"Yes, it seems that you have noticed, Gudazi. Qianzi Muramasa is my current name."

Gudazi keenly noticed some problems in what Shirou said-the current name.

Is there still a name from the past?

"It's amazing, no wonder you can continue to survive so many battles." Shirou praised, "The observation skills are very good. Thousand Sons Village is my current name, to be precise, it is the name of this spirit foundation. As for me, it doesn’t matter if I don’t say anything, the nameless person was just given this name, sent by God (Alaya). I’m also a servant, and my job title is Saber. Anyway, it’s quite troublesome, Saber..."

"It feels a bit like Mr. Kojiro's situation." Gu Dazi was also well-informed and commented very accurately.


Shirou looked around and thought about whether he still had a sword that he could forge but was thrown aside by himself.

There seems to be one, right?

"Gudazi, look for it for me. Is there any sword I forged." Shirou looked at the things at the bottom of the box, but there seemed to be none?

"What is this for?" Gu Dazi flipped through it in confusion.

"The sword for Musashi...doesn't seem to be there? Then I can only make another one——"

While Shirou was talking, Gudazi took out a sword: "Old man, I found it!"

But it doesn't matter if you don't see it, it's startling when you see it.

"Put it down, put it down quickly! Gudazi, throw it aside!"

Gudazi hurriedly followed suit.

Shirou breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's wrong with this sword?" Gu Dazi squatted down suspiciously, looking at the sword on the ground.

Picking up the sword with an ominous aura, Shirou touched his forehead helplessly.

Why hasn't he thrown away this sword yet?

"Although I have stepped into the realm of the demon realm and can cut iron like mud, this sword is not the sword I want to forge." Shirou sighed, "The dream of a swordsmith is to create a sword that can cut off all karma, those nothingness The sword. And this sword is completely useless. Even if it cuts iron like mud, it is not very useful..."

No, even if it is useless to Shirou——

It can also be used to deceive people!

Shirou pondered for a while.

Give it to Musashi?

Chapter 15 Goal, Rustic City!

Early the next morning, when Musashi was about to practice those two guys again, she received Shirou's sword.

"Take it."

"For me?" Musashi took the sword with trembling hands.

Is there really a saying in life?

Musashi's luck in this life was not very good, or he felt that the village was very close, and then said that the weather was fine and the village was approaching, and then he got lost.

Or something. The weather is fine, and then it gets cloudy.

This is simply unreasonable!

Especially yesterday, after thinking that I could find a good knife maker to forge a good knife for myself, it was gone again.

A person's fate is really unknown.

Musashi had lamented her bad luck last night, and secretly made up her mind that if she didn't have a sword that could cut off karma, she would hone the skills to cut off karma.

But she was hit by the joy that fell from the sky.

At this moment, Musashi smiled like a hundred-level hero, feeling the true meaning of life.

That is to shout: I must be poor and ugly, and my life will be gloomy in the future!

Then the world will be transformed.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Thank you, Grandpa Muramasa! I love you to death!"

"Hey!" Shirou dodged Musashi's pounce impatiently, "Give me guna!"

"Hey hey hey - thank you, Gudazi, Gudazi, I love you so much!" Musashi's joy at this moment was beyond words, and it was almost overflowing like a torrential river.

"Musashi-chan!" Gudazi couldn't breathe from being hugged, a little dumbfounded.

After finishing all this, Musashi said to Sanada Izo and Muto Nagahide outside the door: "You two, come, come, let's continue practicing swords today."

For these two people, Musashi has been dissatisfied for a long time.

At least one full day!

Yesterday, she slashed at the two of them in a fit of anger, but she didn't gain much of an advantage.

Today, she got the treasured sword, so she has to talk to them about physics, such as Newton's first and third laws, and what is the second law of basic physics.You can talk about the theory of relativity after a while.

Seeing Musashi like this, the two panicked.

It's okay for Sanada Yizang to say that since he died once yesterday, he also took Wraith Chase, which is very compatible with him, and his sword skills have improved greatly within a day.

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