"Ah, ah, Your Excellency Senko Muramasa, do you only have this little strength? Where did the momentum yesterday go? I don't remember Senko Muramasa being in such a mess." Rider laughed at Shirou, "Let me Let me see, look at your sword that can cut off karma, Tian Congyun."

"As you are now, I think you will lose soon."

"Then you beat the old man." Shirou didn't lose the slightest bit of wind.

Although he was at a disadvantage at this moment, he knew that even if the rider and berserker cooperated with each other, it was impossible to kill him.

Even if Shirou can't take advantage of the offense, the defense is still more than enough.

Speaking of which, Shirou is better at defense than offense, just like that red guy.

If it is purely defense, no matter how strong a heroic spirit is, it is impossible to defeat him easily.

Of course, Wang Hassan is out of the question.

"I don't need to defeat you, I just need to delay until Saber comes over. I think the outcome is almost decided, right?" Minamoto Raimitsu raised his head, "As a heroic swordsman, I am not entitled to The glory of the hero. Look, that little girl will soon be defeated by Saber. The next situation is self-evident, right?"

"I don't agree with what you said." Shirou shook his head, "I don't deny that I will lose after Saber joins the battlefield. But, why do you think Musashi will lose?"

"Oh? Do you have that much confidence in that little girl?" Rider's sword qi swung out, and Shirou took the sword forcefully to protect the safety of the people behind him.

The sword energy was scratched on Shirou's face, and it still hurt a little.

Wiping the blood from the wound on his face, Shirou raised his lightning-like eyebrows: "Of course I have confidence. Her sword is very pure. Although she looks like she doesn't care about winning or losing, she actually cares about She is still very obsessed with tempering her own skills. Her growth during this period has reached the point where the old man's sword skills are almost incomparable. If she takes one more step, she may become the number one swordsman in Japan."

While talking, Shirou fought back and forth with the rider a few more times. Berserker did not interfere with the battle between them during this time, so Shirou regained the upper hand.

"Berserker, what are you doing! Hurry up and support me!" Rider was a little embarrassed and shouted at Berserker.

"No, the battle between you and His Excellency Qianzicunzheng was too exciting. I can't get in." Berserker admired the rider's appearance, "Come on, rider."

"You..." rider was short of breath for a while, and his words got stuck, "At this moment, are you still fighting among yourself?"

"Can the matter of my body be called internal strife? I am just admiring your duel. Ah, what a beautiful sword flower. Your Excellency, Qianzi Village, please do your best."

Shirou couldn't help but look at the rider with pity.

It's really pitiful to have a traitor in the middle.

"Old man, what's the name of this sword?" Musashi suddenly shouted from the side and asked Shirou, "You haven't told me yet!"

Shirou covered his face, the people on his side are not very reliable.At this time, he even came to ask him what the name of the sword is!

Does it matter what it's called?

"Don't you just take one yourself? Remember to add the old man to the name of the sword you made!"

"Understood! Father!"

"I will use this sword named Myojin Kiri Muramasa to defeat you!"

Myojinki Muramasa, Shirou nodded, feeling that the name is quite domineering.

"Well, it's okay. Just don't come up with the name of 囧囧 Marumuramasa." Although Shirou said so, a smile still overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"It seems that you are very satisfied with the name of that sword. Your sword name is too arrogant." Rider said with a frown.

"What's so arrogant?" Shirou curled his lips. "Or, if you're not arrogant, what kind of swordsmith and swordsman are you? Don't you even understand this, rider?"

"The king is the one who wants to govern his country best, the swordsman is the one who can defeat all enemies with the sword, and the swordsmith is naturally the one who wants to make the best sword in the world. The old man's sword is nothing more than cutting a god That’s all, it’s not arrogance.”

After taking a few steps back, Shirou suddenly asked, "Rider, I guess I haven't told you the name of this sword yet?"

After finishing speaking, he began to talk on his own: "The ghost chases Muramasa. The old man once used it to save a person's life. Now, let me show you its power."

"Show her your strength. Wraith Chase Muramasa!"

Chapter 41 Disgusted from the Dirty Land City!

"Wraith Chase Muramasa!"

There is no powerful magic to turn the light into heat, but only the swing of the sword, cutting something invisible.

The blood moon, which symbolized the power of the heroic swordsman, quietly disappeared at this moment, and that sword had killed two heroic swordsmen at the same time.

"You lost. No, you lost." Shirou withdrew his sword.

The Black Rope Hell and Hezhong Hell scratched their chests hard, as if they wanted to touch their spiritual core, but they found that their plan was completely in vain.

They placed their spiritual cores far away from the very beginning. The spiritual cores full of karma gave them the power of infinite resurrection, but it also made them fall into a trap when facing swordsmen like Shirou who could cut off karma. disadvantage.

Rider sat on the ground slowly, with his hands on the ground, panting violently: "You won. Haha, look, berserker, you cheated me like this, and you were also killed by His Excellency Qianzicunzheng Yet?"

Berserker was very calm about his own death: "Hey, what's the matter? Have you seen that your sword is satisfied? It must be satisfied, right? Heh heh, it's good to see a sword like this before you die .Besides, you are wrong to say that I harmed you. This is what the two of us have been wishing since we were summoned, right? You should be happy like this.”

Rider, maybe Minamoto Raimitsu should be called now, said very dissatisfied: "Although it is true to say so, I am still dissatisfied with being killed by you."

"I still remember the fact that you killed me." Jiu Tuntong fell limply on the ground, "It's not too much for me to kill you once, right? And the one who killed you was not the concubine, but Qianzi Village." Your Excellency Zheng. And my concubine died with you too. Your Excellency Qianzicun, don’t you think so?”

"Huh, huh?" Shirou was taken aback, "Ask me?"

"It seems that the ruthless Senko Muramasa has no self-awareness at all." Shuten-douji glanced at Shirou with dissatisfaction, "I should apologize after all, right? We are cute girls."

"Even if you are women, you are still enemies." Shirou rolled his eyes at them, "And the people you killed were many children and women, too?"

"That's right. It's just that we don't have the chance to pay for our sins." Minamoto Raimiko breathed out, "It's time for us to sleep well. It's just a little longer."

At this point in the conversation, Shirou also understands that they have regained their consciousness, not the heroic swordsman.

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