If you don't take this road, the villagers will definitely not be in any danger, right?

But if they didn't take this path, they would have no way of finding that very powerful grandfather, and it would be absolutely impossible for them to deal with Baozangyuan Yinshun.

That being the case, there is no regret, even if so many people may die.

"If you don't come out, there's nothing you can do." Lancer looked at the village in front of him with great interest, "Tsk tsk tsk, my gun seems to be lubricated."

"Hmmmm——" Muto Nagahide wanted to stand up, but was immediately pressed down by Sanada Izo, covering his mouth.

"Senior, what are you doing?"

"I just want to ask you, what are you going to do?" Sanada Yizo growled in a low voice, "Are you going to send us all to die?"

"Then are we going to watch the villagers get killed?" Muto Nagahide asked back, his eyes were full of disappointment, and that disappointment was like an arrow, stabbing Sanada Izo's heart.

Sanada Izo fell silent.

Musashi spoke his truth for Sanada Yizang: "If we don't do this, we will all die. It's not just the villagers who die."

Gu Dazi nodded slightly in agreement.

Muto Nagahide glanced at everyone's eyes pleadingly, but no one responded to him.

He gritted his teeth and said: "I remember that Grandpa arranged the formation, as long as you delay a little longer, you can wait for him to come if you delay a little longer."

"Really?" Musashi considered the feasibility.

At this time, the bell rang, which meant that Lancer had stepped into the village.

Looking at Lancer in cassock, the villagers were unprepared, and even greeted: "Ah, it's Mr. Monk."

But the monk's gun was completely devoid of compassion from the monk, and stabbed at the villagers.


Muto Nagahide jumped out.

The samurai sword was pulled out of its sheath immediately, and the spear that was about to stab the villager's heart was blocked with the knife.

"Huh, cricket ordinary warrior, actually want to block my spear?" Lancer looked at Nagahide Muto contemptuously, and stabbed him casually.

Muto Nagahide quickly resisted, but his arm had already been stabbed, the blood was gurgling, and the ground was covered with blood.

But Lancer's next attack was about to come, Nagahide Muto blocked it with one hand, but the other hand was also disabled immediately.

Sanada Izo looked at Nagahide Muto in surprise, and suddenly felt jealous.

Jealous of him being so courageous, that he can be so desperate in the face of a powerful enemy.

Perhaps this is why he also honed his martial arts under Grandpa Muramasa, but his progress is obviously not as great as that of the other party?

Maybe a hero needs to be a little silly sometimes, right?

But at this moment, this hero has been completely exposed to the enemy's gunpoint, without any means of defense, and is not far from death.

Sanada Izo rushed forward, drawing his sword to block the gun.

Although the tip of the sword deviated from the trajectory of the gun, this was too ridiculous for Lancer.


This is complete contempt, but he does have the right to contempt.

Obviously deviated from the trajectory of the gun, but the tip of the gun pierced Sanada Izo's heart.

Death is coming.

"Senior, senior?" Nagahide Muto stared blankly at Izo Sanada's fallen body, ignoring the pain in his hands, and hugged him.

Too reckless?

Muto Nagahide closed his eyes.

Musashi kicked the two of them out, and drew his swords to block Lancer's gun: "You two are really messing around. Although I don't deny that it is a good plan."

Gu Dazi ran to the two of them, checked them, and his face was a little ugly.

It's okay for Muto Changhide to say that only his hands are injured, but Sanada Izo's heart has already been pierced.

"Samurai, what's wrong with the samurai?" Ah Xie gritted his teeth, and ran over with Ah Zhu on his back, staggering.

"Samurai-sama, Samurai-sama? Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

Gu Dazi gently patted Ah Xie's head: "Don't cry, be good. Get out of here quickly and go find grandpa."

"Can you save them if you find Grandpa?" A Xie asked in tears.

Gudazi was silent for a while: "Yes."

"Don't talk to yourself, I can't bring the dead back to life, right?"

Shirou drew his sword: "It seems that there is someone to try the sword on."

Author's message:

Calvin is so sad.

Chapter 12 Wraith Chase Muramasa

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