He promised that he would be able to see Musashi again, that is to say, he would be able to use his proud sword skills against powerful enemies again, and fight heartily to the death.

Yagyu Xinyin Stream, fully open!

The two swords cooperated with each other, forming a perfect double-team, attacking from both ends of Liu Sheng.

Liu Sheng squinted his eyes, saw that there was no way to hide the two swords, so he simply used the sword to break the sword.

Time seemed to stand still suddenly, Yagyu's sword hit the first sword first, and then with a flick of the wrist, the sword bounced back, knocking down Musashi's second sword.

"Is that all you have?" Liu Sheng growled, "Does your Ertian Yiliu only have one knife? Is it just this little strength?"

Musashi was startled, but immediately grabbed the sword with his right hand.

Under Yagyu's fierce slashing, Musashi was forced to take several steps back.Finding an opening, Musashi quickly swung his sword to suppress Yagyu's space.

As soon as Yagyu's sword was retracted and blocked, Musashi jumped back and opened the distance when he saw the opportunity.

Musashi, who finally blocked Yagyu's attack, breathed a sigh of relief. Even though the opponent had some internal injuries, his sword skills still had the upper hand at this time.

"I have to admit that your level is still higher than mine at this time. However, I don't accept your statement. My Ertian is first-rate, and I will definitely become the strongest swordsmanship in the world in the future." Musashi pulled out his sword. Shirou hid the sword for her.

Speaking of this knife, Musashi has not yet named it.

In other words, the old man hasn't given the knife inscription yet.

"Old man, what's the name of the knife you made? You haven't told me yet!" Musashi roared.

Shirou is fighting two against one, so how can he have the time to talk to Musashi: "You can just take one yourself? Remember to add Muramasa to the name of your sword for the old man!"

"Understood, old man!"

Musashi smiled brightly, looking at Yagyu Tanmamori who did not continue to attack.

"Hasn't your knife been named yet? It's a good knife, I can understand it at a glance. You should have pulled it out earlier, so that you won't be forced into such a mess by me."

"In fact, I really want to defeat you purely with my own skills. It's just that although the battles during this period have made me grow up, I still haven't reached the point where I can defeat you with my own sword. It's a pity." Musashi bit his lip a little unwillingly.

"But I will defeat you. With this knife, named Myojinkiri Muramasa's knife, I will defeat you and give an explanation to those whose lives have disappeared!"

Yagyu Tanmamoru recalled the Musashi who fought with him half a year ago but fled in despair.

It was this sword idiot who caused him to cooperate with the sorcerer so that he had the opportunity to fight Musashi again, and also stained so much blood on his men.

But if given the chance to do it again, he would still choose to do so.

You must decide the outcome, even if you lose your life, you still have to feel the feeling of trembling with excitement.

He withdrew the knife.

"Why, are you looking down on me?" Musashi frowned.

"No, you're thinking wrong. I want to fight you. Use my trump card. Do you want to cut the gods? Let me take the God-slaying sword!" Liu Sheng smiled, and put his trembling hands on the sword. handle.

"Accept it, this is my Swordsmanship Wushuang·Sword-Zen Unity!"

"Hmph, I also have my trump card! Come on, Yagyu Tamaru! Six Paths and Five Wheels, Kurigara Phenomena!"

Chapter 40 Wraith Chase Muramasa

Yagyu Tanmashou's clogs stepped on the ground, and the sword in his hand slowly retracted into its scabbard.

The sword in Musashi's left hand fell and covered the wound on his right arm.

"Tch——" Musashi gritted his teeth. Fortunately, the wound wasn't too big, but even if Yagyu had been blocked by the sword, was Mamoru's sword and Chan Fuyi also injured by the sword energy?

Liu Sheng opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but the sword in his hand could not be put into the scabbard.

"Good sword."

Musashi turned around, and found that Yagyu had fallen to the ground, and the sword he was holding was also scattered on the ground, not closed with the scabbard.

The true display of the power of the unity of sword and Zen must be withdrawn.

And Yanagi Tamaru couldn't even sheath his sword in the end, which can only explain one thing-Musashi won.

"I thought that even if you could rely on the sword to block it, my right arm would be cut off by my sword energy. It seems that I was wrong. With your sword skills, you can defeat me at that moment without knowing your mind, right?" Liu Sheng recalled that sword, and said very satisfied, "It's great, I finally feel the taste of swordsmanship again."

"Wait, are you saying that my sword skill surpasses yours?" Musashi asked in disbelief, thinking of his sword just now, maybe he had reached that ideal state?

Liu Sheng closed his eyes, although he didn't want to admit it, but it was true.

"Not bad. Your sword skills have surpassed mine."


Shirou's situation is a little bit worse now.

Rider Minamoto's attack is a headache, that's all. As long as Shirou wants to fight seriously, there is nothing to be afraid of just facing the Heroic Sword Hero Minamoto.

The rider who is contaminated with karma, the sword she holds is a little blunter than the real Minamoto Raimitsu, although there is only a little bit, but Shirou can clearly perceive it.

This could kill her.

However, it was Shuten-douji who made Shirou feel uncomfortable.

Her treasure, it seems, can be used without liberating her real name, and the trouble she caused is not small.

Her support from the sidelines and her own presence were enough to distract Shirou.

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