At this time, the little black trio silently watched the live broadcast.

Sakura was holding the fruit, and when she heard this sentence, there was a sudden bang, and the plate fell to the ground.

"Alaya, tell me, what happened to that woman and senior?"

Artoria, who came with Sakura, picked up the apple distressedly, wiped it, and ate it.

"Ahem, don't, don't get excited. Nothing should have happened." Alaya quickly waved his hand, pulled Sakura into the seat.

"Sit, sit."

Arturia put the plate on the table, and looked curiously at Shirou on the screen, and Joan of Arc who looked almost the same as herself.

Now she finally knew why the crazy caster chased her every day in the Fourth Holy Grail War and called Joan of Arc.

Turns out they both really look alike.

That is, a certain redundant part is much bigger than itself.

But even if you don't look at the face, you can recognize that she and Jeanne are not the same person at all by looking at a certain part.


Illya bit the apple and cried out.

"Shirou! You actually cuddled with that woman! It's too much!"

On the screen, Shirou was hugged by Joan, and Shirou looked impatient.

"Illya, don't panic." Sakura touched Illya's head.

"But, but—"

"Didn't you see? Senior is impatient with the ruler approaching him now." Sakura comforted Illya, and Illya managed to calm down.


Illya hesitated for a while, then nodded.

The battle broke out suddenly, and Xiao Hei immediately took out the potato chips, ready to watch the wonderful battle.

But in an instant, Shirou and Joan of Arc disappeared from the screen.

"Eh? Where's brother?" Xiao Hei was dumbfounded.

"Maybe he escaped?" Miyu guessed after knowing Shirou's habits very well.

"Ahhhhh—Emiya! Why are you so cowardly?" Alaya stomped his feet angrily, "Change the channel, change the channel."

It is said to change the channel, but in fact, it is just a change of perspective.

"Gilgamesh?" Artoria asked with some uncertainty.

It's just that Gilgamesh on the screen is a little different from her impression, especially the Uruk-style costume, which is a bit revealing.

"That's right, it's her. It's just that she manifested as a caster." Alaya was talking, and suddenly spotted Shirou, "Look, that's Shirou!"

"Unexpectedly, Gilgamesh found an opportunity to plot against Shirou." Arturia frowned, "Alaya, hurry up, send me there, I want to save Shirou!"

"Don't worry. Gilgamesh may not harm Shirou." Alaya held Arturia who was about to stand up.

"Are you sure?" Artoria pointed to the screen, "Look, her king's treasure house is about to throw out weapons."

"It has already been thrown, Saber-san!" Sakura opened her eyes wide, fearing that Shirou would be hit.

"Gilgamesh, how dare you attack senior!" Sakura's face darkened, and her hair became a little white.

"Calm down, Sakura." Arturia had to comfort Sakura who was about to blacken.

"I'm calm, Saber-san." Sakura's hair changed back to its original color, and she squeezed out a smile.

But for some reason, this smile gave Saber a stronger sense of fear than before.

Forget it, never mind, never mind.

"Oops! That guy Emiya said the wrong thing!" Alaya slapped his head, scratched his hair, and said in agony, "Oh, how could Gilgamesh be so obedient to Shirou with Tiandi? Where's the star?"

Archer supported his head, showing a mysterious smile.

I think he and Saber were knocked to the ground by Gilgamesh with that thing back then, and they barely blocked each other by projecting the sword in the stone.But this he is so happy, and he is so happy with Gilgamesh every day, and he has never left Pizhixing, which makes him really feel a sense of imbalance in his heart.

Now, that's fair game.

However, one thing after another attracts attention.

Emiya Shirou stood up resolutely, Emiya Shirou stepped up, Emiya Shirou, typed——

Sakura stopped breathing.

"Sakura, be strong!" Archer watched the action of Shirou hugging Gilgamesh on the screen, and said quickly, "This is a tactic, a tactic!"

"I, I'm not angry, really, not angry. Hehe, hehehe..."

Seeing that Sakura was about to collapse, Archer couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth.

There must be a limit to someone's death.

This situation seems to be waiting for someone to come back and prepare for the funeral.

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