"This sword is Artoria's, right?" Gudazi confirmed it.

"Yes, you seem to have seen her too."

"Where did you get it? Old man, have you seen Altria sauce? By the way, where did you get that sword?"

"Because the old man has seen it, so I have it." Shirou said confidently.

This logic is really scary, Gudazi took a step back subconsciously, could it be that later, he met Gudazi, and then a group of Gudazi were born?

The monsters completely fled under Shirou's attack, and Yagyu finally had a chance to ask for some information.

"I think you should have seen those strange things with your skilled body?"

Shirou subconsciously replied: "No."

"Hey, old man, don't you want to be like this?" Seeing Liu Sheng's dissatisfied and forcibly holding back, Gu Dazi couldn't help but want to laugh.

But they still have to do their business. It is a good business to cooperate with Yagyu who has connections and intelligence.

"Just kidding." Shirou happily looked at Yagyu's displeased face and unable to cut him.

This so-called court official is very powerful, and Shirou likes to frustrate people who are very powerful to the people.

In Shirou's view, these people are owed.

Owe the people no longer kneel down, stand up high, hold up the red flag, sing up slaves suffering from hunger and cold, rise up, suffering people all over the world, their blood is already boiling, they must fight for the truth and overthrow their group The reign of the meat-eaters, and then hang them all from the lampposts.

After listening to Gudazi and Musashi's explanation, Yagyu nodded: "I'll just say how these weirdos gather in groups, as if there is a clique forming a rebellion."

After speaking, Yagyu glanced at Shirou carefully, a little afraid of angering Shirou.

"Isn't it good that we are just talking about the information we know? Your Excellency Yagyu, you should also tell us some information that we don't know in order to qualify for an equivalent exchange?" Shirou teased Yagyu with the words of equivalent exchange.

This kind of feudal court officials are generally very dissatisfied with such transactions. They hold power in their hands, so they don't reason with others and still make transactions?

Liu Sheng's eyebrows trembled: "Okay. The court has also made a lot of preparations. We have received a lot of news about the weirdness. I heard that the weirdness in the south is particularly obvious this morning. There is a white-haired woman as the leader. She Probably what you call inferno?"

"Then, are you interested in going to fight? Of course, this and the youngest son don't have to." Yagyu referred to Shirou.

"No, no, I still have to go."

But Shirou still wanted to go.

Of course Gudazi needs to be protected, and if you don't go to this kind of scene, it will be difficult to increase your favorability.

There is a question that Shirou must ask, but if he asks it out, he won't have enough favorability, and Gudazi probably won't answer it.

Of course, Shirou was also hiding that question in his heart, so he didn't dare to ask it.

"Really? If Your Excellency is here, then I will feel more at ease." Liu Sheng seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

"What do you mean? Are you looking down on me?" Musashi looked at Yagyu dissatisfied.

"I'm defeated, I still remember the time when you used black magic to escape." Liu Sheng smiled lightly, as if he was still interested in the incident at that time, "Then it's not too late, let's go."

"Wait until we pack up a little."

Shirou called Musashi aside, and said, "I'm going to pack something, you stay here, don't move around."

Soon, Shirou came back from the hotel.

Musashi asked curiously, "Where's the assassin?"

Shirou patted Musashi's shoulder earnestly: "That's something too."

Musashi shuddered, and suddenly felt that this kind-faced and well-built old man suddenly became terrified.

Never offend him!


Chapter 24

"We will probably take a detour. According to your previous description, although it is a detour, you are actually the main force." Kato Duanzang explained while rushing to the side of the road.

Xiaotaro on the side couldn't help but glance at Duan Zang a few more times, this figure was so familiar to him.

He was really happy from the bottom of his heart that he would appear here.

"Do you have anything to say? If you have anything, please tell us. Any sliver of information on the battlefield can play a key role." Kato Duanzo's attitude is very sincere, much better than her boss's impression. many.

"No, no." Kotaro shook his head quickly.

"The hundred elite warriors and us are acting separately, right? Then we are going to take a long way to sneak attack on the enemy, from the back? Relying on those warriors to delay in the front?" Musashi didn't know much about fighting, so he asked Duan Zang.

Duan Zang nodded: "Indeed, Ms. Musashi understands it very well. With a little training, you may also have the talent of Yagyu-sama."

"Hehehe." Musashi scratched his head, smiled embarrassedly, and said shyly, "Does that mean that I can also be a big shot, and then have cute girls to serve me?"

Shirou: "...what's in your head? Is it something to eat? Sword skills have been tempered and honed, and finally you are only one step away from reaching the realm of space. If you want to be an official, hand over your head."

"Old man, don't scare me." Musashi touched his neck in fright.

"Don't worry, Musashi-chan, with me here, I won't let the old man hit you. And old man, why do you speak so like a certain grandfather?" Gu Dazi looked at Shirou suspiciously.

"Oh? Is that so?" Shirou speculated for a while, and felt that he had to be cautious.

Gudazi said that there are countless followers in Chaldea, and there is probably one Hassan who is particularly interested in the head. If Gudazi asks him about this matter after returning, I am afraid that he will rush to tell Shirou later: "As long as you can last, you will live as long as you can."

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