Sanada Izo wiped his sweat, what's the matter?It's a good thing the fire hasn't reached here yet, otherwise it would be bad.By the way, this is Mr. Song Shouping's territory, if this continues, something will happen to him!

"Shut up, you two, are you helping me or helping outsiders! He finally came out of the deserted castle, don't you have the heart to see me go back to that cage again, without wings, I can only look up at the sky The moon? The Weaver Girl has finally found the Cowherd, so you have the heart to tear them apart!" Qing Ji looked pitifully at the warrior behind her, and then looked expectantly at Gu Dazi.

"Lord Qing Ji..." The samurai looked at Yuzao in embarrassment and asked for help.

"Konkonkon! Children don't think about falling in love, understand? Let me, a girl who lived five to seventeen years old, tell you that falling in love is only for adults. Understand, understand, okay?"

Qing Ji's face turned black, and she turned to the two warriors behind her angrily and said, "Bring the combustible water."

"Oh? If you can't say it, are you going to do it?" Yuzao took out a fan, "Whatever your move is, just come here!"

Shirou stood in front of Gudazi and said to the two, "Wait, wait!"

"What's the matter? This uncle?" Qing Ji asked with dissatisfaction, "Stay away from irrelevant personnel."

"Be careful of hurting you." Yu Zao said worriedly, "Should I stay away?"

Gu Dazi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief seeing Shirou standing up and looking like he was going to stop the two from fighting.

The old man is really reassuring.

"As the saying goes, beauty is only for the strong. You two, win two out of three rounds, and whoever wins can have a kiss with Gudazi today!" Shirou announced.

Gudazi covered his face - pretend I didn't say anything!

I don't have an old man like you, so get out of here!

"Grandpa Muramasa, isn't it good for you? Why don't you stop the two of them?" Musashi couldn't help rubbing his forehead. So the old man was sometimes unreliable?

"I think it's pretty good. It's interesting. Yingbo Siting can also row rowing." Shirou touched his chin.

Shirou finally understands why the Colosseum is so popular.

Because that era was really boring, and anything a little new could make people excited, as if they touched some sensitive nerves.

So Shirou struck while the iron was hot and fanned the flames. He wanted to watch the match between the two, right now!

"Grandpa Muramasa, don't do this!"

Shirou ignored Musashi, he just wanted to see how the two of them would fight for Gudazi.

"Hmph, are you two ready? Then, the old man will be the referee, so let's start now!"

Gudazi really couldn't stand it anymore.

"Musashi-chan, give me the knife."

Musashi handed the knife over with a dazed expression, and Gu Dazi pinned the two of them to the ground with the scabbard.

"Fighting is bad civilization! So you two, please be quiet! How bad is it for children to see fighting on the street?"

"There is also the old man! Don't make trouble for me!" Gu Dazi pointed his waist and taught Shirou, "Does the old man want them to fight?"

"No." Shirou squinted his eyes, "It's just a competition, why do we have to fight?"

"Roar?" Gudazi looked at Shirou with distrust.

"Why don't we play Gwent cards?" Shirou quickly projected a card, and then handed it to Gudazi, "Playing this kind of game, what do you think it is?"

Gu Dazi forced Shirou, and asked continuously: "The old man didn't think that way just now, did he? And how do you know this kind of thing, old man?"

The rhythm has completely fallen into Gu Dazi's hands. As an excellent tactician, Shirou feels something is wrong.

The rhythm must be regained!

"Hmph, I've seen so many things that I've been summoned by God (Alaya), which era I haven't seen? Let me tell you, I've played with VR equipment before." Shirou pretended to be a wolf with a big tail. He said, "It's quite interesting."

"Oh?" Gudazi looked at Shirou suspiciously.

But Shirou's words were somewhat believable, so Gudazi didn't pay much attention to it, and said to Tamamoqian and Kiyohime, who were dazed by her beating with the scabbard, "Be good, you two. I will come to you when I have time. Okay?"

"Okay, okay." Qing Ji looked at Gu Dazi with disappointment but also with some expectation, "I will wait for you."

"Okay, my lord princess, let's go back soon!" The samurai hurriedly packed up his things, and bowed to Gudazi, "Thank you very much, stranger, your mediation skills are really good. I am so impressed. Then, see you by fate.”

"Okay, okay, I'll treat you when there are no children there. Children, take the candy." Tamazamo handed some snacks to Ashi and Asuke, and then went back.

The street suddenly became empty again, only a few of them were left.

"This way we can gather intelligence again." Musashi breathed a sigh of relief.

Shirou glanced at Musashi, said this sentence, don't expect to get any useful news today if you go shopping all day.

"Give up, find a hotel to rest today, there is no way we can collect information today!" Shirou wiped his sweat, it's time to prove who is the king in the poisoned milk world!

"Grandpa Muramasa, are you too unconfident?" Musashi frowned.

Shirou sighed, why doesn't Musashi understand his good intentions?

"The main hall!"

A person walked over staggeringly, and when he saw Gudazi, tears were about to overflow, and he rushed up: "Yes, the main hall!"

"Eh? Kotaro-chan?"

Chapter 18 Inferno Ba Yuqian!

"You just ran to my place to stay." Yu Zao looked at Gu Dazi helplessly, "Although I said I could let you come here at any time, I didn't say I let you come here to sleep, right? "

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