"Hmph, miscellaneous cultivator, I will forgive your rudeness this time. This weapon is considered punishment." Caster laughed contentedly, "Yes, this king knows, and this king is very clear that they are being imprisoned Where is it, right behind you behind the door guarded by Lancer. Now, go and question Amakusa Shiro."

This was a bit beyond rider's expectation. He thought Gilgamesh would say nothing, or make fun of himself, but now he actually said everything?

Gilgamesh really wanted to make fun of the rider, and even planned to make fun of the other red followers.She really wanted to see how Amakusa Shiro would deal with this crisis.

Hope, I can give her some interesting answers, otherwise——

She had no choice but to kill this boring person by herself.

Not only do you not intend to have the heart of a courtier, but you also intend to eliminate desires, which is really boring.Except that Shirou once pretended to be Amakusa Shiro and was later found out, Gilgamesh really has no interest in Amakusa Shiro.

Not as good as an ordinary magician.

After waiting in peace for a while, assassin Semiramis and Amakusa Shiro finally came to Gilgamesh.

"Caster, has anyone found it?"

"No, probably ran away."

Although Gilgamesh used the term "probably", his tone was very certain.She knew very well that Emiya Shirou would never stand under a dangerous wall, especially when he couldn't get any benefits.

Rider pointed the gun at Shiro Amakusa.

"Father, tell me, how long do you plan to imprison our master?"

Amakusa Shiro's face changed slightly, and even his usual smile disappeared: "What are you talking about?"

Semiramis stood in front of him.

She is very clear that the rider already knows a lot of information, and has already made it clear whether the information is true or not. This is not only a confirmation, but also a threat.

"Do you want to rebel? Rider?" Assassin prepared a magic circle, if the rider was going to attack Shiro, then she had no choice but to take the archer Atalanta first, who the rider cared about.

"You..." Rider saw Semiramis' movements and clenched his fists in humiliation.

He is very sure, very confident, and even sure to go to Thousand Worlds Tree Castle to join Black after Assassin kills his master, but his weakness is Archer.

Atalanta saw rider clenched his fist, she reached out and grabbed Achilles' wrist.

"Leave me alone, Achilles. If they want to kill me, kill me, and you live."

"Sister..." Achilles looked at her in disbelief.

"Hmph, have you said enough?" Semiramis roughly interrupted their conversation, and the light of the magic circle became brighter and brighter.

"Stop, Semiramis." Amakusa Shiro made a difficult decision, stopped Assassin, and walked forward.

"Master, but wait, you get behind me!"

Amakusa Shiro's expression was calm, but his heart was obviously not that peaceful.

At this very moment, he had to inform rider and others of his wish in advance, and he didn't know if they would be willing to realize that magnificent wish with him.

"If you want to leave, then go, I won't stop you, you can even take your master with you. Your master is in this fortress, and I will let Assassin release him."

"What?" Rider frowned, is this a trap?

Archer didn't quite believe it either, and whispered to the rider, "Don't fall into their ways, Achilles."

"But will you hear me finish my wish?"


"Yes, before that, I want to hear your wishes, Lancer, starting with you?" Amakusa asked.

Lancer shook his head: "I don't have a wish. All I have to say is to keep my master alive. That's enough."

Amakusa, who was somewhat choked up, didn't care, and looked at the rider.

"Rider, what is your wish then?"

"Wish?" Rider fell into deep thought, "Fight, enjoy the fun in the battle, if you really say it, it might be..."

with archer.

This was a wish that he was a little embarrassed to say.

Archer shook his head helplessly: "Rider, these days I also know your character, you are a good boy, but we are not from the same age, I am a generation older than you."

"Age is not a problem." Rider said stubbornly.

"Then Archer, do you have any wishes?" Amakusa interrupted what Rider was about to say, he had already seen that Rider basically decided that Archer would not let go.

"Wish, do you?" Archer looked at Amakusa with some vigilance. He missed a stroke of the Command Seal, then looked at Amakusa's assassin who lowered his hand helplessly, with a displeased expression on his face.

This does not seem to be a conspiracy, Amakusa Shiro has guaranteed the safety of several of them.

"I hope that all children can receive love. I was abandoned when I was a child and was raised by the moon god. Therefore, those children who were abandoned and those who did not receive love can receive love."

"Sister..." Achilles really didn't expect Atalanta to have such a wish.

He suddenly understood the meaning of Atalanta's words before.

He was just a child in her eyes, and she just wanted to protect him.

Suddenly, he was a little lost.

But he also wants to help Atalanta realize this wish, even if the other party cannot love him as a lover.

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