"Go to sleep, I will help you eliminate the black hands behind the scenes."

"Then I'm relieved." Minamoto Raimitsu's body began to turn into spots of light, "Hurry up, Ruqicheng, it will become completely different from before."

Rustic city?

"I understand."

When Ba Yuqian and Chiyonu attacked before, it also showed that Ruqi City was very important to them.

Well, it's time to return.


"Sorcerer's House, Senko Muramasa and Miyamoto Musashi have already killed the rider, berserker and saber." Caster bowed slightly.

"It's just that I didn't expect them to avoid my control as much as possible." The sorcerer frowned somewhat dissatisfied.

"So what? Hall of Magicians, they have perfectly completed the task you gave them, haven't they? They killed more people than we expected." Caster said respectfully.

"It seems that you are talking about such a terrible topic again. I can't help but feel a little scared after hearing such words." Although the long-clothed swordsman said such words, his tone was still very flat, with a slight smile.

"Your Excellency Kojiro, don't be afraid, my sword will not be aimed at you, and my city will not harm you. You just need to stay at my side and protect me," said the sorcerer.

That's right, the long-clothed swordsman is Sasaki Kojiro, who nodded slightly at this time: "So, what do I need to do?"

"At that time, please deal with Miyamoto Musashi, just show your sword skills."

"Of course. Your Excellency Kojiro, you don't need to worry too much." Caster said following the sorcerer's words.

"That's good." After saying that, Kojiro left.

Now, only the caster and the sorcerer are left in this darkness.

Looking at the sun outside, the sorcerer couldn't help laughing: "——The time has come. Finally, the loathing and filthy soil that is my sad wish is about to appear. The profound meaning of the black companion Tianlian's sorcery bestowed by Satan will be here. take shape."

"The Chaldean masters who are hindering, Miyamoto Musashi and Senko Muramasa also leave the city. No, even if they are still here, they can't stop me from waiting."

"Caster Limbo, lower the curtain of night and quickly turn the Sun of Righteousness into something that doesn't need to exist in this world."

Caster: "Understood."

Then chant: "O Sun, O Sun! Great One that blesses all living things with Light. Sink!"

The sun became dim, and the light and shadow on the ground became blurred.


The clouds stopped flowing and became gray.


The sun seemed to die, and the sky glowed blood-red.

"Close your eyes and enter deep sleep. Enter the slumber of death like night. O sun, enter death! Now is the time for us demonic beings to awaken.——Darkness, come. Tu All living things in the world!"

Darkness fell, and in an instant, there was lightning and thunder.

The sorcerer watched the changes in the world with satisfaction: "The souls of the five heroic swordsmen who died in remorse! And the souls of the civilians who died and were massacred! The infinite overlapping of pain and resentment and the condensation of resentment have become Lucifer's Satan The appointed living sacrifices have already been filled! Reveal your form! My Holy Grail! My filthy soil of disgust! Its real name is—to become the majestic and splendid city of filthy soil that guides mountains of corpses and seas of blood!"

The real body that caused the vision appeared.

Known as the second Edo, the rustic city shows a strange shape.

Under the illumination of the blood moon, the attic mutated, as if it had life. Magic vines and thorns grew from it, revealing an ominous atmosphere.

After going through untold hardships, using the Holy Grail, creating heroic swordsmen, slaughtering countless creatures, and adding the souls of five heroic swordsmen, this dirty city finally took shape.

Monsters also continue to grow from the ground, bursting out of people, biting others.

Amakusa Shiro Shizhen looked at the stage with a mountain of corpses and a river of blood with satisfaction.

"No one can stop me." Amakusa Shiro looked at the land with his scarlet eyes, as if returning to that moment, the scene during the Shimabara Rebellion.

His long journey finally had meaning. He wanted the whole of Japan to taste the hell and sea of ​​flames caused by those warriors during the Shimabara Rebellion!

Chapter 42

The darkness has enveloped the entire rustic city, and magic vines and thorns are growing on the walls of this second Edo city, and they also emerge from the ground, sucking the blood of passers-by.

Under the nourishment of blood, they grow stronger again.Some pedestrians were mutated under the influence of the magic vine, and some of them were completely dried up, leaving only bones.

The horse led Shirou and others to the outside of Ruqi City, but it refused to be forced to take a step forward.

Everything has a spirit, and the horse also understands that the rustic city in front of him is purgatory.

"Old man, Ah Xie and the others should let Miss Qiandai take them away?" Gudazi suggested.

Shirou shook his head: "Come along, I can protect them in case something happens."

Seeing the ugly faces of the two samurai next to him, Shirou joked, "Why are you two so sad? Follow me and hack the enemy to death, and you will have saved the heroes of Japan. Tsk tsk, it's not a dream to be promoted."

"Don't talk about it, Mr. Yagyu did such a thing. As his subordinate, I didn't notice it. That's why Ruqicheng became like this. Now I have no face to face those people." Sanada Izo said with a low voice. Nagahide Muto didn't say a word.

"Hmph, you two, so what if you find out? Can you beat Yagyu?" He was sent out of the city and headed to the north. Otherwise, the old man will have to find someone. Let's go!"

Soon, they sneaked into the rustic city, and saw that the changes in the residents here were more serious than those outside, and the smell of blood had already filled their nostrils.

Occasionally, a few surviving ones ran out of the city with their children on their backs or even without anything, but nine out of ten they would be entangled by magic vines, suck their blood dry, or become monsters of the same kind.

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