Just when Shirou decided to end the battle with a sword, a grenade that looked like a human heart was thrown at Shirou's feet.

Shirou stepped on the grenade, and the sword directly stabbed Mordred's chest, but several finger-like bullets flew again, and Shirou had to dodge—this made Shirou's movements somewhat deformed.

After all, he doesn't have the strong muscles of Hercules, and he doesn't have the armor to stop him.

He is a man who relies entirely on skill and magic.

Mordred was still an excellent knight after all, so he immediately seized the opportunity and quickly picked up the calarent who was picked up.

Mordred has distanced himself slightly from Shirou, and it would be very difficult to seize the opportunity to kill Mordred now, but——

The grenade and finger bullets just now have exposed the location and identity of her master.

"Necromancer?" Shirou turned around in an instant and rushed straight to the rear.

Assassin is a class that is good at assassination. Although there is no problem in the front, Shirou still has the heart of assassination.

——After all, assassination is much more difficult than head-on.

Shirou was very troubled by this point. To be honest, his assassination skills were not as good as those of the nineteen senior brothers-although he was undoubtedly the one who won against the nineteen senior brothers.

Seeing this, Lion Jie Jieli immediately turned around and ran.

He did his best to escape.

This can be regarded as trying his best to let Mordred buy time.

However, Shirou's sword is like the scythe of the god of death, about to harvest the lives of Shishi Jieli without any mistakes.

With the sword swung down, Lion Jie Jieli's sunglasses fell off, and he couldn't help turning his head.

There was no fear in his eyes, only regret.

It's a pity that Shirou doesn't know what, he just wants to kill Shishi Zed as an enemy now.

Only at this moment, Mordred finally arrived, using his armor to fight for the last time for his Master.

"Master, run quickly!"

Lion Jie was taken aback for a moment, and ran away without hesitation.

"Hmph, you really met a good master." Shirou couldn't help laughing.

Mordred, who was in a stalemate with Shirou, also laughed.

"Assassin, so you can speak some human language. Nonsense, my master is of course the best master in the world!"

"I admit, what you said before is right, I am really easily irritated by you. But don't underestimate me, Assassin, I will tell you that I am the best servant, and you, go to hell for me! "

"No shame, you, a saber, want to compare myself to assassin." Shirou said contemptuously.

"That's the opposite! Saber is the best class! Assassin is not even as good as Berserker." Mordred immediately became angry.

Shirou used words to attract her attention, and a backhand sword stuck in Mordred's position.

"Damn it, look at you now, Saber, can you still beat me?"

Mordred was stunned for a moment, but stabbed Shirou with his sword, forcing Shirou to return to defense.


A sword appeared in Shirou's left hand again, jamming the incoming blade.

"Thinking too much, Saber!"

The sword in his right hand suddenly swung down to the left, and Mordred had to unleash his magic power again.

Shirou backed off slightly, which was considered to have completed his tactical goal.

Just as Shirou was about to launch the next round of attack, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and sensed a powerful aura——

He smelled the big dog.

That golden caster, Gilgamesh is coming at this time?

"It seems that you have grown up quite fast. You have calmed down a lot now." Shirou took another two steps back, keeping himself from being hurt by the sudden attack.

Of course, it was more to ensure that there was room for him to escape.

"Of course, I am the only one qualified to inherit the throne of my father." Mordred didn't quite understand why Shirou spoke softly, but when he heard the praise, he still raised his head happily.

"Then she may not admit it. At least you have to let me recognize you."

"You, what do you know?"

"Wait until you beat me, or I approve of you. Goodbye, Saber."

Shirou raised his shield regretfully, and at this moment a golden sword was stuck on the nearby ground——

Gilgamesh is coming.

"Tch, did you run away? You're so cowardly!" Gilgamesh flew to the place where Shirou and Mordred had fought, and looked dissatisfiedly at Mordred who had already run towards the master.

"Are you all right, master?" Mordred patted Shishi Jieli's head, "Well, I don't have a fever."

Lion Jie Jieli picked up the sunglasses that he had dropped earlier: "What you said is really inexplicable, Saber."

"Haha, it's fine!" Mordred happily patted Shijie Jieli on the back.

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