"I can't help it—Xiao Taro looks very tired after all, you are the first person I remember meeting in the city!" Gu Dazi said confidently.

"Okay, okay." Yuzao said helplessly, and then got busy with his own affairs.

Kotaro opened his eyes forcefully, looked at Gu Dazi's face and finally heaved a sigh of relief: "Seeing His Royal Highness is in good health, I feel relieved."

"Lie down well, don't move." Gu Dazi patted Kotaro's head, "The magic power still doesn't seem to be enough."

"Fortunately, I can basically talk. It is enough to tell about the situation of Chaldea." Kotaro sat up immediately when he said this.

The situation is a bit dangerous, and the followers are very flustered, especially Gudazi, who passed out in Chaldea and appeared in his dream again.

Dying in this dream will even affect the real world. No matter how you say it, it doesn't feel like a dream, but like consciousness has come to a real world and has an entity.

Gu Dazi nodded helplessly, he had to live no matter what, and then wiped out all the so-called heroic swordsmen, so that he could probably return to Chaldea, right?

"May I ask who these two are?" Kotaro urgently reported the situation of Chaldea to Gudazi, and then asked Musashi and Shiro who were beside Gudazi.

He had noticed it a long time ago, and found that both of them looked powerful, but they should be allies, at least not hostile.

"Saber, Senko Muramasa, you can understand it this way." Shirou introduced himself very simply.

"Under Miyamoto Musashi."

"Miyamoto Musashi?" Kotaro thought carefully, "it's a girl. The most powerful swordsman in Japanese history..."

"I can't say what is the strongest." Musashi scratched his head, at least he couldn't beat Shirou next to him, as far as it is now.

"Huh? Is that Musashi?" Shirou looked at Musashi suspiciously, he thought it was just someone with the same name.

"It's that Musashi, but it's a little different from what you guys know, parallel world, haha, parallel world." Musashi forcefully explained.

"That's understandable. After all, King Arthur can't be a girl." Shirou said quietly.

"Ahem, cough, that's right."

The moon was quietly covered by dark clouds, and the light shining into the hotel almost disappeared. The lights in the room were overflowing, and no one noticed anything unusual.

Except Shiro and Musashi.

"It seems that you feel it too." Shirou couldn't help laughing, he didn't expect to meet the enemy at such a time.

"I didn't expect to dare to do it in the city." Musashi frowned.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Musashi's ugly face, Gu Dazi probably understood the situation, "Don't worry, you go, Kotaro should be able to protect me and Ashi and Asuke."

Shirou nodded, immediately walked out of the hotel, and arranged: "I suspect there is a heroic swordsman."

"I doubt it too, but there is no blood moon." Musashi drew out his own sword without any neglect.

"You go to the front to resist, and I will observe the situation." Shirou borrowed a sword from Musashi, and then hid in the dark.

Shirou's intention is very simple. As long as there is no heroic swordsman, no matter how strong the enemy is, it will not pose much threat to Musashi. Outflank the enemy.

The monsters in the night immediately appeared in groups.Fortunately, there is a curfew in the city, and no one is out and about at this point.

"The breath of blood and debris, although there is no blood moon, but I know you are here." Musashi took away several rushing wild ghosts and beasts while analyzing the current situation.

"Heroic Swordsman!"

As if furious because his identity had been exposed, the heroic swordsman suddenly pointed at Musashi with the flame of magic power.

Musashi immediately jumped away, but the flames kept chasing her like will-o'-the-wisps.

Turning around and slashing, the flames were split, but then closed, still entwining Musashi.

The surrounding monsters squeezed the space for Musashi to turn around, and at this moment they were about to become the last straw that overwhelmed Musashi.

Without hesitation, Musashi drew out the sword given by Shirou, and drew an arc around the side of his body in an instant.The magic energy and the flame collided with each other, and the magic energy won without any suspense, and even the surrounding monsters fell down.

Musashi took a breath, and found that the arrows were pouring down like rain.

Ranged attacks are indeed an extremely disadvantageous confrontation for Musashi, but it is not impossible to win.

Her celestial eyes and her second-rate first-class skills were tempered to win despite all disadvantages!

The continuous oppression did not have much effect on Musashi. Even in the face of this rain of arrows, she still opened two umbrellas made of swords, and she did not get wet at all.

But these wild ghosts and beasts who were the companions of the heroic swordsman died tragically under the arrows, and their corpses were everywhere on the street.

If it weren't for the fact that these monsters were made of magic, they would disappear soon, and the people of Ruqi City would be able to eat extra meals tomorrow.

"Then, haven't you dared to show your true face for so long? The stench on your body can't be covered up anymore. Can you still bear that smell yourself? Or is it that you have been in abalone for a long time and don't smell it? Does it stink?" Musashi mocked the other party, but he didn't dare to slack off at all.

Especially when the opponent didn't continue to shoot arrows.

Shirou is also carefully preparing to slash people with his sword, preferably with one blow.

This is the basic requirement of Assassins.Although Shirou is a saber now, he has an assassin's heart.

"It's too much to say that. No matter how you say it, it should be entering the Orchid's room and not smelling its fragrance for a long time."

A black shadow came slowly, and there was a nice voice, but she still didn't show her true face.

Shirou drew out his sword and held up his shield, hearing this voice felt inexplicably familiar.

— as if he knew the man.

Who is it?

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