"Now that you've come out, tell me your name." Musashi narrowed his eyes and found a beautiful woman with long white hair and two horns on his forehead, wearing armor and carrying a gun on his back. sword.

"My forbidden name, Archer Inferno."

"What a waste—and what's the name of your body?" Musashi asked again.

"It's really troublesome." Inferno seemed dissatisfied, but he still replied.

"Ba Yuqian?"

Seeing her true face, Shirou couldn't believe it.

How did she become like this?

But even more inconceivable, why did he know Bayuqian?

Chapter 19 Why Are You So Like Meiyu?

"Inferno, Ba Yuqian?" The shield in front of Shirou fell down, revealing his own figure.

He completely ignored the fact that he had exposed, and stared blankly at the white-haired girl.

what's up?

Especially when you know each other.

Of course, it is also possible that this spirit base knows each other?

"Oh? You know my body?" Ba Yuqian, no, Archer looked sideways at Shirou who was about to ambush but was exposed.

"Probably." Shirou shrugged, "I didn't expect you to become like this, with your eyes covered in blood, and the bow in your hand used to slaughter civilians."

The beauty is indeed a beauty, but the scarlet eyes ruined all the beauty, it has to be said that it is a pity.

"This is the duty of a heroic swordsman." Archer drew his bow and pointed it at Shirou.

But Shirou didn't take any precautions at all, even the blood moon didn't rise, and the enemy didn't fight hard at all, that is, the opponent was releasing water now.

"So, are you looking down on the two of us by throwing water like this? Heroic sword master Inferno?" Musashi raised his two swords.

She didn't stare at Archer, but looked around to see if another Heroic Swordsman would appear.

"Tch, have you been discovered?" Archer unhappily shot an arrow, which was blocked by Shirou.

"That's right. I did let the water go. There's nothing I can do about it. I thought I could solve the problem by myself, and the matter wouldn't make a big difference. It seems I've made things worse."

Archer took two steps back, ready to run away.

"Are you going to run?" Shirou took a few steps calmly, sealing off the possible escape direction of Archer, "Don't think I will watch here. Just because you let the water out doesn't mean I will follow You put water together, "

"I'm in a predicament. It would be too bad to die here. You only killed so many people." Archer closed his eyes and said horrifying words in distress.

Archer with his eyes closed looks pretty good, his snow-white hair is as cute as Illya's, but only if his eyes are closed.

Heroic sword hero, although it is called this, seems to be a kind of respectful title, but in fact it is trampling on the will of the heroes, inserting the killing karma as the core into the bodies of the servants.

No matter how gentle and heroic the other party is, they have now become killing machines.

"No matter what, you have to be eradicated!" Archer suddenly opened his eyes, and the moon poked his head out from the dark clouds, turning on the light for the blood-colored earth.

The scarlet light shone on Shirou, making him extremely uncomfortable.

It's a pity that these discomforts did not cause Shirou to make any mistakes in judgment, and he was keenly aware of the attack from behind.

The shuriken flew quietly, and the snake showed its fangs.

"Another heroic swordsman?" Shirou sideways dodged the shuriken behind his back.

Is the class an assassin?

"Hmph, that's just right." Musashi smiled heartily, "Master Muramasa and I are here, you two can stay with me!"

"I didn't expect it, it's very imposing." Shirou praised, and swung his sword to block the flying arrows.

"That's that, that is!" Musashi charged forward with two swords full of confidence.

Arrow Rain and Blood Moon couldn't stop her at all, but blocking her made Musashi stronger at this moment.

"Look at the sword!"

Musashi shouted, the sword in his hand suddenly disappeared.

Shirou's eyes were dazzled, didn't he expect that this Musashi actually performed a powerful sword skill that his eyes couldn't catch?Is it finally time to show her true strength?

Shirou had always thought that the Musashi in history was not alone, because the description was too different, at least this Shirou was very confident in defeating him, and he was far from the almost invincible Musashi with sword skills.

Come on, show your strength!

Inferno hid, a strand of hair was cut off and scattered on the ground.

The sword whined, as if protesting against its master for throwing him over, but its own sharpness still broke through the bricks and firmly embedded in it.

Shirou's eyes suddenly turned pale.

"Musashi, you wait for the old man! When I kill the enemy this time, I will go back and educate you!"

"Ahaha——" Musashi scratched his head and looked away.

"Obviously calculated that this distance can kill the enemy, haha, why didn't he kill it?"

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