"What if the village was slaughtered and the spy survived?" Gudazi asked.

"That would be even more obvious. How did the spies survive? Why did they survive?" Shirou asked back.

Sanada Izo's face was very ugly when he heard this. They were the people Yagyu sent to help Shirou find spies from various places and obtain information.If Liu Sheng is really a heroic swordsman...

That would be unimaginable.

Gu Dazi was surprised: "Then isn't it dangerous for us to go to the joint to seek information?"

"No. If it's as expected by the old man, we'll just keep counting."

"How to do it?"

Chapter 38 Enemy, Yagyu Tamaru!

Closer to the village, the blood continued to flow down the river.The thick blood is constantly becoming thinner under the washing of the water, as thin as a gossamer, fleeting.

They couldn't find this just upstream, but now they found it when they came to the downstream.

The development of things is completely opposite to Shirou's imagination.

Fortunately, he had already let Chiyo and the children stay a little farther away, and Musashi stayed with them and protected them.

Only Gudazi was with him at this time, looking at this piece of hell on earth.

"Is anyone still alive?" Shirou asked with a dry voice.

Obviously not.As a servant, he manifests the world, and his perception ability is much stronger than before, but he can't even perceive the breath of life.

It seemed that the sea of ​​flames was burning again before his eyes.

Gudazi wanted to rush over, but was stopped by Shirou.

"Don't go, there is no one alive."

Gu Dazi opened his palm and closed it again, and nodded. It's not like she hasn't seen this kind of scene before.It's just that every time I can't help but want to see if there are any living people.

It's just that every time, it is impossible to find a living person.

"Old man, I know." Gudazi was silent for a while, "Let's go."

"After they were summoned, they should have caused such massacres many times, right? It would be great if they could be killed immediately, at least Shuten-douji and Minamoto Raimitsu..." Gu Dazi clenched his fists .

Patting her on the shoulder, Shirou comforted her softly, "Then you can blame me. If I hadn't been injured, maybe I could have kept theirs..."

"Wait, someone is coming."

Shirou frowned, turned around and saw that there were still people alive!

"Is anyone? Is anyone still alive?"

The man was covered in blood and staggered, like a walking corpse, his eyes were completely dazed.

"Someone is here."

Shirou blocked Gudazi behind him without a trace, walked forward, and found that the man's mental state was completely out of order.

The soul is almost gone.


He doesn't have Avalon, let alone time to look after him.All he can do at this moment is to comfort him with the fact that he and Gu Dazi are alive.

Seeing Shirou, the man seemed relieved: "There are still people alive, and there are still people—"

He lay down on the ground, his breath was gone.

Shirou closed his eyelids.

"rest in peace."

Shirou sighed softly.

Gudazi and him were not allowed to stay here for long, Shirou returned to the original place.

Hearing the news that Shirou brought back, everyone's faces were a little ugly.

"But this also means that Mr. Yagyu is not a heroic swordsman, right?" Musashi laughed on purpose when he saw everyone's serious expressions, and his tone was a little frivolous. "This is at least good news."

"Yes, yes." Sanada Izo immediately responded to Musashi's words, but Shirou didn't respond to them.

This made the cheerful atmosphere they had managed to create suddenly collapse.

"It seems that the old man can only use the last resort." Shirou took out the plate.

"The last trick? Is it the trump card?" Musashi leaned forward and found that it was the thing that Shirou borrowed from Yagyu before. "Is this the trump card?"

"Yes, to be honest, the old man has always had expectations, hoping that Liu Sheng will not be a heroic swordsman. Until just now, even when I saw the village with corpses everywhere, I was actually relieved in my heart. If Liusheng is a heroic swordsman, then It can be said that all the deaths in Xiazong Kingdom were caused by him, you should understand what this means, right?"

Musashi's expression changed and he nodded.

This is equivalent to that Liu Sheng is completely directing and acting on his own.This fact is too scary to believe.Therefore, Sanada Izo and Muto Nagahide both denied this possibility from beginning to end.

Because of this, Shirou has been trying his best to deny this possibility.

The facts were so terrible that Shirou was afraid to look at them.

It's just that what should come will always come.

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