Duan Zang was dead, Kotaro freed his hand, and immediately teamed up with Musashi to push him into a desperate situation.

Both Rider and berserker didn't take advantage of Shirou, and it even seemed that he kept his hand.

Caster felt a little regretful.


He completely missed that Shirou was able to block his pentagram like this, and more importantly, neither rider nor berserker could take him down.

"It's not suitable to stay here for long, rider, berserker, let's withdraw!"

Caster resolutely resisted the shuriken thrown by Kotaro with his body, and jumped out.

Glancing at Shirou, Rider and Berserker jumped out in a panic.

The sword brought great fear to them.

"Where to run?!" Musashi saw that his eyes were on fire. In desperation, he threw the sword forward, and Berserker's arm was scratched immediately.

But the berserker didn't stagnate, it ran even faster!

"Old man's sword!" Shirou wailed weakly, and sat on the ground slumped.

Gu Dazi quickly ran to pull out the sword, handed it to Musashi, and then taught Musashi in front of Shirou: "Musashi-chan, you said you can't throw the sword like this? Look, is the old man angry?"

"Ahaha—I'm sorry, old man. I thought I could keep at least one person." Musashi smiled awkwardly, but there was no apology in his tone.

"Musashi sauce!"

"Okay, ok, Gudazi, your acting skills are not good at all." Shirou waved his hand, "Stop acting. I won't teach Musashi, okay?"

"Hey hey hey." Gu Dazi scratched his head in embarrassment, "The old man is still amazing, you can see it right away."

Shirou rubbed his chin, at least he is also a generation of actor, if this kind of rough acting skills can't be seen, then it's over.

"Old man, let me beat your back, are you tired?" When Musashi heard that Shirou was not going to teach her a lesson, he hurried forward and gave Shirou a rough blow, "How is it, is it comfortable?"

Shirou almost lost his breath, coughed and said, "Stop beating! With so much force, are you a gorilla? Get out, get out, stay where you feel comfortable."

"Old man, what you said is too much! She is a slender girl, why is she a gorilla?" Musashi's tone was a little angry, but his eyes were aimed at Shirou's sword, "The old man wants to apologize to me!"

"Oh?" Shirou squinted at Musashi behind him, "What do you want?"

"I don't ask much, the old man can just touch the sword for me." Musashi wiped the indescribable liquid that was about to flow out of his mouth, and looked at the scarlet blood blade in Shirou's hand with an evil smile.

Shirou, who guessed what Musashi was thinking, shook his hand: "Get lost."

"Old man, why are you so stingy!" Musashi realized that Shirou had seen through his little plan in an instant, and stomped his feet angrily, "Give it to me!"

Shirou looked at Musashi with contempt.

Why is Jian Chi so virtuous?Normally, he is as heartless as he is. When he sees a good sword, he will touch it, and when he sees a powerful person, he will fight it.This man is hopeless.

I can only speak the truth first.

He couldn't talk about physics anymore, he was so tired that he couldn't even hold his sword.

He spread out his blood-stained right hand, the blood was black and oozing.

"Do you know how long the old man has held this sword? It will be like this for about ten minutes, Musashi, are you still ready to hold it?" Shirou rolled her longing eyes, knowing that she would not be so He let it go, "I'm still manifesting the world as a servant. If I die, I will die. If you hold this sword, you may not be able to hold it for ten seconds. You have to think about Gudazi, right?"

Musashi nodded in disappointment: "Okay - can't you do it all at once?"

"No." Shirou refused without hesitation, "You'd better help Yagyu next to him, he's still fighting the big snake."

"Touch it."

"I'll touch you when I'm done."

Hearing this, Musashi rushed over and helped Yagyu chop the big snake.

"Old man, is your hand alright?" Gudazi stretched out his hand, wanting to touch Shirou's right palm, but Shirou put away his palm before touching it.

"It's very dirty, don't touch it." Shirou then threw a handkerchief and wiped it.

Looking at his right hand, which was still a little black after being wiped, Shirou couldn't help shaking his head.

The filth on this hand is the remnant of this sword. If it wasn't because of his peculiar physique, he would probably be corroded to death, right?

The karma of this sword has already reached this level?

It seems that this sword cannot be touched by anyone else.As the maker of this sword, Shirou has the necessity and obligation to prevent others from touching it.

Shirou, who was a little tired from the sword, waited helplessly for a long time, and Yagyu and Musashi finally dealt with the giant python.

"The thieves ran away anyway. They didn't even keep a single one." Liu Sheng frowned, as if regretful.

"Yes, yes." Shirou put away the sword, and Musashi's face turned black all of a sudden.

"Old man! I want to shake it! I promised to shake it once!"

"Go, go, play while you're at it. The old man is very tolerant of not pursuing the matter of your throwing the sword, so don't push yourself further." Shirou said, as if remembering something, he stretched out his hand, "Give your sword to the old man."

"Old man, what are you going to do?" Musashi looked at Shirou with distrust, and immediately hugged the sword in his arms, like a hen guarding its chicks, "You don't want to take the sword back, do you? It's too much!"

Shirou glared: "Will you give it? If you don't give it, you will take it back!"

"Give it, give it. Promise!"

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