"Walk slowly."


Shirou leaned against the wall, waiting for the enemy to come.

But he always felt in the dark that his plan might have been guessed through, and the enemy would catch him off guard in a way he never thought of.

It's okay that the previous plan was seen through. Shirou didn't have much confidence in that plan from the beginning, and even Shirou who might have sparked Kiyohime's blood was not very concerned.

Wars and all plans are based on hard power.Where the strength is there, invincible, everything is easy to say.Just like this time, with him guarding the north side, Musashi guarding the south side, and Yanagi Tajima, who is slightly stronger than Musashi, guarding the east side, the combat power is absolutely guaranteed.

The remaining west side is a small loophole deliberately set up, only a magic circle is set up.

In contrast, what he was worried about was completely losing the initiative and being led by the nose by the other party.

"Grandpa, are you uneasy?" Gu Dazi sat beside him and asked, "I feel like you have so many plans, so there's no need to be so nervous, right?"

"The fortress is most afraid of being breached from the inside, and the old man is also most afraid of having ghosts inside."

Gu Dazi opened his fingers and counted: "You told me the final plan, old man, and only you, Musashi, Duan Zang, Kotaro and Tajima Mori knew about the personnel deployment. Insider."

Shirou nodded. Indeed, no matter what counts, these people could not be the ghosts, otherwise Qing Ji would have been assassinated successfully, unless the enemy's target was not actually Qing Ji.

"Actually, old man, you don't have to worry so much. You are so powerful and have so many ideas, even if you adapt to the situation at that time, you will be able to overwhelm others, right? Combined with your swordsmanship and sword, it must be easy to save everyone, right? Unlike me, I can't do it anymore, I am forced to give up some people, and I can't do anything when the villagers are about to be killed." Gudazi lowered his head, "If I can think more, take a detour, the villagers will not There could be any danger."

Patting Gudazi's head, Shirou laughed: "Strategy has always been necessary for the weak to use all their strength to defeat the weakness of the strong. If the old man is really as powerful as you said, I don't need to think about it." There are so many dirty tricks. Do you know? The old man actually lost everything, throwing away his ideals, the loved ones disappeared, and the relatives left before they found out. After that, in order to lose less, the old man came up with this It’s a pity to recruit more, but it’s often useless.”

Most of it is true, but some of it can be regarded as the experience of this spirit foundation. Shirou's life is not so miserable, and he feels relaxed after not thinking about becoming a partner of justice.Sakura is also by my side, Illya and Miyu can also live well, Kiritsugu and Eri are also alive, everything is a harmonious and peaceful life.If there is no killing hospital to disrupt the situation.

"You have to think about it, you are the hero who saved Humanity, aren't you? You can be the protagonist in history books. How many people have you saved? Right? Don't think about who you didn't save. , think about who you have saved.”

Gu Dazi thought for a while: "Will the result be better this way?"

"Feel better."

"Grandpa, you're kidding me!" Gu Dazi pouted in disapproval, "It doesn't make any difference!"

As he spoke, Gu Dazi laughed: "I feel better, indeed."

"That's good."

But suddenly, a scream came from the south side, and it was obviously Qing Ji's voice!

Kiyohime and Kotaro switched identities and stayed with Musashi. This scream means that something happened to Musashi too?

"Go, hurry over there!"

Chapter 31 Brilliant Pentagram!

"Hehe, I really didn't expect that servant named Qianzi Muramasa to have such strength." Caster seemed to be thinking about something, and paused for a while, "But his myth will come to an end today."

"What's the matter with Assassin Paraiso? Caster, you should give an explanation, right?" The sorcerer revealed himself, his tone full of annoyance.

Heroic swordsman is a very precious tool for him, and it disappears before it is fully effective. Such a tool is really useless.

"Don't be angry at the sorcerer hall, Qianzicunzheng seems to have the ability to dispel karma." Caster bowed slightly.

The sorcerer had also heard from Caster about this, but Muramasa was able to easily cut off the killing karma on the heroic sword hero, he still couldn't believe it.

"Also, I was prepared. Although we lost paraiso, we could gain more."

The long-clothed swordsman couldn't help asking: "Qianzi Muramasa, I've heard of it. Isn't that a swordsmith who forges swords? How strong is he?"

"Sword skills can cut karma."

The sword skill that can cut Suye, which made the long-clothed swordsman a little interested.

This kind of sword skill is the pursuit of all swordsmen.

The real thing has been cut, but the virtual thing is not easy.But the one who can cut off the karma of the void has never been a peerless swordsman born in the world.

"Can you hand it over to me to fight against?"

"No need." Caster politely rejected the long-clothed swordsman, but in fact he didn't take him seriously in his heart, "I already have a good plan to defeat the enemy in my heart."

"Paraiso has completed her mission, and I will leave the rest to you. I also got a lot of interesting things from Duan Zang."

"Then, I look forward to hearing from you."


"Duan Zang, what are you doing here? It's not according to the arrangement, are you accompanying Kotaro-kun? Speaking of which, I am quite envious of Duan Zang-chan, you can accompany Kotaro-kun!" When Musashi mentioned Kotaro, he suddenly seemed guilty Like a nympho, she blushed.

"Indeed, I should be with Kotaroden, but I suddenly found the amulet, which is quite useful, and I want to give it to Master Qing Ji." Duan Zang handed Qing Ji a sachet.

The sachet exudes fragrance, which Qing Ji smells very pleasant.

"Oh! Thank you." Qing Ji happily took the sachet and tied it around her neck, "It feels quite beautiful."

Musashi looked at it and nodded, and was about to praise it, but at this moment, Musashi suddenly felt a demonic aura.


A big snake sprang out from the ground, scaring Qing Ji to retreat quickly.

The giant black python moved its body, and the entire courtyard was disturbed, causing the trees to fall and the flowers and plants to be in a mess.As if infested by monsters, strange magic vines grew from the soil, tightly wrapped around the wooden beams and grew upwards, climbing to the roof.

"Lord Qing Ji, back off! Push it to Duan Zang!" Before Musashi could finish his sentence, the snake flicked its tail and smashed towards Qing Ji and Duan Zang.

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