Seeing that the situation has eased, Shirou knew that they could reason with him calmly.

He was also happy to reason with them.

Fighting here must be at my own disadvantage, and Shirou didn't want to fight here.

His original purpose was to assassinate the red master, but the red master was hidden too well, and Amakusa Shiro was also protected by Gilgamesh and assassin.

"Lancer is right, Assassin, hurry up and say it!"

Achilles aimed his gun at Shirou, but the point of the gun didn't move.

"I didn't say it, I won't say it." Shirou shook his head and lowered the tip of Achilles' spear, "Don't speak so impulsively, or you won't even know how you died. ——Your master, I can't find it arrive."

"Is this a reason?" Achilles felt a little absurd, but a few pieces of paper were blown over by the wind.

He caught the paper, and it was full of information about the Red Fang master.

Introduction, rank, what you are good at, teachers, relationships, almost everything is available.

Even where they went during the Holy Grail War - London, Bucharest, Tulifas...

But without exception, all of them disappeared in the end.

Only Saber's master survived.

The information matched everything they knew, even the priest's information.So complete, so complete that it could only be true.

"You can disbelieve me, but you can't disbelieve the intelligence." Shirou said slowly, enjoying the process of changing the expression on the rider's face, "I will lie to you, but the intelligence won't."

Even Atalanta, who was always calm, tore up the paper, crumpled it up, and took several deep breaths before persuading Achilles:

"Achilles, calm down!"

"Sister, how can you make me calm down?" Achilles said excitedly, "I can't even protect my own master, so why should I be a servant?"

"Aren't you letting assassin succeed?" Atalanta roared, "What if he sneaks up on you?"

Shirou shrugged, could this involve him?

"But if I don't deal with that priest, won't I let that priest succeed? Sister, don't stop me in this matter."

Karna looked at Shirou, speechless, but seemed to be asking: Is this the result you want?

Shirou smiled.

Yes, this is the result he wants. Even if the original plan fails, he still has a plan for the next step.

A golden sword suddenly and accurately hit Shirou's feet.

It's time to retreat.

"See you some other day, if you can."

Chapter 37 The Trembling Astolfo

"This time I finally escaped." Rider wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Junying was also moved and shed tears.

Since going to the Sky Garden, Assassin has played various strange operations as if he hadn't taken any medicine.To be able to survive is nothing short of a miracle.

"You escaped?" Shirou squeezed his chin.

Hearing Shirou's words, rider suddenly felt that he had said something wrong.

"No, didn't you escape? No, wait, assassin! Are we not going back to the Sky Garden?" Rider asked weakly.

"No more." Shirou replied affirmatively.

"That's great, as long as I don't come back, I'm willing to be a cow or a horse, and you shouldn't throw Junying and me into the pot again, right?" Rider asked again.

After so many threats, rider has become a little afraid of Shirou.

It feels like a person who is even more perverted than his master.


Hearing this, Rider heaved a sigh of relief, happily sat on the handsome eagle, feeling happy.

This is the joy of being alive.

He was so moved that he shed tears, wiped it, and it was still a little salty.

"Rider, speaking of it, there should be no people here, right?"

Rider looked at the grass below, "Well, there are no people. What are you doing?"

"Don't be nervous..." Shirou touched the nylon rope wrapped around his body and sneered secretly.

What are you doing, don't you have Uncle B in your heart?

If it weren't for this nylon rope, Shirou might have fallen by then.

Shirou sighed silently, he decided to give the rider one more chance, just one more time.

"Speaking of which, Assassin, your manipulation just now was amazing! You actually made me follow you to hold up the shield, and then you caught me and ran with you when you found the opportunity..." Rider began to praise Shirou.

If you praise him more, they shouldn't do anything to him, right?

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