou resolutely gave up this plan, it's better not to insult his reputation.Let Sanada Izo decide at that time.The name or something, the sword bearer himself decides to go.

Next, prepare the scabbard.

Randomly took the scabbard from the side, Shirou put it on, this thing is regarded as a buy one get one free gift.Although the scabbard is also very important, not every sword's scabbard can be called Avalon. Why do you need a sword if every scabbard is so strong?

Or should I give the vice scabbard first, and then use the scabbard as a condition to seduce Sanada after Yizang returns?

Thinking of this, Shirou put away the sword. He hadn't tried this sword yet. How could he hold flowers, plants or trees to try the sword?

And he is not some crazy warrior who uses ordinary people as props to test his sword.

People with a little bit of conscience would not do this, although there are very few such people in Japan now.

Come out a boss and let him try the knife?

Speaking of it, it's really slow, why haven't you come back?

Suddenly, the sound of a bell rang.


"What should I do? There is a village in front of me." Gudazi asked anxiously.

They ran away for a long time, and it was impossible to fight.According to Musashi, an enemy cannot be defeated unless he has a sword that cuts karma.

But ahead is the village.

If, if it was this lancer purgatorium wearing the coat of Yinshun of Baozangyuan, maybe he would rush in and kill all the people in the village, right?

"Hide in the grass on the side." Musashi pulled Gu Dazi into the grass, and the rest of them also quickly hid in.

"Will this prevent people in the village from dying?" Gu Dazi asked.

"At least it can prevent us from dying." Musashi replied realistically.

Gu Dazi regretted that he had gone this way.

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