After receiving the sword, Shirou observed the ill-fated treasured sword he made. How could it be handed over to the master Musashi?

"This sword is stained with that Berserker's blood, is there any tool that can be used to find someone?" Shirou asked Yagyu.

"I do have this kind of tool, but it's not widely used." Yagyu looked at Shirou suspiciously, "What are you going to do?"

"That should be enough, can the court's spies point out the direction where they escape?" Shirou asked again.

"Your Majesty Muramasa, please don't underestimate the ability of the imperial court. Our spies are undoubtedly able to do this."

After thinking for a while, Shirou handed the sword back to Musashi: "Then let's set out to pursue tomorrow. I'm tired today. Rest for a while."

Chapter 37

"Is this thing really useful?" Musashi, who had just rested his feet, muttered while holding something that looked like a plate, "This thing can really find Heroic Swordsman?"

That plate was borrowed by Shirou from Yagyu. As long as there is a catalyst, such as the blood of Berserker, its owner can be found, but the search range is narrower.

"Anyway, I don't have too much expectation, but use it if you can." Shirou stopped, looked at Axie and Asuke next to him, "Can you hold on?"

"It's okay. I don't feel tired!" Axie's eyes were wide open, and he looked very energetic, not like he was lying. Hearing this, Shirou was relieved a lot.

This time, he brought Axiu, Asuke and Chiyonu with him.He was really worried about them.

What Rider and berserker said also woke him up.According to Chiyo, they had been attacked before, but Chiyo was very familiar with their style, so they escaped their pursuit.And he came to find Shirou after dawn.

"Thank you, Mochizuki."

"It's just a matter of duty, Mr. Muramasa, I made you worry."

Sanada Izo and Muto Nagahide fetched some water from the river: "Come on, let's drink some water."

Shirou scooped up some water and handed it to Xie and Asuke, and drank some himself.

Seeing that everyone had almost rested, Shirou began to discuss some things with them: "In about half a day, we will be able to chase down the enemy. Now we are riding a horse, and the speed is still much faster than them. By then Nagahide Muto, Izo Sanada, you two follow Mochizuki to protect the children. It should not be a problem for Gudazi to protect himself, the old man, Kotaro and Musashi will deal with the enemy. Mochizuki, if the plate responds, or finds out Enemy, then take them away quickly."

"Old man, I want to ask a question. What if they don't want to fight and continue to flee?" Gudazi asked after thinking for a moment.

Shirou gestured to Mochizuki Chiyo, who nodded.

"Miss Gudazi, don't worry about this. They will definitely fight. Rather, it's strange to run away like yesterday. The more Heroic Swordsman dies, the more that sorcerer, that is, Heroic Swordsman's The master is happier, because the closer he is to his goal, of course, the premise is that the heroic swordsman has killed enough enemies. If it is possible, it would be better if we can kill the heroic swordsman less. But it is a pity , I have no way of knowing what his goal is."

Immediately, Shirou followed up on what Chiyo-noe had said:

"And since we don't know the target, we have no choice but to cut them down first, and then kill the sorcerer who wants to see him. In terms of combat power, we have the advantage no matter what. But, Please pay attention to everyone.”

Shirou said solemnly: "Be careful of Yagyu but Ma Shou."

"Hafnium?" Gudazi and the others looked at Shirou in confusion.

Liu Sheng but Ma Shou?

"Why, why? Why should you pay attention to Yagyu-sama?" Muto Nagahide jumped up as if a frying pan had exploded.

"Don't worry, listen to Mr. Muramasa speak slowly." Sanada Izo comforted Muto Nagahide for a while, but the doubt in his eyes was no less than Muto Nagahide.

"Six of the seven heroic swordsmen are already known, namely the lancer, archer, and assassin who have been eliminated, and the caster, rider, and berserker who have not yet been eliminated. But there is one that we have not discovered until now, and that is——Saber .”

"Old man, you mean that Saber might be, Yagyu?" Gu Dazi frowned.

"This is what the old man speculates, and it is the most likely." Shirou recalled the joke that he said at the time - Yagyu is a heroic swordsman, unexpectedly, it might be true.

"How to say?"

"Because if that wasn't the case, Yagyu himself would be, hey, mentally handicapped." Shirou raised his forehead, "Duan Zang, you should know that he is the ninja leader next to Yagyu. Do you think Yagyu would be so stupid as to let such a spy treat him like that?" By your side without being aware of the problem?"

"Little Taro, is Duan Zang's control core still there?" Gu Dazi frowned, feeling uncomfortable to refute, "Can I check the log?"

Kotaro shook his head in embarrassment: "At that time, she was going to blow herself up, so I broke it."

"But old man, if he is a heroic swordsman, why didn't Yagyu attack us yesterday?" Musashi looked at Shirou incredulously, "If you want to put it this way, wouldn't it be the best time for Yagyu to attack yesterday?"

Gudazi and the others nodded: "Yes, yes!"

"Theoretically yes. However, there are other possibilities."

"This old man wants to ask you a question. Do you think the enemy is monolithic? Is there no gap between heroes and swordsmen?"

Gudazi looked at Shirou incredulously.

"What do you mean?"

"To give a simple example, how long do you think rider and berserker have been here when they jumped out yesterday?"

"It feels like it's been a while." Musashi thought for a while and replied.

"That's right, then why didn't you immediately support the caster? And there are conflicts between the rider and the berserker, right? If that's the case, why couldn't Yagyu choose not to jump out at that time for his own benefit?"

After Shirou said that, everyone suddenly realized that this is indeed possible.

"The fortress was breached from the inside, Gudazi, you especially have to remember this, the enemies you will deal with in the future will not be weak, only by making good use of the gaps can you survive."

Gu Dazi nodded, indicating that he understood.

"But right now, there is no evidence that Yagyu-sama is a heroic swordsman?" Sanada Izo frowned.

"That's true. Therefore, there is a reason why the old man came here to rest now. Look at the map." Shirou spread out the map and pointed to the route, "We got information from Yagyu before, saying that the heroic swordsman who escaped yesterday went to Go in this direction. There is a village not far away, and that village is where the next joint will be."

"If the village in front has not been massacred, and the spy can accurately say that the rider and the others have been here, then it is very likely that Yagyu is a heroic swordsman and set a trap to ambush us. Heroic swordsmen are all If the bloodthirsty people didn't slaughter the village in front of them, they might have already organized and collude to lure us and ambush us."

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