Lion Jie Jieli endured it, he always felt that he was about to be slapped and vomit blood.

But soon Mordred fell silent.

"Hey, what's the matter with you? Why do you look unhappy?" Lion Jie Jieli looked in surprise at the lively brat, but now he was so quiet.

"I feel, that person may be quite right. I was irritated all of a sudden, which drained your magic power, Master, and almost killed you. Maybe I can't be a good king , isn’t he an excellent servant?” Mordred squatted and looked at the ground with a stiff expression.

The setting sun is about to fall, and the ground is also a little yellow.

Lion Jiejie laughed.

"How could it be? You are the best servant, and you will be my king in the future, understand? Don't listen to his nonsense."

Mordred, who was affirmed by Lion Jiejieli, jumped up and down again.

"Well, master, what you said really sounds good."

"That's for sure."

Looking at the loving Saber group, Gilgamesh asked very dissatisfied: "Have you guys finished talking? That assassin, what did you say?"

"Hey, it's the caster, why has it grown so much, and also a certain part." Mordred didn't hear the caster's question at all, and his focus was very strange.

"Shut up, how can I fix it!" Caster took out the magic book and giant axe, "I'm asking you a question, answer it quickly."

"Cut, why are you so fierce? You're a caster, but you didn't use a lot of magic tricks, but you're very bold with an axe! Okay, okay, I just said something about whether I am qualified to be king and my father's king .”

"That's all?" Gilgamesh asked unwillingly, "I'm afraid he was limped by the assassin?"

"That's all. By the way, caster, what did you say?"

"No, goodbye." Gilgamesh turned around and was about to leave.

Mordred stared blankly at the leaving caster.

"It's rude not to even say thank you."

Chapter 16 Information About Artificial Human Manufacturing

On the screen, the scene of the battle between Shirou and the red party Saber was transmitted back to the Castle of the Thousand Trees.

Lancer swung his wine glass and took a sip.

"I didn't expect that our assassin is not only good at scouting, but even (harmonious...) fighting ability is not inferior to the red side Saber."

Gold, the master of the black saber Siegfried, looked a little ugly when he saw Shirou on the screen.

He had already heard that he was the assassin who was carrying Joan of Arc and ran away with Joan of Arc.That day, he managed to bring Siegfried to save the scene, but he didn't find Joan of Arc and Assassin, so his nose was ashamed.This made him very dissatisfied.

"Lancer, I believe that my Saber will definitely be above Assassin." Gold quickly stated, "I can also beat the red side's Saber to pieces. Saber, don't you think so?"

Saber hesitated for a while, then nodded.

If it is said that he can have a [-]-[-] split with the other party, he can absolutely guarantee it.His defensive power can guarantee that he will not be easily defeated when fighting the enemy, but if he wants to defeat the opponent, then he is not sure that he will be ambushed so quickly and will instead push the red side Saber into a desperate situation.

"That's good, Saber."

Vlad III nodded.

"Then, get ready to celebrate our hero's triumph."


The artificial man supported the wall with his left hand and Joan of Arc with his right hand, walking slowly.She was a little uncomfortable, or tired.It is normal for a body that has not exercised to behave like this during exercise. According to Miss Joan of Arc, it is so.

She stopped quickly, and the magic circuit in her hand shone brightly.

The left hand tentatively wanted to touch the shiny magic circuit in the right hand, but she quickly gave up on this plan.

You can't balance your body by doing this.

"What's wrong? Artificial man, um, this name doesn't feel good at all. What should I call you?"

The artificial man couldn't understand, and shook his head: "Just call me that."

"Okay." Joan of Arc nodded, and put her back on the bed, "Let's practice here first, and continue after a while."

The artificial man nodded and touched his glowing magic circuit.

The magic circuit glows, meaning it is being used.

"Magic circuit, is it glowing?" The cyborg frowned, not quite understanding what was going on, as she wasn't using magic.

"Probably the Assassin is fighting for you." Joan speculated, "He said he would kill several servants or masters from the red side."

"Can you defeat the enemy? Is there any danger?" The man-made man asked in a hurry, and moved his body in front of Joan of Arc.

"I shouldn't lose, at least I can get out of it." Jeanne comforted.

The artificial man was relieved when he heard this, but his eyes were still a little confused: "Why did assassin do this, to defeat the enemy or something? How do you understand 'for me'?"

"This—" Joan of Arc was a little stuck.

At this moment, the door was opened suddenly, and there was a chirping sound.

This frightened Joan to quickly cover the artificial man with the quilt, and lay down on the bed, clinging to the artificial girl.

Shirou opened the door and was about to say something when he suddenly saw the two of them get together, their skirts and clothes were a little messy.Joan of Arc's ruddy face, and the artificial man's look of confusion.He thought for a while and withdrew.

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