Why don't you wake up?


"An artificial human?" Joan looked at the man who was asleep on the bed.

There is no blood, the skin is pale, and occasionally the blood vessels in the body can be seen.

"It's an artificial human." Hercules' voice was very flat, but there was some danger in his voice.

Undoubtedly, Hercules was a little angry, but he could barely hold it back now. The reason for his anger was simple, the same as Shirou's, and that was because of the artificial man they picked up.

"What is an artificial human?" Joan asked Shirou suspiciously, "You all look very angry."

"Huh? Is it so obvious?" Shirou touched his nose.

"Of course, although the expressions are well maintained, I can still feel your feelings."

"Do you have any idea about artificial people?" Shirou asked.

"According to the knowledge given by the Holy Grail, it seems to be something similar to Frankenstein? But I feel that this artificial man is different from that kind of thing." Joan poked the artificial man's cheek on the bed in confusion.

"Of course it's different. There are many types of artificial humans. What you're talking about is created by scientific methods. Well, it uses magic. It doesn't grow from an embryonic mother, but unnaturally stimulates the birth of life." Shirou explained briefly.

"How can this be? Those magicians are too arrogant! They actually used this method to create life."

"You're going in the wrong direction. What makes people angry is not because they create life in this way, but that after they create it in this way, they randomly take their lives as props and destroy them wantonly. They. As far as I can see, this artificial human can only live for three years." Shirou squinted his eyes, as if he was thinking about something.

"It looks like the technology of Einzbern's family. It's just that this manufacturing method is even clumsier than Einzbern's. Heh—"

Hercules polished his bow and laughed.

"Calm down, Einzberenberg is in Germany." Shirou immediately understood Hercules' thoughts, and quickly persuaded, "If you want to destroy them, you have to find a good time. And you still Do you remember where their home is?"

"That's right, I really don't remember. At that time, I fell into madness, and some of my memories were messed up. If I had manifested as an archer at that time, Einzbern might have been finished at that time. It's really thanks to them I figured it out, and actually used a berserk spell to make me manifest as a Berserker."

Seeing that the conversation between Shirou and Hercules was getting more and more wrong, Joan quickly said: "Don't talk about that for now? What are you going to do with this artificial human? Take it away?"

"It's not impossible." Shirou touched his chin, "But what about the other artificial humans? Just save him?"

"It's her." Jeanne reminded.

"Female?" Shirou heard this, and quickly swept towards a certain part of the android.

There is no mysterious protrusion.

"Ahem, is that only going to save her?" Shirou awkwardly projected a cloth cover over the android's chest.

"So girl—but Assassin, you're right, we have to carefully consider this matter." Hercules nodded.

"Are you going to help her? Why are you doing this?" Joan didn't understand where their anger came from, and why they had such a reaction when they saw an ordinary artificial human.

"Of course." Shirou immediately thought of Illya, "Because my sister must be Hercules, and you too?"

"That's natural. If that's the case, let me investigate where the artificial human technology comes from first, and I've been away for so long, I guess my master is going to come to me. Wei, assassin, take care of her first, outside There is an enchantment, don't take her away yet."

After speaking, Hercules got up and left.

After a moment of silence, Shirou took the android's hand.

"How do you sign a contract?"

"As long as you want, and if she recites the spell, it's fine." After Joan finished speaking, she suddenly understood what Shirou was going to do. "Are you going to sign a contract with her?"

"Of course. It seems that the aptitude for magic is not bad, and it can be used as a suitable power bank. The most important thing is that this artificial human has no self-awareness, and must be very obedient. Such a master is not easy to find, even if some are very obedient. There is basically no suitable magic circuit."

The artificial man's eyelids trembled, as if he was about to open his eyes.

Shirou came closer to her.

"Hey, do you want to be my master?"

Author's message:

Think about it carefully. . . .Still cut it (below)

Artificial human development plan get

Chapter 13 Mordred

The android girl on the bed frowned, sweating frequently, as if she was having a nightmare.

Joan carefully wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"Does it seem to be overworked? Because she wants to leave, she keeps crawling or walking, and she has never exercised before, and she just exists as a magic battery. It is really a strong desire to survive." Joan put her hands together Put your palms together and pray silently for a while.

"What's the use of praying like this?" Shirou looked at Jeanne curiously.

If people in the non-mysterious world see someone praying for healing, they will basically scoff at them and treat them like magic sticks.But after all, Joan of Arc is also considered a heroic spirit, and maybe prayer is also useful.

"Should it be of some use?" Joan of Arc said uncertainly, "I used to arrange doctors to deal with them as much as possible, and then I went to appease them. To be honest, I am somewhat confident in fighting, but prayer is just It’s just to give the patient some confidence, maybe it’s useful?”

After speaking, the artificial man seemed to be waking up.

"It does seem to be useful." Shirou looked at the artificial man curiously, "Well, it seems to be better."

"That's good." Jeanne smiled softly.

This reduced the fear in the eyes of the android girl who opened her eyes a lot.Perhaps this is one of the reasons why Joan of Arc, as a village girl, is trusted by the general's soldiers.

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