Cowles couldn't help nodding frequently, feeling that life was full of hope.

"Thank you, assassin. You are really good at comforting people. But why are you so proficient in computers? You don't look like an ancient person."

"Hassan is a professional assassin. Of course, he must be very familiar with the tools for collecting intelligence, otherwise he will be negligent." Shirou instantly made up a reason.

"It seems to make sense, hey, the computer is already turned on, let me take a look..." After double-clicking to open the document, Coles suddenly fell into a dead silence.

The world is spinning, this world no longer belongs to him.

Shirou glanced at the computer——

It's all garbled characters.

Poor boy.

Berserker felt that she seemed to have done something wrong, at least that's what her master's ugly face told her, but she really didn't understand why, what was wrong?Obviously the master is wrong.

Yes, she was right!

Coles, who was in the same heart as Berserker, covered his face, as if he was about to cry.

"Don't be angry, Berserker is caring about you, to save power, she doesn't understand what you are doing!"

"Assassin, you are right. I, I will choose to forgive her." Coles said with tears, "Isn't it just a thesis? Just write it again!"

"Ambition." Shirou patted him on the shoulder.

"Use it first, assassin, let me calm down first. Speaking of which, what are you going to use it for?" Coles looked at Shirou suspiciously.

"Collecting information." Shirou said in embarrassment.

In fact, he didn't want to collect information, but wanted to copy the codewords to a USB flash drive and analyze them by himself.In this way, returning to the original world, Shen Er will not urge the change violently.

It is a terrible thing for readers to urge updates. Among them, dissatisfied readers urge updates, and they will even send blades.And if the readers who are familiar with the author are still dissatisfied, it will be even more terrifying-maybe if she marries Sakura in the future, Shen Er will not be able to pass the test.

"It's amazing, but there shouldn't be any servants making such a big fuss, right?" Cowles frowned in disbelief.

"There are always clues." Shirou casually opened the frequently used web page, and there was news in it.

Then Cowles fell silent.

The speed of face-slapping is amazing.

"Shocked! An air fortress appeared in the sky above Tulifas, Romania? Has the U.S. aerospace aircraft carrier been completed?"

Chapter 28 Title Jun and Liang Feifan are at the same table

Cowles opened his mouth, this is too ridiculous.Romania is the territory of their Thousand Worlds Tree family, where even the Magic Association is difficult to interfere. The Red Fang actually drives higher than the aerospace aircraft carrier. I don’t know how many Wallace’s air fortresses, and it was reported by the media. up.

"Is the title so shocking?" Shirou touched his chin and clicked on the link.

But there was nothing, nothing, except for a few numbers—



Shirou was a little confused, and refreshed the webpage in disbelief.But in fact, it is useless to treat the website refresh of 404, because it is blocked, not the problem of network connection.

"Is the webpage not open? Is the network not working smoothly?" Coles hurriedly took the mouse from Shirou's hand and clicked on the webpage, but after clicking several times, the webpage is still 404, the only thing that remains unchanged.

In a hurry, Coles clicked a few more times.

the computer is down.

"Your computer configuration is not good enough." Shirou couldn't help saying.

"Ahem." Cowles nodded awkwardly, "But what's the situation? How come it disappears when you open the webpage?"

"Maybe it was blocked by the government." Shirou smiled playfully.

"Assassin, wait for me to get off, I'll ask." Coles walked out of the room, took out the phone, and soon Shirou heard Coles growling outside the door.

After a while, Coles came back with a livid face.

"I've heard people from the government say it's fake news. It didn't take long for the air fortress to disappear, so it was blocked directly. I've sent someone to investigate. I hope it's really fake news. .”

"But I think this may be true." Shirou said, "If I remember well, Lancer Vlad III's master is called Danik, right? I heard that he started preparing for the Holy Grail War sixty years ago." , is that so?"

"It's true." Coles nodded, "Sixty years ago, Uncle Danik participated in the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki, and used the German army to bring back Fuyuki's Great Holy Grail. What does the fort matter?"

"Then the red side has been preparing for a full sixty years—isn't that impossible? For example, someone on the red side has been preparing for the Great Holy Grail since sixty years ago. Isn't the existence of this air fortress reasonable? Yet?"

Coles suddenly stood up and said excitedly: "This is impossible. If this is the case, then the other party must live at least seventy or eighty years old, right? How can a person like that have fighting power?"

"Isn't that how Lancer's master is prepared?" Shirou asked guidingly.

"That's different. Uncle Danik fused other people's souls and bodies to survive until now..." Coles suddenly covered his mouth.

"what happened?"

"It's okay. Just pretend you didn't hear what you just said. Anyway, I think it's too sensational." Cowles shook his head.

Shirou nodded—but he couldn't pretend he didn't hear what he just said.

The old monster who has lived for more than [-] years by fused soul looks like a young man, which is important information.

This must be a magician already on the point of madness, a dangerous man.

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