The desire to save all mankind has been continuously touched and worked hard since the establishment of Einzbern.

But after three Holy Grail Wars, no one survived.

There is no doubt that this is the result achieved under the intervention of inhibition.

Alaya has already confirmed early on that it is absolutely impossible for a small group of people to forcibly realize the third law that will take many years of human effort to realize in the future.

Even if it was possible, such a world line would be classified as a clipping matter.

And the person sent by Alaya this time is obviously Shirou Emiya.

The only one who will stop Shiro Amakusa from vetoing the future of mankind can only be Shiro Emiya.

"Assassin, from Black Fang, who claims to be the [-]th Assassin of Hassan."

Amakusa Shiro nodded solemnly.

"Caster, I want to ask you to protect me."

"Oh?" Caster poured himself a glass of wine, "What if I say no."

"Then I'll use my Command Seals."

"Even all?"

The wine glass touched Caster's lips.

"Even all."

"Then, as you wish, Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, but I have to tell you that no matter how hard you try, there is no chance of success."

Chapter 19 Blazing Sky Covering the Seven Rings

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Rough laughter broke the silence of the night, and the not-so-sharp sword beat the puppets around to pieces.

"Suppressor, haha, I smell the breath of the suppressor! Go to hell!"

Spartacus wields a gigantic sword, so powerful that every strike shatters golems.

It's just that there are too many puppets, and they keep surrounding them.

In the bushes in the distance, Achilles murmured: "This berserker is hopeless, right? Sister, give up, he will never come back."

"Achilles, I'm not your eldest sister. Please remember, my name is Atalanta, you can call me Archer. But Berserker is indeed irreparable, unfortunately." Atalante said Saying that, there was no regret on his face.

"Well, but the opportunity is rare, let's go and see those black servants."

Rider knew he was making himself feel bad, but chasing girls always took a long time, he didn't care about it.

"Alright, but if Berserker wants to release the treasure, then we'll retreat." Atalanta nodded, "The master didn't force it anyway."

"Master——" Achilles lowered his head and twirled a small flower, "By the way, have you ever seen your own master?"

"No. I have only met the priest who is the master of Semiramis."

"The circuit is also connected, the magic power is continuous, and the order is issued, but there is no sign of anyone?" Achilles frowned, feeling a little uneasy, "It feels strange."

"It's normal for magicians to hide, but it just makes people feel a little timid." Atalanta looked at the berserker in front of him who was madly attacking and being attacked by the puppet and sighed.

"It seems that it will be a matter of time before Berserker activates the Noble Phantasm." Achilles sighed.

Berserker is already covered in injuries, and if the injury reaches a critical point, he will self-destruct and emit a powerful force.In this case, they will also be affected.

Atalanta ignored Achilles' words.

Her animal ears moved, sensing the enemy.

"what happened?"

"An enemy is coming!"

"Where?" Rider asked hastily, but he felt a frightening danger.

Hiding in the dark and launching a deadly attack, that is the usual attack method of an assassin.

"Too late!"

The sharp sword suddenly attacked the rider, which made the rider a little excited.

Rider twisted his right foot, twisted his body hastily, and turned his front body to face the opponent who suddenly attacked.

——It is a disgrace for a soldier to be wounded by an attack from the back.

But more importantly, the rider thinks that as long as his heel is excluded, even if he is hit, it will not be a serious problem.

The existence without divinity is completely unable to fight against him!

A sword suddenly pierced through his left shoulder.

His confident defense was completely useless under this sword - like paper.


Achilles gasped in disbelief.

Atalanta quickly kicked towards the hidden assassin, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw the sword that hit the rider.

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