"Of course I prepared in advance. If it wasn't for the fact that the killing courtyard became a cub, I would have already arranged it. It's all over now, the Magic Association has even got the snake skin, and that Gilgamesh is about to come out. Like this Now, that idiot from the Templar Church will have Karna and Gilgamesh! How can he win on the other side!" Alaya wailed, frantically stirring his white hair with his hands.

"So, I need your help." Archer shrugged.

"But, with this lineup, it's not easy for me to play, right?" Shirou squinted.

"Yeah, so I've asked this one for help these days. Hey, Hercules!"

Hercules pushes through the door...and gets stuck.

"Ahem, this door is really small." Hercules scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Berserker! Are you going too?" Illya asked behind him.

"Miss, now I'm not a Berserker, I'm a Hercules without rank."

"A berserker is a berserker, no matter what!" Illya hugged Hercules' head, "berserker is the strongest!"


Shirou looked at Illya.

"Well, in this way, the combat power will be balanced. It's just that you want me to continue to use Qianzi Village Zheng's spirit base?"

"Let me see, no, the class of Saber has already been taken, it's Siegfried, the archer is Hercules, um, um, the only thing left is the class of Assassin for you!"


"Forget it, it doesn't matter, let's use double class summoning, saber plus assassin's double class." Alaya paused while talking, "No, Emiya, do you have the class adaptability of assassin? "

The dual-class summoning can only be realized if the summoned has the adaptability of dual-class. If not, the summoning will fail.

Shirou thought about it.

"have it?"

He patted his thigh.

"I still have a name, which is the Hassan recognized by the teacher. I, Hassan Sabah, the twentieth Hassan, summon." Shirou patted his chest.

"It makes sense! It's up to you!"


"Go get ready and go."

Walking out of the church in a daze, Shirou always felt that he was cheated.Looking at Sakura outside the door, Shirou wanted to cry but had no tears.It seems that I haven't spent much time with Sakura.When this mission is over, we must make an appointment, otherwise the progress will be too slow.

"Senior, are you leaving again?" Sakura frowned in embarrassment.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon. I remember that Alaya adjusted the flow of time before, right? I've been there for more than a month and it's only been three days here." Shirou touched Sakura's head said comfortingly.

"No, it's not about this. Senior is going to carry out missions to save mankind and so on. I can still wait a little longer, it's brother's side..."

"Where is Shinji?"

"Didn't our school take a half-month vacation because of what happened last time? Then he asked me to call you and write the manuscript."

Urge more?

Shirou's deep eyes looked into the distance.

"Tan 90 degrees, you just tell him, let me googooo."

A figure jumped out from the grass, his red eyes were like zombies.

"Weimiya, update me quickly!"

But Shirou was so much stronger than him, and immediately knocked him unconscious.

The force of reminders is really scary, especially if the person who reminds them is someone they know.

"Stop talking, Sakura, I have to hide from the limelight."


Sitting in the church, both Shirou and Hercules have gone to the world line that Alaya said.

Miyu and the others looked a little lonely at the magical lights and shadows they left behind when they left.

"In this way, it's all right, both of them have already arrived." Alaya touched his chin.

"How long will my brother be going this time?" Meiyu asked, "Is it still the same as last time, three days?"

"Probably, it's only half a month. Don't worry, you will always watch him." Alaya raised an evil smile, took out the crystal ball, and put it on the cushion.

The crystal ball projected a screen, on which was Shirou's figure.

"You, Shirou Emiya, work overtime and broadcast live!"

Chapter 3 The Twentieth Generation Hassan

As a member of the Thousand Boundary Tree family, Fiore also felt a completely different tension than usual.

Touching her legs that had lost strength and could not walk, she sighed.

She is considered to be a new generation with good magic talents in the family, but the weather is not as expected, and her legs have lost the ability to walk due to the deterioration of the magic circuit. She has to use a wheelchair to assist her walking.

It is not impossible to cure it, that is to remove the magic circuit.

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