Duan Zang embraced Qing Ji, and retreated.

The tail of the snake hit the ground, and suddenly a huge pit appeared on the ground, and even a roof beam was broken.

"It's so dangerous." Qing Ji looked nervously at the giant snake in front of her, praying that the others would arrive as soon as possible.

But there seemed to be no one around who hadn't heard, not a single guard came, and there was a dead silence.

"Dan Zang, can you contact Yagyu Tamaru from your side?" Musashi shouted, but the attacks followed.

Musashi drew his sword to block the snake's flicking tail, and taking this opportunity, he drew another knife to cut at the scales of the tail.

But the scales only made a cracking sound, and Musashi's knife cut it down, not even seeing the big snake's flesh!

Although Musashi did not draw out the sword that Shirou forged for her at this time, it does not mean that the sword drawn by Musashi at this time is only ordinary.Musashi was not able to cut the big snake's meat simply because it was too tough!

"No! It seems that the information has been cut off. I suspect some mysterious technique that shields the situation inside!" Duan Zang took a few steps back, away from the attack range of some big snakes, and took out a some weapons.Although it was useless, at least it made Qing Ji feel at ease.

As soon as the big snake breathed out, the thick black mist almost covered the courtyard.

Everything that the black mist touches melted, and only the stone survived, but then it began to slowly change color.

Musashi felt a chill in his heart.

If this fog touches Qing Ji, it will be over!

A flash of saber light suddenly flashed, and a burst of sword energy blew away the dense fog.

Draw the knife!

When the thick fog cleared, a huge knife mark appeared on the side of the covered big snake's head, and the snake couldn't help howling. The sound seemed to have magic power, which made people's brain a little numb.

"The old man's sword is really easy to use." Musashi sighed with emotion while holding the sword, "Duan Zang, hurry up and inform the others!"

Just as Duan Zang was about to nod his head in agreement, a figure quietly appeared from the shadows.

"Who?" Musashi's nerves tensed immediately. It was already very bad to face Orochi, but now there is one more person, and it may be the heroic swordsman.This made Musashi dare not relax at all, his eyes were fully opened, but it was difficult to predict the movement of that figure!

"Lord Qing Ji, you should have recalled something, right?" A male voice seemed to come from a distant place, vague and indeterminate, "For example, the blood in your body."

"What, what?" Qing Ji's body trembled uncontrollably, and her eyes gradually became hollow.

"Master Qing Ji? Master Qing Ji?" Duan Zang shook Qing Ji, suddenly feeling something was wrong.She quickly reached out, trying to hug her and back away.But it was too late!At this moment, a strange aura came from Qing Ji's body, and the flames began to burn violently around her.


At this time, the guards just woke up like a dream, and the sound of footsteps came to the courtyard.

The blood moon rises, dyeing the entire sky red, and the heroic sword hero officially debuts!

Following the sound of footsteps, Shirou and the others came quickly.

"Qing Ji, Qing Ji!" Shirou rushed over, found the giant python, and cut it off decisively.

Musashi's original knife mark instantly became deeper and longer, wrapping around his head until it fell to the ground with a bang.

"Wow, old man, you are so fierce." Musashi praised, "As soon as you come, the situation will be stable."

A bad breath spread from Shirou's heart.


No no no, be steady (harmony)!Not stable at all!

"Servant, Qianzi Muramasa. You are a powerful servant. I believe that after you accept the karma of killing, you will definitely become stronger?"

The five-point red light enveloped Shirou, and Shirou wanted to back away, but found that he couldn't move at this time.

Musashi's eyelids twitched. Could this be the reason why Baozangin became like that at that time?

"Old man, be careful!"

"It's late! Accept it, my radiant pentagram!"

Chapter 32

The situation suddenly became very bad, Shirou was surrounded by pentagrams, and Kiyohime's whole appearance became very strange.Her snow-white hair turned green, and the surrounding flames flew towards people without distinction.

Musashi slashed with his sword, and Caster was forced to retreat.Seeing that Shirou was still shrouded by the five-star light, Musashi suddenly panicked: "Old man, are you okay?"

"Do you think I'm fine?" Shirou said with difficulty.

"That seems okay." Musashi breathed a sigh of relief, and he can still talk, isn't it okay?

Looking at Gudazi who was waiting in the distance, Musashi shouted, "Call Kotaro here, plan A failed, go to plan B."

Plan B?

Gu Dazi touched his forehead slightly, and guessed what Musashi was thinking when he thought about it in his heart. He must have just pulled something out just because he thought it was so cool.Just ignore the second half of the sentence.

Looking at Shirou, Gudazi thought for a moment, then turned and left.She has no ability to save Shirou, so it is the best choice to leave quickly and call Kotaro.

Duan Zang picked up the shuriken and faced Qing Ji hesitantly.She backed away when the flames came, but she didn't dare to move when the flames receded.The other party was a princess, so it was definitely rude to strike like this, and more importantly, she was not sure that she could knock down the other party without killing her at the same time.It's a very difficult job.

Musashi raised his sword and confronted the caster, but the caster didn't dare to go up to fight Musashi in close quarters, and just stood there, as if he was preparing for something.

But Musashi didn't dare to rush up directly, worried that if he acted recklessly, he would be hit by the evil pentagram like Shirou.

The battle situation maintained a delicate balance.

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