"You, ah - Emiya, how dare you!"

Shirou turned his head away and smiled softly.

Unscrupulous capitalists should be dealt with like this.

Eliminate the tyranny of capital, the world belongs to the proletariat! (fog)

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh——" Alaya wailed, not only did he fail to deceive the other emiya, but also lost the original one, "hhhhhhhh..."

When Alaya's sorrow was about to flood the earth, a hand blocked the flow of tears.

"Really, it's really troublesome." Archer wiped away Alaya's tears.

Alaya opened his eyes wide and looked at the red knight, muttering: "Emiya..."

"The contract is broken, so I have to re-sign it. Sure enough, if I don't continue to do this kind of thing, am I still not at ease?"

"Emiya!" Alaya threw himself into Archer's arms and rubbed hard, "Emiya is really the best!"

"Is it necessary for you to do this for her? It's clear that justice betrayed you first, and it's also related to this unscrupulous boss." Shirou looked at Archer with a complicated expression.

The red knight couldn't help laughing: "It's not just for her, I also do this for human beings. Even though justice betrayed me first, I still want to be justice's partner."

"Oh, it seems that I am being self-indulgent." Shirou looked at Archer slightly dissatisfied.

"How should I put it? Actually, I also thought about it at that moment. Should I give up being a guardian, but who will I not go to? That's it, it's pretty good."

"Then I, who put justice aside, will silently bless you." Shirou looked at Archer helplessly, "I'll go suck my cute little sister, and then go watch the fireworks with Sakura."

Sakura who was sitting by the side blushed: "Senior!"

"Sakura, why are you blushing? It made me blush a little bit." Shirou scratched his cheek, "It made me feel embarrassed by what you said just now..."

"Tch, who asked about someone's situation before throwing Amacongkumo? Are you still shy now?" Alaya looked at Shirou and Sakura's appearance, and his anger burned in his heart.

"Gu——" Shirou opened his mouth wide, did Alaya even know?Is the hatchet coming again?

Alaya looked at Shirou proudly, she still remembered what happened before!She is not a goldfish with only seven seconds of memory.

Now she's going to punish Shirou!

"Okay, okay." Archer rubbed Alaya's head, "Stop doing such unnecessary things. Speaking of which, what strange agreement do you have with Gilgamesh?"

Alaya pointing at Shirou coyly: "That's right, just let him do the work for me twice."

"That's it. If that's the case, Emiya Shirou, you should do me one last favor. Help Alaya with one more job. How about it?"

Chapter 2 You, Shirou, work overtime, live broadcast!

"Without a valid reason, even if you ask me, I can't accept it. I will only regard your request as the request of this unscrupulous worker."

After drinking a cup of tea, Shirou said so.

Archer opened his hands and said, "Traceon!"

However, nothing happened.

As if fake magic had just been used.

Shirou's eyes widened, and he stood up straight away: "What's going on?"

Obviously Archer's projection magic is much more proficient than himself, but now nothing appears?

"As you can see, I've almost lost all my strength now, and I can't even project Mo Xie, the leader of the projection." Archer shrugged, "So, I can't perform the task even if I want to."

"I basically can't fix Emiya, because I have repaired it too many times before, and I have worn him out several times. Now if I can't use the Holy Grail, there is no way to continue using it." Alai Ye complained about Archer, "It's all your fault. It's good that you are the guardian, don't let me hire other people, huh!"

"That is to say, if you don't go, Archer's strength will not be restored, right?" Shirou touched his chin.

In the end is to go?Or not to go?

This was really a difficult question for him.

"And the situation in that world is still a little critical. If no one solves it, I will probably have to cut another world line." Alaya scratched his head and wailed in pain, "Ah, really! If you don't pay attention Just let those nasty magicians get something amazing!"

"What the hell? Why are you cutting the world line again?" Shirou waited for Alaya's explanation in doubt, "Please explain to me."

"Then let me just say something briefly." Alaya explained.

In a certain world, a magician used the power of the German army during World War II to snatch the Great Holy Grail and put it in Romania, preparing to hold the Holy Grail War secretly.

In order to prevent all followers from being in the same force, the Holy Grail will arrange seven other followers to be hostile to it.

Among them, with the help of the German army, it is Black who snatches the Great Holy Grail.The red side is composed of people sent by the Magic Association and the Church of the Holy Church.

The people sent by the Holy Church are a huge threat.His goal is exactly the same as that of Einzbern.

With the help of the Great Grail, complete the relief of all mankind.

"Isn't that nice?"

"Not good! Not good at all! Every Holy Grail War, I have to do my best to prevent those idiots from Einzbern from completing the Great Holy Grail, you know?" Alaya said angrily, "That idiot! He doesn't know if the magic power of the leylines will be drained? Then Gaia will die? The earth may not need humans, but humans need the earth, at least for now!"

"What happens when Gaia dies?" Shirou looked at Alaya in confusion.

"The Continent of Steel. That's the world where Dayuan was drained. In terms you can understand, that's what your sister Miyu was in." Alaya frowned in distress.

"Then you didn't prepare in advance?"

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