The danger of merging souls is terrifying, and the degree of danger is definitely no less than that of the old guy in the Matou family's method of lingering on his last breath.

"It's just that I'm still very disturbed. If there is someone on the red side who will prepare for this for sixty years, it shouldn't be a magician." Cowles began to analyze by himself.

This is true.For magicians, they have always had little interest in the small rituals of the Far East, and even regarded it as something insignificant.

If it weren't for the Thousand World Tree family's provocation to the Magic Association, the Magic Association would just send one or two people symbolically to participate in the Holy Grail War and it would be over.Even now that there are so many small Holy Grail Wars, preparing for a Holy Grail for a full sixty years would definitely be treated as a joke by magicians.

"Then what if it's a Servant?" Shirou revealed a mysterious smile.

Coles was taken aback: "This...can't it?"

"Why not? If it's a Servant, wouldn't it be possible to understand the function of the Great Holy Grail? So prepare for sixty years."

"Do you know the function of the Great Holy Grail?" Coles looked at Shirou with some horror.

"If you think about it with your ass, you know that your uncle, Darnik, is a standard magician. Magicians all advance for a certain purpose, so don't take me for a fool."

Coles looked at Shirou hesitantly, thinking whether to report to his uncle.

Assassin knows too much.

"Just pretend I haven't said it, just like you haven't said it. How?"

Coles nodded helplessly: "Well, it's impossible for a follower to stay in this world for so long, right?"

"What's so difficult about it. If the other party understands its function, and the goal is the Great Holy Grail, then they must know some way to live for so long? For example-touch the Great Holy Grail, and the servant will be fleshed."

"You know, there are so many, assassin. What is your purpose?"

"Don't worry, it's a friendly army."

"Maybe." Coles wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and wanted to go out to calm down, but Berserker stopped him, even took out his weapon, and aimed at Shirou.

"Your family's berserker is really loyal—a good follower. You have to treat her well, understand? Don't treat her as a familiar like other magicians." Shirou looked at berserker and couldn't help but sighed, ready to Leave, he has already prompted here, and also got useful information.

"I see." Coles stretched out his hand, but finally lowered it. He didn't treat Berserker as a familiar, but as a person.

The same is true of his sister, but Coles hides it deeper.

"That's it, bye. Oh, by the way, just say you discovered it. It's not good that I discovered everything."

Afterwards, Shirou disappeared around the corner of the corridor.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-" Berserker was like Cu Chulainn protecting his master, even if the person who threatened his master went away, he would bark twice.

"It's okay, Berserker." Coles comforted his followers, "He's gone, and he's not an enemy."


Berserker yelled, and Culles still understood the meaning conveyed.

Anyway, I don't trust assassins.

And indeed, Assassin is clearly an oddball, and it's normal for Berserker not to trust him.

But this also moved Cowles a little, that his servant actually protected him like this.

An artificial human ran over at this time, because it was specialized in combat, running like this would not make him uncomfortable.

"Master Cowles, we have confirmed that the air fortress is real. It seems that ordinary people can't see it because of magic hints, so the government has listed this matter as fake news. I need to tell Danik Do you want to report, my lord?"

"You don't have to, I'll report this to Uncle Danik myself." Coles rubbed his brows.

Things are difficult.

Chapter 29 Preparing for Investigation

"Caules, you've done a great job." Danik pondered for a while.

"To attack Yu Zhi's territory with such a big fanfare, I really don't want to live." Lancer said angrily, "Yu Zhili will hang them to death, but before that, let's gather everyone."

Soon, everyone walked to the conference room one after another, and rumors of the sky fortress spread throughout the Thousand Worlds Tree.

"Teacher, how could there be such a strange follower attacking with such fanfare?" Luo Xie said angrily, "Don't they know how to hide their mystery from ordinary people?"

"Yeah." Caster responded, he was really not good at getting along with people, especially the enthusiastic look of the assassin made him uncomfortable.

"I also find it strange to say it. Archer, what do you think?" Fiore said calmly while sitting in the wheelchair, "Why did the other party prepare such a method to attack? Even if we can't find out today, We will definitely find them tomorrow too. Isn't concealment one of the most important things in the Holy Grail War?"

Hercules also nodded, and he was also puzzled by this. His understanding of this Holy Grail War was limited to the battle between the two camps and the fourteen cavalry servants. The enemy to fight will be Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, and he doesn't know more about it.

"I don't have much opinion. If it's an assassin, maybe he knows something." Hercules replied.

"Is that so—Assassin, are you here?" Fiore asked Shirou who came to the conference room and sat next to her, but then found that there was no one else around Shirou, "Speaking of your master? "

"It's hidden." Shirou shrugged, "I'm more at ease in this way."

"Okay, what do you think about the sky fortress? It feels like a good thing caster did. Probably only Gilgamesh can come up with such a skill?"

"With such a big fanfare, it must be an assassin, right? He is indeed a hero among assassins, and I want to meet him."

Fiore froze for a moment, this reason is too far-fetched, right?

Seeing Fiore's expression, Shirou knew that the other party definitely didn't believe him.That's normal, and people who don't understand the essence of assassination will of course be puzzled by it.Shirou is the master of the core technology of assassination, and has a very high right to speak about it, but the other party must not listen to this kind of statement.

Then she can only use the thinking she can understand.

"Think about it. Among the previous information, which servants have already appeared? Saber, archer, lancer, caster, berserker, rider, they are not very likely. Then only assassin is left. I remember it seems to be As Sherlock Holmes said, if you list the possible options and use the method of elimination until there is only one answer left, then no matter how impossible this answer is, it will be the correct answer.”

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