Shirou raised the signature smile of his character: "Rider, I'm here to take you to find your master."

Achilles frowned: "Father Shirou, why didn't you take us to find him at other times, why did you let us go at this time instead?"

"The black assassin has come here." Shirou said, "I'm worried that something will happen to them."

Rider nodded solemnly, and canceled his Noble Phantasm.

"I see, where are they?" Rider asked.

"Come with me."

Author's message:

I finally have a costume! ! ! ! !I am not African!

Chapter 36

Karna obeyed Amakusa Shiro's order and stood guard in the very center of the Hanging Garden.

He had some speculations about what would be in the very center.

His master was locked up.In the Holy Grail War, there may be a master hiding in the dark and not communicating with his servants, but it is impossible that only two masters in the entire red side appear in their field of vision.

But Karna did not dare to act rashly.

That priest is not a fool, at least in Karna's view, there are many ways for that priest to restrain him and the rest of the servants.

Gilgamesh has already chosen to side with the priest, and Gilgamesh only needs to protect the safety of his master.

And that assassin Semiramis probably used poison to bring down the masters of the red side. If he made any movement, maybe the rest of the masters of the red side would have to die.

In his opinion, this Holy Grail War really sucks.

Another battle between red and black, and another shady scene.

It's better to stay at home, at least the master's life can be saved.

"Thanks for your hard work, lancer." Shirou greeted with a smile, but his expression was a bit strange in Karna's eyes.

Generally speaking, when a priest smiles, he always tilts his head slightly.

But it seems, not this time?

"It doesn't matter, is it almost time?" Karna said expressionlessly, he was very calm.

"That's right, it's almost there. Lancer, get out of the way. I'm going in with rider and archer. Do you want to come?" Shirou asked.

Karna reacted after hearing this sentence.

If the other guards were here, it would be almost impossible to see through Assassin's disguise, right?

But he can.

"Excellent deception. Assassin, you seem to be well prepared."

Shirou looked calm and frowned: "What are you talking about, Lancer? Are you well prepared?"

"Yes, lancer, what are you talking about? This is the priest, get out of the way, I'm going to see my master, and ask him why he is so timid and dare not come to see me, why don't you go? If you don't go, let him go Come on." Rider waved his hand impatiently.

But Atalanta soon understood what Karna meant.

The bow is drawn, and the arrow is on the string.

"You are, Assassin?" Atalanta remembered Assassin's face, which looked very similar to the priest.

"My disguise is so perfect, have you all noticed it?" Shirou couldn't help taking off his wig in disappointment.

How could the guy in red or black be so successful playing the role of the boy every day, while he himself was such a failure?Why is this?

How are they so proficient?

Lifting off the camouflage he was wearing, Shirou finally revealed his true face that he had never shown even in front of everyone on the black side.

Wearing a white transparent cloak, with his muscular upper body exposed, he was undoubtedly an assassin who looked like a Far Easterner.

"You are assassin? Isn't it Hassan? How come?" Achilles couldn't believe it, but he still took out his weapon and pointed it at Shirou.

"Lancer, you discovered it so quickly, how did you do it? Is there something that doesn't look like it?" Shirou still asked a little unwillingly, obviously from the appearance and the logic of some behaviors, right?

"Sorry, I didn't find anything different. Your performance, no matter in decoration or behavior, is completely in line with Father Shiro's style, even the voice is the same. However, I once wandered alone and asked about the lives of the weak and value, which allows me to see through all falsehoods. Even so, I still want to praise you, your disguise is excellent, and I didn’t find any mistakes or omissions at all when I saw it at first glance.”

"So, die with peace of mind!" Rider stabbed Shirou in the heart with one shot.

Shirou dodged slightly, and the tip of the gun passed Shirou's body.

"Then, aren't you worried about your master? Aren't you afraid that the assassin's master will do something dangerous to your master?"

When Rider heard Shirou's words, his face was a little ugly, and even his moves were old.If Shirou attacks at this time, Achilles has no way to defend.

But Shirou didn't attack and continued talking.

Karna sensed the strange behavior of the rider, and immediately interrupted Shirou: "But Assassin, this has nothing to do with you anyway, right? At least the matter of protecting our master has nothing to do with you."

"Oh? I hope that after your master is poisoned to death, you won't regret what you said today."

Karna raised his gun, but he didn't poke at Shirou after all.

"Why do you conclude that our master is imprisoned? I remember that Saber's master is still there, right?"

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