Shirou quietly raised a smile, Black whistle, let's be born!

"And the ruler should also protect ordinary people, right?"

"Of course it is."

"Isn't that similar to what you did in your lifetime?" Shirou asked.

"Why?" Joan of Arc felt that she could no longer keep up with Shirou's thinking.

"Why did you stand up and fight against Britain during your lifetime?"

"Of course it was because Britain invaded my homeland and turned the flames of war on ordinary people. And I wanted to help them, so I disguised myself as a man and went to the battlefield."

"Isn't this obviously your job? Don't let the flames of war burn to ordinary people who didn't participate in the Holy Grail War. Then, I also want to ask you, if you don't stand up, will the people in your hometown die more? "


"Nonsense, of course. So there is no doubt that you protected them, you saved them. You killed the invaders, and the invaders deserved to be killed. The invaders deserved to die and who deserved to die? Get rid of the invaders, the people Only then can people live a stable life. The person who enables the people to live a stable life is not a hero, who is a hero? This kind of person is not a saint, who else can be a saint?"

"I'm so embarrassed to say it." Joan looked at Shirou eagerly, "Say more?"

Seeing Jeanne like this, Shirou always felt that his hard work was wasted.

Having said so much, people have already figured it out.


"Let's say something more, I'm quite happy to hear that." Joan of Arc tugged on La Shilang's sleeve in dissatisfaction.

"It's gone. Besides the supper, it's gone."

"Hey - how can you be like this!"

Joan pouted and sat on the seat.

"Ignore you."

She turned her head away.

"Unless you kiss me?"

"No, get out. What do you want to do?" Shirou looked at the ruler warily.

"Then why did you kiss Gilgamesh? Isn't the kiss on the cheek a ritual in the Middle East?" Joan of Arc also looked at Shirou with some doubts.

"No. For me, it's a thank you to her. She helped me a lot, otherwise I would have been signed by a bad boss as a lifetime contract worker. If it weren't for the fact that no one is watching Well, I wouldn’t use this method as a thank you gift. Kissing is exclusive to couples. And I’m not from the Middle East! I’m from the Far East, okay!”

"Oh, that's okay." Joan of Arc nodded, and moved her seat a little further away from Shirou.

"Well, it's better not to get involved with that kind of connection between us."

After hearing this, Joan suddenly smiled: "Thank you."

"Thank me for what?"

"It's nothing."


— got out of the car. "

Shirou stopped the car steadily and looked towards the castle in the distance.

This is also the castle of the Thousand Boundary Tree family.

Intermission 1 Sakura watching the live broadcast

It has been almost three days since Shirou went to another world line.

After these three days of training, Illya, Black, and Miyu—

Successfully turned into a night owl.

To be precise, Sakura has also become a member of the night owl group. The school has a long holiday, and they can watch the live broadcast with peace of mind.

"Children should go to bed earlier, the three of you are crowding me! Does your Weigong family care about you staying up late?" Alaya said very dissatisfied.

"I don't agree." Miyu objected, "My brother is our brother, and Alaya-chan has no right to object to us watching the Holy Grail War that my brother participated in. Mr. Kiritsugu and Ms. Ellie have already allowed us to do so. They are also on a business trip .Besides, Alaya-chan is also a child."

Xiao Hei's gaze moved towards a certain part of Alaya very cooperatively.

"Not as old as me."

"You—" Alaya pouted, "If it wasn't because of Emiya's obsession with this, cough cough."

After thinking about it, Alaya felt that he still had to restrain himself.

This kind of thing cannot be said.

"Skin?" Illya looked at Alaya suspiciously.

At this moment, even Miyu couldn't guess what Alaya said just now, but she always felt that it was something very important.

"Stop talking, watch the live broadcast. Emiya is here!"

Alaya pointed to the screen.

"Aren't you wondering what that woman and Shirou did yesterday?"

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