"I probably didn't tell you guys. I asked Liu Sheng for this plate on purpose. I doubted that he would arrange something next to me, so I made preparations in advance. And I took this and the plate. Only after you have learned the truth, do you really want to recognize the truth.”

"After I got it yesterday, I used analysis magic to explore the internal structure of the plate. However, my analysis was blocked halfway. This is why I have been doubting him today. Until the end, I don't want to do this Made it. Now it’s just a matter of trying.”

Lifting the knife, Shirou flattened the surface of the plate, revealing what was hidden inside.

A black jade.

"What is this?" Gudazi found that his analytical magic could not succeed.

Shirou picked up the knife and crushed the black jade, revealing the red inner core.

They are all familiar with that thing.

The karma of the heroic sword hero can also be said to be the spiritual core.

"Master Yagyu Danma Shou, although I have to admit that your idea is very ingenious, but it's time for you to come out, right?"

"Hehe, I was discovered by you. You are so thoughtful, Your Excellency Qianzicun." A man in a cloak came out from the shadows, and the voice was Yagyu Danmashou!

"My spiritual core has been pinched by you, but in fact I am still a living person, let's destroy it. I want to die as Yagyu Danma Shou in the end."

Shirou shattered the spirit core, and the corner of Yagyu's mouth, which flung off the cloak, was filled with blood.

"Why did you collude with the heroic swordsman? Didn't you see those who died in vain?" Kotaro couldn't help it, and asked Liu Sheng angrily.

Yagyu Tajima looked towards the distant village.

"Are they all dead? They? Hey, I told the riders not to kill people in this village, but they didn't listen. Forget it." Yagyu Tanamamori shook his head, "Speaking of it, Miyamoto Musashi, I want You may not believe the reason I said. The battle between me and you at that time aroused my fighting spirit, and I always wanted to fight you again. Therefore, I found the sorcerer."

"So you, a sword idiot, let so many people die in order to sharpen yourself?" Musashi almost laughed out of anger when he heard the reason.

"He succeeded in getting you here again, which completely exceeded my expectations." Yagyu didn't answer Musashi's question directly, but said slowly, "That would kill so many people. "

"However, I also kept some backs during this period. You are one of my backs. Well, that's all I have to say. Miyamoto Musashi, come on, fight me, and kill me ! This will also allow me to atone for my sin."

Musashi looked at Shirou, and signaled him with his eyes: hack him to death together?

"Go ahead, I have to pay attention to other people." Shirou squinted his eyes and looked at the bushes in the distance, "Rider, are you going to continue watching the show?"

Chapter 39 Myojinki Muramasa

Kotaro stepped forward, but Musashi drew his sword and laid it across in front of him.

"Miss Musashi, let me help you."

"Go and help Mr. Muramasa or protect the children. I will deal with Yagyu. I will also let him explain to you about Duan Zang." After Musashi finished speaking calmly, he stared at Yagyu.

"Then why are you willing to reveal your true identity now?"

"That's right. After seeing your sword skills last night, I confirm that you have grown enough to fight me. Even if your sword skills are a little inferior, your sword makes up for some of your deficiencies." Liu Sheng said Gujing Wubo's eyes suddenly burned with a fighting spirit.

"Come on, Miyamoto Musashi!"

"go to hell!"

Shirou looked at the rider and the berserker who showed his figure.

"You two, aren't you going to run away today?" Shirou's eyes were full of sarcasm, "Yesterday I was beaten tremblingly, and now I dare to stand up?"

"Ah, ah, Your Majesty Qianzicun, your words really hurt people's hearts. Speaking of which, you dare not use your sword yourself, don't you? Without that sword, I don't think you can defeat us Two people." Rider said calmly.

Indeed, both rider and berserker are first-class followers among first-class followers. Without yesterday's sword, Shirou would not have much confidence in such a one against two.

But Shirou is facing the Heroic Swordmaster who is using the Heroic Shell, even if there are two, he will definitely not escape!

"Where is the need to do this against you?" Shirou sneered, "It's never too late to rebuild when you fight. How can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer?"

"It's very arrogant." Berserker picked up the wine, "I don't know how long your Excellency Qianzicunzheng can last with the wine I prepared carefully?"

"As long as you want to last, I can last as long as you want. Those who deserve to die should go back to the Hall of Valor, and don't harm the living here. With your attitude of insulting the heroic spirit, you dare to confront the old man?" Shirou projected Mo Xie, the general, said, "I don't know how many people you slaughtered, but I saw it, so you should die quickly. Don't tarnish your name as a hero."

"Mental skills Taishan to -"

The double knives were thrown away immediately!


While the sword light was shining, the blood moon shrouded the earth again.

After several rounds of tentative duels, Musashi realized that the opponent's strength was also increasing.

It's been almost half a year since she last faced off with Yagyu Tanmamoru, and Musashi knew that he had to use his ingenious Niten First Class and Celestial Eye to defeat the enemy.

Liu Shengdan Ma Shou retreated slightly, his eyes were full of excitement.He seems to have returned to his childhood, when swordsmanship had not yet defeated all enemies.

This person who is almost the number one in Japanese swordsmanship has no rivals after that, and he has no intention of practicing swords.

And after meeting her, Jian Chi's essence was finally rediscovered by himself.

He had heard of a thing called poppies from the West.If a person has taken it once, he wants to take it a second time, otherwise he will suffer unbearably.

He had also seen the ugliness of those people, so he was insensitive to such things.

But that duel with Musashi aroused his heart of swordsman.He found that fighting with people of similar strength to him was more attractive than poppies.

Not being able to fight Musashi made him miserable.

This even made him prefer to make a deal with the devil, that person is, Amakusa Shiro Tokisada.

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