But Nagahide Muto couldn’t do it. If there was no Izo Sanada to stop him, he would probably be hammered into meatloaf by a "slender" girl with a sword.

"They played with you for so long yesterday, aren't you satisfied?" Shirou couldn't stand it anymore, "You should restrain your excitement. Although you got the clumsy sword forged by the old man, don't be so happy. "

"Isn't it unbearable?" Musashi immediately became serious when he heard Shirou's words, "When I held this treasured sword in my hand, although it was not out of its sheath, the demonic energy around the scabbard was already telling it This sword is not only a good sword, but also has the powerful power to cut off karma. As long as you have a little skill, I believe that you can deal with Baozang Yuandian."

Speaking of this, the light in Musashi's eyes dimmed a bit.

"The words are still pleasant." Shirou laughed, and he was a little proud, "Although this sword is a defective product in a certain sense, it can also temper some skills. I will give it to you."

"But you have to pay attention, you have to be careful when you draw your sword, don't be contaminated by the devilish energy..."

Shirou began to give orders.

"Probably so."

"Grandpa, you are very similar to my dad. You are like an old mother. My mother's work in this area has been taken over by my father. My mother will always talk about my father when he comes back." Goo Dazi was completely out of restraint and teased.

It’s okay if Musashi said something, but this is what Gudako said——

My daughter is right!

I just need to find a place to release my anger.

For example, here is a punching bag.

"Come on, you come with the old man. The old man is here to practice swords with you."

So Shirou used this reason to temper his sword skills for almost an hour.

After returning to take a sip of tea, Shirou finally got down to business.

"Gudazi, according to you, every time there is a singularity, there will be a Holy Grail, right?"

"Well, yes. So I suspect that this time is also related to the Holy Grail. Although I always feel that this time is slightly different from the singularity."

Gudazi scratched her cheek, saying that she was still in Chaldea before she came here, and then suddenly passed out and appeared here, Chaldea is probably still in chaos, right?

"Finally found something to do." Shirou took out the map he drew. On the map, the closest to the village is Ruqicheng, which is on the east side.

"The old man has heard about the heroic swordsman. Generally speaking, the holy grail is to summon seven knights of heroes. If these heroic swordsmen are all here to destroy, then we need to eliminate a whole six enemies." Shirou pointed to the map, He took a brush and drew a circle, "If they really want to cause damage, then the city must be their target."

Izo Sanada and Nagahide Muto looked at each other, why haven't they heard about the Heroic Swordsman?

"Your newspapers are not very useful at all. Basically, I found out by asking the villagers or passing businessmen, but at the time I felt that the news was a mixed bag of truth and falsehood, so I didn't pay much attention to it. Some of them said Heroic Swordsman , some said other things, a lot of useless information. I believed it last time, and ran over and found nothing." Shirou said, his face turned dark.

What happened that time gave Shirou a lot of dark memories, and it was for this reason that Shirou didn't take the initiative to attack foolishly.

This is the case with intelligence. There is a lot of information in front of you, and it is difficult for you to find the correct information.Finding the truth through the fog is difficult.

Sanada Izo remained silent.

So as not to make Shirou angry by saying something.

"Rustic city, the name seems so rustic." Gu Dazi looked at the map for a long time, but he didn't see any strategic value.

"That said, the city is still very prosperous." Musashi explained in a timely manner.

Indeed, Ruqicheng is considered very prosperous in Japan, and it is said that there are nearly [-] people.

Sanada Izo and the others went to this city before, otherwise there would not be so many newspapers for Shirou.

The goal of the Heroic Swordsman is to submit the world to death. Although their goal is almost impossible to achieve, even if all humans in Japan are wiped out, they may be overwhelmed by monsters at the level of Heroic Spirits if they run to the other side. But exterminating all humans in Japan can be said to be a very terrifying thing,

Therefore, for Gudazi, no matter what the purpose is, it is to stop them and solve them.

In this case, Ruqi City is indeed a very good choice.

"Then—target, Rustic City!"

Chapter 16

Although it is not comparable to modern metropolises, in this era, the Rustic City is indeed very prosperous—compared to the desolate countryside around it.

"The Rustic City is ahead. I don't know if we should charge tolls." Shirou rubbed his chin.

"Toll?" Axie looked at Shirou in confusion, and Asuke yelled.

The two of them also followed, after all, it was quite dangerous for them to stay in the village, and it would be nice to follow to see the prosperity of the city.

"With us here, it will definitely not happen." Sanada Izo immediately expressed his determination.

"Hey, even if you want to accept it, we won't give it to you." Musashi smiled.

Sanada Izou looked at Musashi tremblingly.

The scene of the fight yesterday was still fresh in his memory.

When practicing swords with Shirou, he is often the one to attack, while Shirou defends, and basically does not put too much pressure on Sanada Yizo.

But Musashi is completely different. With that oppressive attack, every time he fails to resist it, he will be bounced a few meters away, right?This slender girl seemed to have spared a lot of energy and didn't aim at those vital parts, otherwise ten of them would have been blown away by the hammer.

Even so, Yizo blocked Musashi's sword and felt numbness in his arm.

Without that sword and the fact that he had died, maybe he wouldn't be able to last a round, right?

"Hey, what did you do yesterday? They were so flustered." Shirou asked in a low voice, "How much strength did you use to temper them yesterday? Didn't you open your eyes?"

"No. How could I open my eyes to deal with them? Wouldn't they be corpses after opening my eyes? This move is for killing people. Grandpa Muramasa, I'm still a little bit measured." Musashi scratched his cheek, "As for No matter how much force they used, maybe [-]% of it. They haven't lost yet!"

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