So Shiro became MMP.

"It's just such a little thing that I have remembered for so long...Assassin, you are so stingy." Rider glanced at Shirou, whistled, and pretended that he was not wrong.

"Yes, I'm that stingy."

Shirou slapped him on the head.

"Aren't you satisfied?"

Rider, who was so jumpy, couldn't help being silent for a while.

"I take it, can't I take it?" Rider said pitifully.

Seeing this, Shirou still softened his heart. Although he is a villain now, he still has a heart yearning for justice.

"Go back, go back to drink soup."

The stupid eagle trembled again in fright.

"I won't eat you."

Astolfo pointed to himself: "Then eat me?"

"Do you want to be eaten so much?" Shirou touched his chin, "It's not impossible."

"I don't want to, I don't want to. Let's go." Rider said weakly.

Chapter 38 Mommy mode, open

"Assassin, just give me some soup." Rider wailed.


"Have a drink." Rider poked his finger shyly and winked at Shirou.

So Shirou beat him up.

Women, and women's big men, those are two concepts.

If it's a female Shiro, I can't bear to beat him up. If you're a big guy in women's clothing...

"Aw..." Rider, with tears in his eyes, followed Shirou who was carrying the soup, "I haven't had your special soup yet."

"Didn't you drink it before? Although it's a big pot of radish soup, it's also with beef brisket." Shirou said with a grim expression.

"Then who did you cook the small stove for? It must be for yourself! It must be! Good things should be shared!"

"Share? Okay, you give me the materials, I think your stupid eagle and you are very good."

In the room, the artificial man was finally able to walk on his own, although sometimes he had to hold on to the wall to barely move.

She gasped and found Joan clapping her hands.

"Congratulations, you are now able to walk."

The artificial man was a little silent and didn't know how to respond, but he felt that he should thank him, so he said:

"Thank you, ruler."

"No. Speaking of which, don't you really need a name? Shall I give you one?"

Seeing Joan's enthusiasm, the cyborg felt that it would be bad if she didn't answer, so she resolutely refused: "Forget it, I want Mr. Assassin to help me name it."

"So you like him?" Joan of Arc suddenly asked curiously, "What do you like about him?"

The artificial man was stunned: "What is liking?"


"What is that?" The artificial man frowned, and after thinking about it for a while, his brain started to ache.

She really didn't understand what that meant.

"Okay, it seems that you don't understand these feelings yet, but it doesn't matter, take your time, come on, go back to bed and rest first, since Assassin will be back soon, you should have something to eat soon."

Suddenly, there was a strange sound from Joan's stomach.

"It seems that Ruler is also hungry." The man-made man rubbed his stomach, obviously hungry too.

"Well, I'm hungry. People are iron and rice are steel. You have to eat to be able to fight, to exercise, and to be able to do many things."

"Then why do people eat iron and steel, and iron needs to eat steel to be able to fight?" the artificial man asked after thinking for a while.

Joan of Arc was suddenly stuck.

She also heard what Shirou said, and she didn't understand this strange logic.

"'s what Assassin said anyway."

"Oh——" the man-made man nodded, his eyes were very clear, "That must be right. Well, people are like iron and steel."

Jeanne wiped her sweat, it was really tiring talking to the man-made.But why do people eat iron and steel, and iron wants to eat steel?After thinking for a long time, Joan of Arc gave up thinking about it.

She is illiterate, and the knowledge she knows is basically from the battlefield, and the only knowledge left is the prayers in the Bible.She felt that this kind of question was too difficult, so she might as well give up.

Suddenly, the door opened, and there was a loud noise from outside.

Joan of Arc suddenly became nervous, threw herself on the bed, put on the quilt, and only showed her eyes.

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