After rushing for a day, everyone who finally arrived at the predetermined place stopped.

Even if this valley is buried by flames, their hearts are still cold.

"This is hell." Musashi murmured softly.

Dead bodies littered the landscape—those who struggled, those who fled, burning with flames.

A blood moon enveloped the valley, leaving only one person standing in the middle of the valley.

Ba Yuqian.

But Shirou wouldn't call her that.

That was an insult to her.

Another samurai team also rushed over, and the leader stepped forward, drew his sword and shouted:

"Monster, we will not capture you alive, but will directly behead you for public display."

Inferno didn't even look at him as flames burned from him.

"Here comes another pile of firewood. Keep going, keep burning."

With these words, the flame burned more vigorously on that person.

But when the flame was burning to a high level, it was suddenly cut off.

It was Emiya Shirou who came.

Facing Ba Yuzen, or inferno, Shirou couldn't stand it anymore.

Perhaps this spirit base had indeed been with Ba Yuqian before, so he was so angry when he saw Inferno using Ba Yuqian's body to burn the world at this moment.

"Grandpa, you... Forget it, go on!" Musashi threw the sword forged by Shirou over.

"Thank you." Shirou held the scabbard.

Originally, Shirou was going to let Musashi do it, but Shirou couldn't help it when he saw Ba Yuzen.

He wants to liberate Bayuqian's soul by himself.

"Musashi, I'm sorry. By the way, don't you feel that your sword practice is not right recently? You have entered a bottleneck period? Then look at my sword." Shirou drew the sword with his left hand, and the scabbard was inserted on the ground.

"Servant, Saber, Chiko Muramasa. Say your name, Archer." Shirou rarely looked at Inferno seriously.

"Get out of the way. No matter who you are, there are still hundreds of people here waiting for me to burn and judge. You see, there is still something missing in this hell, that is flames, the flames that burn sinners... "Inferno's mental state is much worse than yesterday, with blood and tears flowing, looking extremely terrifying.

Shirou got impatient and slashed at him with a knife.

The sword wind brushed against Inferno's hair, and a few strands of hair fell to the ground.

"There's so much nonsense, I wanted to give you a decent way to die. If you don't want to fight, then I have to hack you to death first."

"Is this your way of fighting? It's really familiar. But it's strange to say something like a decent way of death from your mouth." Inferno seemed to remember something, and took it very familiarly Shirou's other sword.

"Don't look at me like this, but occasionally I will show some respect to my opponent." Shirou stepped back slightly, waved his hand, stopped attacking, and signaled the others to back off.

"Back back." Seeing Shirou's gesture, Musashi yelled, but he didn't take a step back, but couldn't help but take an extra step forward.

When one of the two sides is a heroic swordsman and the other is Shirou demonstrating his sword skills, Musashi doesn't want to retreat at all, and even wants to take a look.

Just kidding, at this time, although it is said to deal with a powerful enemy, a samurai, a pure samurai pursues sword skills, especially for a sword addict like Musashi, he will never back down at this time , will definitely take a few more greedy glances.

"Xiao Taro-kun, take Gudazi back." Musashi embraced them behind him, "Stay away."

Kotaro nodded, and retreated about ten meters with Gu Dazi.

"Oh——burn, burn! Hate, hate!" Inferno seemed to be unable to control his emotions anymore, "Master Yoshinaka!"

In the desert flashed before Shirou's eyes, this beautiful figure once sacrificed his life for the people of Uruk, and died with the son of Tiamat with his last life.

Maybe it's the memory of this spirit base who fought side by side with Ba Yuqian, Shirou still has some admiration for such a hero in his heart.

Kiso Yoshinaka, the character who resisted the tyranny, is also the person whom Bayuzen loves as a concubine.

Inferno's hatred at this time is not without reason, in a sense, it comes from the heart.

Especially this is Tokugawa's reign.

"If it were you, you should be able to understand, right? You, who have forged countless demon knives and cut countless people from the Tokugawa family, should be able to understand?" Inferno is like duckweed, wanting to find some support, this support It was Shirou in front of her.

But Shirou shook his head: "But so what? I understand that I understand, so am I going to watch you kill others? The people you are going to deal with are not ordinary people."

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh-oh!" Inferno's fantasy was shattered under Shirou's words, and the complete madness turned into flames, burning towards Shirou.

The purple enveloping breath spread from her body, filling the valley.

"My forbidden name, Archer·Inferno. Appear, blood and flowers blooming in our poles! The stage of the death battle that hunts down mountains of blood and rivers of corpses that devour the souls of the defeated! The forbidden name of my blade, Archer·Inferno! The name of my skeleton! Real name, Ba Yuqian!"

"Come on, Qianzi Muramasa! Let's compete here! It's upright——"

"—to decide the outcome!"

Chapter 26

As the purple air spread in the valley, Inferno's strength also rose sharply.

Spirit bases, mana, and other powers have all become stronger.

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