Being praised, and even stewed, he felt that assassin should not be able to do this.

Shirou really didn't intend to stew Astolfo, but he still had the intention to do it, not only that, but also a very strong idea.

Why eat it in stew - human flesh is not tasty, and you may be infected with prions if you eat it.It's better to eat a stupid eagle, maybe it can be used as an eagle pot with some ingredients.

"Speaking of which, throwing objects at high altitudes is not illegal in Romania, right? Forget it, people shouldn't count as objects."

"Assassin, what did you say?"

Shirou checked the items.

"No, nothing, do you remember what happened when we came to the Hanging Garden?" Shirou decided to give Astolfo one last chance.

If he could remember, Shirou would not punish him.

Really, this is the last chance, and there will never be another chance.

Again and again, if rider doesn't want to wake up again, and then give him a sincere apology, Shirou will have to use the last resort.

"Are you saying you want to eat my things?"

Shirou sighed.

Since he couldn't remember even given the chance, Shirou had no choice but to punish him.

"Will Heroic Spirit die if he falls from such a height?" Shirou suddenly asked again.

"No way?" Astolfo said based on his own experience, "How could it be possible? Heroic Spirit's body is very strong. If he falls, he will be injured at most..."

"That's good." Shirou nodded.

Then give it a light push.

Astolfo began to fall from the air in confusion. With the action of gravity, he began to fall freely. Due to his own resistance, the acceleration slowly decreased, but the speed was still rising.

"Wow wow wow - assassin, Li is gay!"

The fallen Astolfo could still hear a little sound from a distance.

Seeing this, Jun Ying flew down in fright, but was stopped by Shirou with a knife.

"If you dare to save the rider, I will go and make soup with you."

Junying froze for a moment, but still didn't fly down.

I saw that Shirou also jumped down and cut the nylon rope tied to his body.

"Rider, is it cool?"

"Assassin, did I ask you to provoke you? I thought you were a good person and would save my life at the hands of my master, but now you are murdering me! You are simply not human!"

"Do you remember? My pain at that time was above you! At least I flew down with you."

"What do you remember?"

"It seems that I haven't remembered it yet, so let's continue to suffer."

Shirou pouted.

After a while, when Junying looked down, he saw a big white mushroom.

That's a parachute.

"You are still plotting against me! Didn't you agree that we will fly down together? Didn't you agree to be each other's angels?"

"But I didn't say I'm not allowed to use a parachute."

Rider cried, rider fell to the ground, and rider played GG.

Too lame.

The quality is too poor.

Shirou, who was slowly descending, cut the rope, looked at the rider who fell to the ground and made a hole, and finally felt satisfied.

"What kind of grudge do we have?" Rider asked tearfully, "Is it necessary to do this to me? Hey..."

"It is necessary." Shirou's anger disappeared at this moment.

Junying flew to the ground, watching Shirou continue to tremble.

This man is terrible.

"What are you shaking for? If you shake again, your bones will be roasted and eaten."

Junying immediately stopped shaking - except for his legs.

Seeing Junying's appearance, Shirou was finally satisfied.Back then, when he was sitting on the rider's handsome eagle, he specifically asked the rider several times whether the rider's mount was stable or not, would it fall off.

Rider swore no, and said that if he was worried about accidents, he would tie something up.If it falls, Shirou can pull it up with just two yells.

So Shirou believed it.

Then Shirou fell down.

Then...the rider didn't pull him up, Shirou climbed up by himself, climbing up along the nylon rope.

At that time, the rider was still very happy looking at the scenery, and the stinky eagle was still chasing an old female eagle far away.

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