Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiao Taro couldn't help but glanced at Duan Zang again, Duan Zang frowned: "You are Xiao Taro Dian, right? Is there anything unusual, or is it strange for my identity (Duan Zang)?" ? But I am undoubtedly Kato Danzo, you don’t have to be suspicious. If it’s different from the Danzo you imagined, then I’m sorry, and I can’t change it.”

"No, no, it's not because of this." Kotaro waved his hands quickly, a little flustered, "It should be me who wants to apologize."

"Speaking of which, Ms. Duanzang is indeed a little different from what I imagined. Although I don't know much about the world of ninjas, I have heard about your deeds. Puppet master, Hitokato, is that right? Gudazi, and the old man , have you heard of it?" Musashi asked.

Gu Dazi immediately replied confidently: "Of course I know this, it was mentioned in "The Buddha said the Ten Kings Sutra Straight Talk"."

"Gudazi, I didn't expect you to know such details!" Musashi looked at her in surprise, "You can almost be called an expert, really amazing."

Gudazi said embarrassingly: "Hey hey, my mother taught me."

Shirou curled his lips, that guy Rin is really powerful, he understands such things.

But Kato Danzou didn't look very happy, but was a little distressed: "As a ninja, it's not a good thing to be known by the public. We ninjas collect information, and it is the highest state that we don't know for a lifetime. My next Practice is really not enough."

"Isn't it good to be famous in history? But having said that, I remember that Ms. Kato was active in troubled times, a long time ago, why are you still alive in this year? You really live a long life." Gu Dazi sighed. Fan, "Or servant?"

Speaking of the topic of longevity, Shirou looked at Kato Danzo carefully.

Wearing a red coat, but not wearing glasses, obviously this pair of practice is not enough.If you really practice the secret of longevity, it should be to wear a pair of black-rimmed glasses and improve your waistband, right?

But obviously Kato Danzo doesn't have these things, and the rest may be—servant?

Neither.At least Shirou didn't feel the aura that a servant should have coming from her.

"Your body is clever, right?" Kotaro finally revealed Kato Danzo's real body.

"Huh? I was discovered by Kotaro Dian. Indeed, this body is a puppet of skill. I have lived for a hundred years. Although it is not something that needs to be covered up, I don't think it is necessary, so I have not said it." Duan Zang disassembled his right hand and demonstrated it.

The so-called ingenious puppet, in Shirou's era, is something similar to a golem made by magic.Generally speaking, there is a kind of inner core in the body. Although the power is strong, it is rough and has no intelligence.However, Duan Zang is different, his body looks almost the same as that of ordinary people, as exquisite as a puppet made by a talented puppeteer.

"But it doesn't matter. As long as you are cute, Miss Duan Zang is so cute!" Musashi approached Duan Zang enthusiastically and poked her cheek, "The figure is also very good. If you change into different clothes, Hmm, it must be great!"

Duan Zang, who was teased by Musashi, was a little embarrassed: "No, don't tease me, Your Highness Musashi."

"Kotaro-kun is pretty cute too, so the standard for being a ninja is to be cute?" Musashi scratched his cheek, frowned, and asked, "Then can I be a ninja?"

"No, no, no, I don't, I'm not, I'm not cute!" Kotaro sensed the dangerous aura coming from Musashi, and moved away calmly.

"Xiao Taroden is also a ninja? Where is he from?" Duan Zang heard about this, and couldn't help but have a good impression of him.

"Uh, it's from Sagami's side." Kotaro replied hastily.

"What a coincidence, the ninjutsu I carry is also from there." Duan Zang felt more affectionate to Kotaro.

After Xiaotaro heard it, his eyes drifted a little, and he whispered softly, as if he was asking himself: "Don't you know me?"

"What did you say?"

"No, no." Xiaotaro shook his head and pointed to the front, "There is water there, and the environment is good. We have been walking for almost an hour, should we take a rest?"

Duan Zang nodded, and immediately arranged for the team to rest: "Listen up, everyone, go to the front to rest for a while and drink some water..."

Kotaro couldn't help but look sad.

It seems that I really don't remember.

Fuma Kotaro was picked up by Kato Danzo himself back then.

Chapter 25

Cracks stretched across the land, flames burning everything that could ignite.

This is not hell.

This is hell.

"Burn it, burn it." Two lines of blood and tears flowed down Inferno's delicate face.

Why is it like this?

Why was Lord Kiso Yoshinaka betrayed?

Not reconciled.

go to hell.

Yoshinaka-sama, who obviously rose up to change the troubled times into peaceful and prosperous ones, was killed by the Genji of the same alliance.unforgivable!

hateful!Betrayers are hateful!The people of Japan who cannot accept Yoshinaka-sama are also hateful!

There is no hell in the world, and the so-called hell is what people deceive themselves out of fear.

But hell also exists, right here in this world, right here, right here where the hearts of the people are filthy.Isn't this hell what is it?

From the very beginning, this world has been a hell. The domineering people enjoy it, and the peasants at the bottom are oppressed. But what's even more stupid is that those oppressed people don't know how to resist. It's really purgatory.

--and many more.

No, it shouldn't be like this.

Inferno has long known that this world is a purgatory, so he shaved his hair and became a nun, and never cared about the world again.Her enthusiasm has long since dissipated with Yi Zhong's passing.

So what if the world is a purgatory?In a world without Lord Yizhong, she could no longer hold her hatred.

Why do you burn others as firewood and burn yourself?


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