"Excuse me."

"Hey, assassin, come back to me!"

Shirou closed the door, looked over there and asked in a low voice, "What are you doing? Do you want me to watch? Is it so exciting?"

"It's not what you think!" Joan of Arc lifted the quilt, very angry, and walked to the door.

Opening the door, she looked left and right, and then threw Shirou into the room.

Shirou grunted and swallowed.

"Is what Shakespeare said true?"


"Okay, that means you want to squeeze me dry?" Shirou shrank into a corner, a little scared, "Joan of Arc, you can get my people, and don't even want to get my heart!"

"What?" Joan of Arc didn't understand what Shirou's words meant.

Jeanne Darc, abbreviated as Joan of Arc, also known as Saintess, whose full name is Saint Virgin, was obviously innocent, so she didn't care about Shirou's words, and knocked on Shirou's head with a flag.


"By the way, why do you want to defeat the master and servant of the red side for the sake of the artificial man? The artificial man asked me, and I didn't even know how to answer her."

"To save these cyborgs. It's all about solving the problem in a relatively peaceful way.

That is to say, after the end of the Holy Grail War, these people who asked the Castle of Thousand Realms to release the self-aware artificial humans, and destroy those without self-awareness.

Anyway, it is to stop the magic experiments on artificial humans.But if I want to do this now, I am a light-hearted person, and they won't care what I say, right? "Shirou sat down on the chair next to the bed carelessly, crossing Erlang's legs.

"Oh—that makes sense. I thought you would use more violent methods to solve the problem." Joan of Arc casually teased Shirou.

"Don't think of me as a fool with no IQ. If the time for my manifestation is not just the Holy Grail War, which lasts for about half a month, maybe I will solve the problem with violence as you said.

But now it's the Holy Grail War, even if I can rescue these artificial humans, I still have to fight for the Holy Grail, and before the Holy Grail War ends, I have to cultivate a leader who can lead the artificial humans to continue walking—you say, I am very It's not easy to do this in five days. "

"So why don't you just use this method that might not be so difficult? You really think about a lot of things." Joan of Arc had some respect for Shirou.

"Well, it's just that the plan is very good, but the implementation is a mess. I didn't kill anyone at all this time." Shirou was a little tired, closed his eyes and looked up.

Looking at Shirou's face, the android looks a little tired, and can't help but feel a little pain in his heart.

"Assassin—" the android crawled to Shirou's side and hugged him.

"Huh?" Shirou suddenly opened his eyes, and found a somewhat petite android lying on his chest.

"Why, you want to save me? And save other man-made people." The man-made man's eyes were full of confusion.

"...you get away from me first."


The android sat back on the bed.

"Maybe it's because you're a cyborg." Shirou thought of the Illya he met at the beginning, "Otherwise, I wouldn't be so bored as to save people in the Holy Grail War."

"I believe it." Jeanne showed a strange smile.

"Ruler, do you have any dissatisfaction?"

"Oh, no. It's just that when the car was driving towards Tulifas, I remembered that someone seemed to spend a lot of time trying to save people."

"To shut up!"

At this time, the door opened again.

A very burly and strong man——

He propped the door open and walked in.

"The way you came in is really troublesome." Shirou couldn't help complaining.

"That's impossible." Hercules scratched his head helplessly, "Speaking of which, I've already got some information about making artificial humans. Do you want to hear it?"

Chapter 17 Observations on Gold

Cogito ergo sum.

The reason why human beings are human is that they are thinking, have self-awareness, and can influence reality, and in turn be influenced by reality.

At least, Shirou thinks so.

Artificial people are just tools without self-awareness, but they have a consciousness similar to humans, so Shirou will think they are human beings.

Artificial people were created, some with excellent magic circuits were used as batteries, and some with high physical fitness, so they became things like fighting robots in movies.

However, it is a violation of ethics to create artificial humans that look like humans and are almost indistinguishable from humans.

The only ones who can do this kind of thing are mad scientists who trample on human values, or - magicians.

Shirou has never had a good impression of magicians, especially after hearing the story about Kiritsugu's father and his walk on the path of justice that Ari told.

Those magicians with strange values ​​are basically wearing the outer skin of human beings, but they are not human at all inside. They are "human beings" that are even weirder than artificial humans.

Fortunately, the magicians that Shirou meets now are basically outliers among magicians, otherwise maybe he would have picked up the butcher's knife.

"Ha, the master of Saber." Shirou greeted a fat Gold.

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