"Do those artificial humans have self-awareness?"

"It looks like a machine on a mission."

Shirou frowned, reluctantly tolerating it.

If there is no self-awareness, it is just a tool equivalent to a broom.But if there is, it is a living human being.

This is absolutely intolerable to Shirou.

Watching them chatting happily, Ruler always felt that he had entered a mysterious realm.

She also vaguely understood the words artificial man.

This is really annoying.

Just when Joan was struggling and didn't know what to say, a wet, naked figure crawling with difficulty suddenly appeared in front of Ruler, that person looked like a dead body just pulled out of the water.This startled her.

Joan pointed to the man on the ground and asked:

"Look, is that man-made human?"

Chapter 12 Is your special mother my master?

"This is the trump card of our Thousand Worlds Tree, an artificial human with a magic circuit buried in it."

There are countless bubbles coming up from the bottom.

"The previous cyborgs were not qualified."

Some bright, but the outside is very dark.

"Try this next."

What's around?Seems like a liquid, like water?But water should be colorless and transparent, right?Why does it become colored?

What are they going to do?

what are they doing?

The carts they are pushing are full of motionless man-made humans. Why is that?

The car pushing the artificial man made a creaking sound in the distance, and several people came over and threw the artificial man from the car into a pile beside it.

The pile is full of artificial people.

Countless artificial humans.

"Ah, it's time to deal with it again. It's really troublesome."

Following this voice, those man-made humans were taken away, and it is unknown where they were taken. They were probably destroyed.

Fear suddenly emerged from the heart of an artificial human.

Would they do the same to her?

The man with the helmet in front of him, the darkness in the slit of the helmet was like an abyss that would suck her into it.

"Let's look for it again, and we may soon be able to find a suitable puppet core."

The man's sentencing allowed her to breathe a sigh of relief.

I might be able to survive?

What is life?

Anyway, at least she doesn't want to die, she wants to live.

To guide, to open.

A blue layer suddenly appeared on the arm, and the magic circuit was opened.A vessel containing the android shattered.

Without the restraint of the vessel, the man-made man immediately fell to the ground.

It hurts!

The artificial human's body convulsed a bit, and she tried hard to turn over and crawl forward.

But all of a sudden he was out of breath.

In the darkness, the yellow fluorescent light was like a searchlight, scaring her to hide in the corner.

But it's not enough to just hide in the corner, you have to leave, you have to leave.

She climbed the stairs, but felt that this was too slow, leaning against the wall, she walked slowly.

Panting, she didn't stop, but the burden on her body was too heavy.

The body is almost unable to walk at all, will it stop just by walking out of the darkness?

She fell to the ground, her body aching even more.

She got up again like before.

There seemed to be a sound ahead.

If you want to leave, you must be someone who will kill you, but you are so tired that you can't move.

Several pairs of shoes appeared in front of her eyes, and she closed her eyes in despair.

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