But the next operation made Archer suffocate.

Shirou kissed Gilgamesh on the cheek, Gilgamesh was stunned for a long time, Shirou took the opportunity to run out.

The gods are beyond help.

Archer once summed it up like this.

Saber's appetite is the second most terrible thing in the world, and angry Sakura is the first.

angered Sakura, then there is only one conclusion——


Let's go, no more.

"I'm really, not angry at all. Not angry." Sakura smiled happily, her hair turned snow white.

Chapter 11 Artificial Humans

Looking at the information Shirou collected, Vlad III nodded in satisfaction.

Although he didn't have a good impression of Hassans, even with Shirou's attitude of being able to cooperate, he barely tolerated this heretic (actually an atheist), but this information made him very happy.

It can even let him let go of his hatred for Shirou who is Hassan.

Vlad III didn't seem too unhappy, so Shirou was relieved, at least he wouldn't be stabbed to death by (harmony).

In order to get along with the rest of Black's servants, Shirou still looked up their life experiences, and the one who was most likely to fall out with Shirou was Vlad III.

Vlad III was the protector of Romania and the defender of Christendom.

There is a high possibility that Shirou will be picked on by Vlad III in the name of Hassan Sabah, and even hanged directly.Only cooperation can guarantee the defeat of the followers of the red side, and there can be no infighting among them, so Shirou worked hard to collect a list of the followers of the red side, as well as information about their abilities.

"Gilgamesh? I didn't expect you to know such details. Although you are a pagan, you are indeed capable of collecting information. It's a pity that I have nothing to give you. And you even brought Miss Ruler. the castle..."

Vlad III actually felt a little distressed at this time.

Shirou has done a lot of credit this time, but he has nothing to give.

To calm people's minds, it is necessary to reward meritorious deeds. If those who have made meritorious deeds cannot get the rewards they deserve, then people's hearts will be easily scattered and difficult to lead.

"Lancer, I don't need anything else, just give me the right to move freely, and please let me choose the master. If you think these are not enough to deserve my credit, then write it down first, someday I’ll talk about it when I feel like I need something.”

Vlad nodded helplessly.

If he can't give the reward he deserves, he has no choice but to do so, it's better than not giving.

"So, Archer, can you fight Gilgamesh?" Vlad III asked, "I heard that your Noble Phantasm Twelve Trials cannot be used in this Holy Grail War. Is it true?"

Hercules nodded: "It is true."

This made everyone look at Hercules in surprise. After all, his famous deeds can't be used at this moment?

"To tell you the truth, my Twelve Trials may be due to the fact that there are too many servants summoned in this Holy Grail War, and my original strength is too strong, so the Holy Grail cannot display all my treasures. But it doesn't matter, even Facing Gilgamesh alone, I have the confidence to defeat her." Hercules said confidently.

"Is it possible to defeat the opponent without twelve trials? Very good." Vlad III couldn't help but lamented that he had a lot of talents on his side, and the victory could basically be established in their hands.

"Then, let's stop here today. Assassin, you and the ruler can visit the castle first. Also, if you find a suitable master, be sure to let me know."


Hercules led Shirou and Joan of Arc wandering around the castle, Joan looked straight at her eyes, especially the castle was so different from the surrounding small towns that she felt it was too luxurious.

"Isn't this too extravagant?" Jeanne muttered, but she was inexplicably looking forward to it—it would be great if she could live here.

"It's okay. Hera's palace is much more luxurious than this." As soon as Hercules opened his mouth, Joan of Arc felt that he shouldn't talk about this kind of issue with him.

"Speaking of which, I really didn't expect you to lose the Twelve Trials." Shirou couldn't help scratching his hair after hearing this.

"Yes. Sorry." Hercules shrugged.

"Then this battle will be difficult."

"No way?" Ruler looked at Shirou suspiciously, "I think Black's strength is not weak. And there is Archer here."

"If Hercules didn't have the Twelve Trials, according to my feeling, he might be better than Gilgamesh, but he can't face Karna and Gilgamesh at the same time, right? Gal Na is undoubtedly a servant of the same level as Gilgamesh." Shirou frowned, "Or can you provide some help?"

The impartial ruler shook his head in some embarrassment.

She can be said to be a very stubborn person. As long as she believes that the shady scene has not yet appeared, she will never take sides—even though the red party rushed over to beat her up for no reason.

"But then again, Hercules, do you have enough magic power? The stronger the servant, the more magic power you need. Your body is not provided by Illya's third method, but It is given by the Holy Grail, which means you need a master as a possession, so what if your magic power is not enough?"

Hercules froze for a moment, thinking for a moment.

"Speaking of which, I haven't worried about my magic power yet."

"No way?" Shirou looked at him incredulously, "Could it be that your master is better than Illya's magic circuit back then?"

"It's absolutely impossible. Illya is an artificial human who has undergone countless adjustments of the magic circuit. In terms of magic power alone, she is the pinnacle of magicians."

"Exactly." Shirou frowned.

He always felt that something was wrong.

It is very difficult for a magician to provide a steady stream of magic power to a powerful servant.But it's a different story if it's spread out over many people providing the magic.

"But when it comes to artificial humans, I saw a lot of artificial humans in this castle. But their magic circuits are better than ordinary magicians, like props specially made for fighting. A few days ago The other day I saw them being used against Dragon Tooth Soldiers."

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