She opened her mouth incredulously, and the movements of her feet were a little slower.

It also made her kick empty.

"Being distracted during the battle is a disrespect for yourself and the enemy—archer, head, hand it over!"

The sharp blade was pulled out from the rider's body immediately, and the rider didn't even have time to hold the sword in his hand!

This is bad!

Fortunately, at this time Rider flipped and kicked towards the sword, causing the sword to deviate slightly, saving Archer's life.

Archer was still in shock, pulled the rider and moved back a few steps.

The distance is not far, but at least they can react when Assassin launches an attack.

"Who is it?" Rider gave up the idea of ​​repairing his left hand, and faced the enemy hidden in the darkness with a gun in his right hand.

He really didn't understand which assassin had the ability to pierce through his own defenses, making himself and Atalanta unable to find out.

Atalanta is a very good shooter, and her perception ability is absolutely superb, but——

Enemies are almost completely impenetrable.

However, why was that sword able to pierce through him?

As long as the hero's immortal flower is a non-divine enemy or a weapon made by God, it is absolutely impossible to penetrate his body.

He didn't remember an assassin who could do this.

"Rider, the black assassin's sword is Hermes' sword!" Archer reminded.

"Hermes?" Achilles looked a little complicated.

One of the twelve main gods of Olympus, in charge of commerce and travellers, his sword is naturally a sword made by gods, and it is no problem to pierce his own treasure without withering flowers.


Why does the enemy have this sword?

The sword of Hermes should have been given to Hercules, the great hero that rider claimed to be able to rival, how could it appear in the hands of Assassin?

"Hercules? No, no, you are absolutely not. He is much bigger and stronger than you. Who are you?" Rider looked around vigilantly, but found nothing.

"Be careful!" Archer lowered Rider's body.

At this moment, a sword grazed Achilles' head.

"What a pity." Shirou threw away the shield regretfully, revealing his own figure.

Just now Archer perfectly discovered and stopped his attack, and he must have revealed his aura the moment before launching the attack.

In fact, the same is true for the first generation of Assassins, except that when the enemy found out, the sword had already killed the enemy. It can also be said that he was already dead, but the sword did not fall.

"Have you finally shown your figure? Assassin, I thought you would be a coward and a coward." Achilles couldn't help but feel relieved when he found Shirou at this time, and his words became a little more arrogant.

He is completely confident that he can defeat an assassin in Cricket.

"A certain self-proclaimed hero is extremely flustered under my sharp blade, tsk tsk, that's all." Shirou taunted the rider casually, "Achilles, you and Hercules really It’s incomparable. If it’s him, there’s nothing I can do, right?”

"Who are you?" Achilles suddenly felt tense.

Archer drew his bowstring while they were talking.

Hundreds of magic arrows flew towards Shirou densely in an instant.

Shirou raised his hand.

"Law Aias."

The seven-fold ring instantly resisted the rain of arrows, not even a single petal was broken.

"The blazing sky covers the seven rings?" Achilles' eyes widened, his veins bulging.

Shirou smiled lightly.

"That's right, it's the blazing sky-covering seven-fold ring!"

Chapter 20 Pseudo Spiral Sword

LawAias is the blazing seven-fold ring. In the Trojan War in Greek mythology, Aias used a bronze shield with seven layers of cowhide to block Hector's spear, and then sublimated it into a shield for conceptual defense.

Ajax is Achilles' close comrade-in-arms, and Achilles also saw its powerful defense with his own eyes.

But appearing in Shirou's hands is very strange.

"Why do you have this shield!" Achilles lost his composure, "Quickly answer me!"

"Achilles, calm down!" Atalanta patted him on the shoulder, but Achilles shook off Atalanta.

All he could see was the shield Shirou was holding.

"Haha, who knows?" Shirou looked around and observed the environment.

This is all woods, and for the supporting Hercules, this is not a suitable place to shoot.

If the force is too strong, it will even blow him up to the sky together.

Not far away is relatively open, a meadow.

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