Still haven't lost yet?

Shirou glanced at the trembling arms of Sanada Izo and Muto Nagahide, and couldn't help feeling sympathetic to them.

Isn't this [-]% force too big?

There were two warriors here, and naturally no one stopped them when they entered the city, and they walked into the city smoothly.

There are many pedestrians around, but the city is relatively clean.

After asking the passers-by for a while, they seemed to know little about what had happened recently.

Heroic swordsmen and the like are regarded as urban legends, and then, as if they are very relieved, they say that the samurai adults will protect them.

"I will protect them..." Sanada Izo wiped the sweat from his brow, he felt that his life would be shortened by several years.

don't you?Let them go, afraid that they will be stabbed to death with one shot?

"Protect the citizens well." Shirou said earnestly, almost not laughing out loud.

"Come on?" Sanada Izo wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Okay, okay, stop molesting others. Continue to collect information." Gu Dazi smoothed things out and pointed to the tall building in the distance, "Is that the Tianshou Pavilion? I didn't expect to see such a thing here Woolen cloth."

"Yeah, it's completely different from the history I know. I didn't even know there was such a city as Ruqicheng, let alone such a prosperous city." Musashi didn't care much about the abnormality, but was very interested in the castle tower. "That castle tower feels pretty good, why don't we go and have a look?"

"I want to see it too!" Axie opened his eyes wide, his face full of curiosity, "Asuke also said he wanted to climb."

"It's rare to come out, so let's collect information and climb the mountain..." Shirou was interrupted before he could finish speaking.

"Looking at you looking around at a loss, do you come from the countryside? In fact, I did the same, and I came here with great difficulty. Did you just look at the castle tower there? It looks like the sky. It's like a fairy city."

Turning around, a beautiful woman with pink hair, fox ears, fox tail, good face and blue dress said so to them.

And judging from the aura on her body, she doesn't look like an ordinary person, but makes people feel like a servant?

"Yuzaoqian? Xiaoyu?" Gu Dazi asked in surprise, "Are you here too?"

"Eh? Do you know me?" Yuzao blinked and asked suspiciously, "Are you an acquaintance? Sorry, I really don't remember you. Obviously, you can recognize me as long as you have seen me."

"Uh—it doesn't seem to be that Xiaoyu." Gu Dazi looked disappointed, thinking he had seen someone he knew.

"The two of them know each other?" Shirou asked Musashi in a low voice, looking at Tamamo.

"It should be?" Musashi nodded.

"Do they know each other well?" Shirou asked nervously.

"Very familiar. Speaking of which, Gudazi doesn't have any unfamiliar Heroic Spirits, right? As long as it's a Heroic Spirit of Chaldea, no, as long as it's a Heroic Spirit—it seems that it's easy to get along with a servant you just met." Musashi thought for a while and said, "Isn't Grandpa Muramasa the same?"

"Can the matter of the old man be regarded as a relationship?" Shirou stared, "The matter of the old man cannot be regarded as a good relationship."

"Yeah, yes." Musashi said perfunctorily, this is not a good way to get closer, and the favorability is almost skyrocketing.

"By the way, are you interested in coming to my shop? There is always a feeling that we are all degenerates. Geisha Xiaoyu, please be polite." Yuzao blinked playfully.

Shirou couldn't help but nodded.

He has been in the countryside for a month, and he is almost moldy. Wouldn't it be nice to watch some performances?

"Do you have dumplings? Do you have dumplings?" Musashi asked excitedly, rubbing his stomach.

"That's right." Yuzao was very happy to see that they were going to come.

"But there are children here too." Gu Dazi touched the head of A Xie and A Zhu, "Is this not very good?"

"I'm just kidding." Musashi smiled awkwardly for a while, "Grandpa Muramasa, right? I'm just kidding."

"Yeah." Shirou nodded quickly, he was actually in favor of it just now, and this gesture must not be discovered by Gu Dazi.

"Can I bother you? - You are a man of destiny!"

When Gudazi didn't pay attention, a beautiful figure rushed over and threw her to the ground.

"Qing Ji?" Gu Dazi turned pale with shock.

Qing Ji rubbed Gu Dazi's chest, and asked excitedly: "It's great that the man of destiny knows me. Hurry up and abduct me, and then we will be hunted down together!"

Shirou glanced at Kiyohime on the ground, and the lily bloomed suddenly.

"Hey, Musashi, the ones who are more familiar with Gudazi are girls, right?" Shirou asked in a low voice, "Is it all?!"

"Yeah." Musashi nodded quickly.

Shirou nodded: "That's good, it's better than meeting a dubious man."

Is it the face of a woman?

Chapter 17 A Wild Kotaro Appears!

"What kind of fate is not fate. Are you trying to steal love and take away my guest?" Yu Zaoqian's ears stood up, looking very angry.

"The man of destiny is the man of destiny! Don't say it, man of destiny! Take me away now, the farther the better, wander the world, see the red leaves and frost in the world, walk through the suffering of the world, and then we will be together Hold hands, you and me, walk to the end of life!" Qing Ji tilted her head shyly, but her eyes would look at Gu Dazi from time to time, "Ah——Man of fate, it can't be done, in fact, it can't be done. That's fine, I just want to cherish others..."

"My lord princess, please stop making trouble." The two warriors following behind looked at Qing Ji dumbfounded.

"Oh? What princess? It's just the daughter of a daimyo from a country." Yuzao said dissatisfiedly, "Hurry up and take her back, it's not good to be on the street like this?"

"Hmm, yes, yes." The samurai said helplessly.

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