It is impossible for her to give up the magic circuit-even if any magician stops his own life, he must go further.

But she also hoped that she could stand and walk like a normal person. She was very envious of her brother, who could walk normally.

Therefore, her wish is also very simple - to restore her legs.

It's just that this humble wish has to go through a cruel ceremony, which is a complete, thorough slaughter - that is the Holy Grail War.

The Holy Grail War was a ceremony that Einzbern had prepared for a certain purpose.

It is said that in the first three Holy Grail Wars, only a few people survived.

And this Holy Grail War is different from the past. It is a battle of fourteen heroic spirits, divided into two camps.

One of them is the camp of the Thousand Boundary Tree family, the black side, and the red side formed by the Magic Association they will face.

The Thousand Worlds Tree has completely left the Magic Association and betrayed the Magic Association. They want to cut off the old rules and establish a completely different magician's paradise in this world.

Therefore, failure is never allowed.

She also prepared a catalyst that can summon the strongest heroes in the world——

Arrow clusters that have been handed down from the age of gods stained with bluish-black bloodstains.

The Servant she wants to summon is Archer—Hercules.

Undoubtedly, in the history of mankind, that is also the only powerful hero, the brave who defeated all enemies in Greek mythology.

She firmly believes that as long as there is his existence, the Holy Grail War will definitely favor her, and the goddess of fortune will definitely favor her.


The summoning ceremony begins from now on.

And the big hero she expected, also appeared as she expected.

"Servant, Archer, Hercules, following your summons, are you my master?"

His burly figure, strong muscles, and long, smooth black hair gave him an aesthetic that transcended gender.

The huge bow in his hand has the brilliance of the sun; the sword presented by Hermes at his waist is as black as night; the golden quiver on his back reveals luxury.

Fiore nodded, her hands trembling a little.

As she wished, she summoned the strongest servant!


In the hall, Hercules pushed the wheelchair gently, which was completely different from his burly figure.

Fiore even felt a little unbelievable—how could this hero be such a gentleman?

"So, is everyone here?" Lancer, Vlad III looked at the people in the hall, but in the end his gaze was attracted by Hercules who was pushing the wheelchair.

He smelled the breath of a hero.

The unparalleled hero of the world.

"My lord," Danik bowed lightly, "there is only one person left, and that is Assassin."

Vlad III nodded: "It's okay. Let's talk about it later."

Rider looked at the crowd present, and asked excitedly: "Would you like to introduce yourself? Are we already companions? I'll ask first, then I'll answer first. I am rider, and my real name is Asi." Tolfo, one of the twelve warriors of Charlemagne! Please teach me more!"

After that, Astolfo rushed to Hercules, looked at his burly figure, and asked curiously, "What about you, what's your name?"

Hercules looked at Fiore and nodded her approval, and seeing that Rider was so enthusiastic, it was not good not to say a word, so he simply reported his name: "Hercules, the rank is Archer."

The words are very simple, and there is no need to say too much, just the name, everyone understands who he is.

A world-renowned hero and, without a doubt, one of Black's strongest followers.

"Oh! Please advise! Hercules!"

Then, the rider curiously asked the other people's names.

Basically, everyone is very cooperative, but Berserker is not happy about his real name being known by others, and Saber's master is very angry at saying his real name, and he doesn't want to tell everyone.

With Saber's tall and straight posture, there is no doubt that she is a hero, but she met a master who has no ability and a bad personality.

Hercules couldn't help but feel a little sad for Saber.

And that master doesn't even seem to give exercise, he's a fat man.There are very few magicians who get fat and fat, and this may be the first one to become so fat.

Vlad III looked at these heroic spirits in the hall with satisfaction.

"If I had so many powerful heroes under my command back then, why bother?" Vlad III sighed secretly, standing up.

"Danic, can you tell us about the situation of Assassin?" Lancer asked, "If we lose one person when the war starts, it will be very bad news."

Danik said respectfully: "My lord, you don't need to worry. Assassin has already arrived and contacted us. But he seemed very dissatisfied with his master, so he killed him."

"Oh? Why?" Lancer frowned.

Any king who leads the people cannot tolerate betrayal.

"Because that magician did certain things, such as..." Darnic whispered next to Lancer.

And these things are dirty things—

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