"Using Tian Congyun in a non-godly body will of course disappear. Power has a price. The old man has settled the matter first, so we have to take a step forward. Although it is still a bit worrying, the two My child, has the sword-making realm reached that point? Great, I can finally complete that mission. Let’s leave together.”

Author's message:

This volume is finally over. . . .With advance notice, the next volume is F/A.


Chapter 1 Archer's commission

The sun was a little gray, slowly shooting into the church.

The blade shone brightly.

The sword is not sharpened, nor does it need to be sharpened.

A sharp blade cuts off objects, and a blunt sword cuts off karma.

The blade slowly sank into Archer's body.

Shirou's hands trembled a little, for fear that he would kill Archer by mistake.

Take a deep breath, fill your chest with air, and let it out slowly.

Even Amacongun was created, so it should be easy to cut off his connection with Kiara Seshoin, even the contract between Archer and Alaya...?

The invisible thing quietly annihilated with the sword strike, the sword body was withdrawn from Archer's body, and all the shackles of Archer had been released, whether it was with the killing courtyard or Alaya.

He is completely free.

The darkness on his body also slowly faded, and the cloak also turned red.

The clearness of opening eyes replaced the previous turbidity, which also means——

He has recovered.

"Brother is amazing!" Xiao Hei hugged Shirou first.

Illya and Miyu looked at each other and nodded.

The previous behavior of the two of them conniving at Xiao Hei has already turned into bad results at this moment, and now they are going to unite.

"Come down, Xiao Hei!"

"No more..."

Sighing and shaking his head, Shirou suddenly felt good watching the three of them fight.

"Senior, welcome back." Sakura walked up to Shirou, smiling softly.

"Well, I'm back."

"Ah, you guys don't talk about me like this in front of me. Really, have you considered my feelings?" Archer covered his head, still had some headaches, and sat on the chair, "Is it finally back? Speaking of it You are really amazing, you can actually cut off some of the things that the killing courtyard left on me."

Shirou also sat on the chair and yawned. He was exhausted during this time.

"Well, it can be regarded as the harvest of going out this time. The curse-like things you left on your body are similar to the karma of the heroic swordsman in my opinion, and because of this, I can cut this kind of things more proficiently. Cut it off..."

Alaya suddenly appeared in front of Shirou with a slutty smile.


"Hey, hey, emiya! Do you think it's fun to be a guardian? It's fun to carry out the mission I gave you, isn't it? It's fun to take the very fancy Senko Muramasa's spirit base and kill all the enemies! Isn't it? What about the urge to sign a contract with me and become a guardian?"

"Do you have?"

"Do you have?"

Seeing Alaya's face getting closer and closer, Shirou turned his head away.

Finally, he felt that he couldn't bear it anymore!

Who wants to be the guardian, whoever loves should be the one!I can fuck you!

"No, go away!"

Alaya was deeply shocked, shrank back, and muttered:

"If you don't have it, you don't have it. Why are you so fierce? If you don't accompany me, then I'll find another emiya, huh!"

Seeing Alaya's appearance, Shirou couldn't help laughing maliciously.

"Archer, I have some good news for you. In fact, when I just cut off your connection with the Killing Academy, um, by the way..."

"By the way?" Archer frowned, looking at his hands, he felt a lot lighter in his body, as if he had regained his freedom. Could it be——

"Why do you care so much about him? Listen, you have to continue working for me later. Gilgamesh and I made an agreement that you should work for me at least twice. Did you hear that?" Alai Ye flaunted his teeth and claws, as if he were a capitalist who exploited workers.

Shirou thought about it.

Decided to refuse.

"No. Archer was rescued anyway. I helped you only because I wanted to help Archer. Archer once helped me. I must repay this kindness. If you didn't respond to me at that time, then Sakura, and Mei You, are you all dead by then?"

Archer was stunned: "You still remember?"

"Of course, I will always remember this kind of thing. By the way, Archer, the contract between you and Alaya has also been severed by me. You will be free from now on, and you will no longer have to work for unscrupulous bosses." gone."

Alaya's face suddenly changed, as if some program was opened and he was searching for something.

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