In this purgatory, ordinary people cannot escape.

And these people who can't escape will eventually make this purgatory expand, maybe it will expand to the whole of Japan, and maybe it will expand to the whole world.

Provided that--

There is no one named Emiya Shirou in this world!

As long as he is here, he will definitely do his best to rescue the people here from hell!


The blood moon shines on the castle tower, nourishing the monsters here.

Footsteps came from downstairs, a little hurried.

On the castle tower, a white-haired young man in a kimono holds a knife and looks at the "beautiful scenery" in front of him. He listens to the sound of footsteps with some expectation, waiting for Shirou's arrival.

Finally, several figures reached the top floor.

The show is about to begin.

His scarlet eyes glowed captivatingly, and he couldn't help laughing: "I've been waiting for a long time. The master of Chaldea, His Excellency Miyamoto Musashi, His Excellency Senko Muramasa, and a certain traitor."

Shirou blocked Chiyo who was protecting the children, and chuckled softly, "It's better than someone who turns a hero into a butcher."

"Ah, what you said is not bad." Amakusa Shiro squinted his eyes, "But so what?"

Gu Dazi looked at Amakusa Shiro in disbelief, she really didn't expect him to be the black hand behind the scenes.

That heroic spirit in the Far East, who was almost a saint, actually did such a horrible thing at this moment, which caused the changes in Xiazong Kingdom and turned Ruqi City into a purgatory.

Gu Dazi also summoned him in Chaldea, he is obviously a very good person, but why is it like this?

Gu Dazi held the last hope and asked: "Amakusa Shiro Shizhen? Shouldn't it be?"

"I am Amakusa Shiro Tokisada!" Amakusa murmured a little madly, "I am the only one who survived the Shimabara Uprising and saw Purgatory!"

Gu Dazi's heart was a little cold, it was really him!

He was the only one who survived the Shimabara Rebellion.

Musashi saw Gudazi's entanglement, knew the situation of Chaldea, and naturally understood what she was thinking.

"Gudazi, this is not the Amakusa Shiro you saw. It's just someone with the same name."

Shirou looked at Amakusa Shiro with a complicated expression, and sighed helplessly. Speaking of which, he has always had a good impression and sympathy for the uprising.

Especially during the largest uprising in the Edo period, he was also quite sympathetic.No matter how bad the consequences are, if a place uprising, it already shows that the people there are no longer enough to eat and wear warm.The insurgents have no sin, they also have the right to survive, and survival is also the greatest right. Since they can't even guarantee this right, it's no wonder they want to overthrow the rule.

However, Amakusa Shiro, the leader of the uprising, turned out to be the man behind the current change in Shimosong Kingdom-it's ridiculous.

"Amakusa Shiro, the old man asks you, what do you think you are doing?"

"What to do? Hmph, this question is really ridiculous, Chiko Muramasa, haven't you seen it yet? Obviously, I want revenge, revenge on the whole of Japan, and let the scene of that day reappear in the whole of Japan!"

Amakusa Shiro's crazy appearance made Shirou sigh again.

A former insurgent has completely lost his sanity at this moment.

"Wouldn't your heart ache when the butcher knife in your hand fell on ordinary people? Not only that, but you also joined hands with people like Yagyu Tamaru who made Shimabara burn into purgatory. Those innocent souls of Shimabara looked at you Don’t you feel that you did something wrong?” Even now, Shirou still can’t bear to see this former rebel turned into such a crazy monster, maybe it’s best to kill him at this time ?

"Che, you have never experienced this kind of pain, yet you still dare to speak out. Qianzi Muramasa, you are just a swordsmith. What right do you have to criticize me? You have made some famous swords, and you just put those sword inscriptions on them." Amakusa Shiro was poked at the sore spot, but he chuckled lightly when he said this.

"However, now you all have this opportunity to taste my pain at that time and see that piece of purgatory. Although it is not a technique applied to you, I can't restrain my anger when it is said to this point. Inherent enchantment・Shimabara Hell Picture Scroll!"

The whole world is filled with flames, the vegetation is burning, and people are struggling and wailing in that pain.

The air here is scorching hot, with any toxins, as long as it is inhaled, it will burn the lungs.

This is not just the wailing and pain of human beings, but the pain of all living beings, whether they are spiritual animals or non-spiritual plants, are being burned by the flames at this moment.

Finally, this inherent barrier covered the original dirt city, or overlapped it together.

This is a new world, and that is exactly—hell.

The true appearance of the Inherent Barrier Shimabara Hell Picture Scroll is as painful as its name.

This reminded Shirou of the fire.

"Cough cough, cough cough." Gu Dazi seemed to want to say something, but before he could say anything, he was choked by the toxin-filled air.

As a follower, Shirou can bear the current air, so the influence is not great.

Seeing Gudako's appearance, Shirou patted her on the back and said:

"Don't talk—Xiao Taro, take care of Gudazi."

"I, ahem..."

Musashi covered his mouth, narrowed his eyes, and asked in a low voice, "Shiro Amakusa, is this your inherent barrier, the Shimabara Jigoku Picture Scroll? Damn it, slashing seems to be useless."

"This inherent enchantment is really real. Could it be that the original world you have experienced before?"

"No wonder I feel as if I've seen this scene before." Shirou closed his eyes, as if returning to the original sea of ​​flames, and everyone was crying, but he couldn't reach out his hand to help them.

He left them selfishly, and the person who was saved by Emiya Kiritsugu was also him.

This is a fortunate thing, at least survived.

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