Amakusa Shiro decided to break the boat and said slowly:

"It seems that our wishes may be the same. Then let me talk about mine."

Chapter 41 The Prelude to the Decisive Battle

As the sun set, the air fortress was already faintly visible.

"Everyone on the black side, the decisive battle we've been waiting for is about to come." Lancer raised his gun and shouted, "Now let's use the autumn wind to sweep away the fallen leaves and wipe out all the enemies that hinder our wishes!"

The army of cyborgs has already launched a charge first. Wherever it goes, smoke and dust are lingering, and the momentum is magnificent, but it is almost out of order.The dense formation can only be used as a living target under the large-scale magic bombardment.

They are all cannon fodder.

The Dragon Tooth Soldiers also emerged from the ground one after another. At first, they were just bones, but gradually a huge bone began to take shape and began to grow. Finally, it took on a human form, separated from ribs, and formed a spine.That is complete war cannon fodder.

Leading the charge is the cannon fodder of both sides.

Endless dust has flooded the grassy fields beside the small town of Tulipas in Romania. If it is sprinkled on it, it will probably cover the top of the mountain, and the altitude will be three meters higher.

When the artificial man and the Dragon Tooth Soldier fought together, the heart of the artificial man was pierced, and the Dragon Tooth Soldier's spine was broken.Whoever strikes first will live a little longer, but that's all. After a second of lingering, life will disappear again.

War has always been a living hell.

In the past, the Holy Grail Wars were all gentlemanly knightly duels, and the melee was also elegant, and blood splashed on the face could finally sigh the great heroism of the other side, but now the two sides who have turned into two camps have torn off their faces and put down their elegance. No longer yearning for an idyllic duel, no longer a master leading a follower, acting together or sneak attacking, but a real war, a war that uses all magic techniques and all forces to fight to the end.

"Go forward and attack the opponent's fortress!"

Danic had seen all of this through the magic projection, and a smile finally appeared on his face that hadn't changed for sixty years.The victory of the war is about to come, the Thousand Worlds Tree family rises, and the future where the Magic Association will decline, he has already seen.

The Great Holy Grail in front of him shimmered with Clinique, and the spherical shell was engraved with the Winter Maiden, which was the most outstanding work of Einzbern, one of the three imperial families.The Great Holy Grail created by the Winter Maiden who sacrificed her life is not the magic blocks in the clumsy small Holy Grail War, but for a more grand purpose——



Atalanta drew the bow, but instead of aiming at the target, she aimed towards the sky.

The Noble Phantasm, the Rain of Arrows of Appeal, never needs to be aimed, and it is not a Noble Phantasm specially designed for fighting with individuals. This Noble Phantasm exists from the very beginning to destroy a large number of weak and weak enemies.

"Let's lower the punishment!"

The stars in the sky shone slightly, as if they heard the call, and then responded to the arrows flying into the sky and fired at the artificial man on the ground.

The continuous rain of arrows is inevitable, and all vitality does not exist.

In just an instant, the artificial people in that area disappeared without a trace, and even the bones were not intact. The blood stained the entire grass, soaked the soil, and penetrated into the ground.

The Dragon Tooth Soldiers were rarely spared, but even the dead couldn't protest Archer's barbaric offensive that even hit the friendly army.

"Tsk tsk, big sister is really amazing." Achilles whistled and said with some admiration, "I can't compare with this."

"Achilles, don't call me elder sister, I've said it many times." Atalanta put away her bow.

Her support work should almost be over here, and she doesn't need to participate in the next battle, and she can't participate.

Her injuries are too severe and she has not recovered yet.

"Speaking of which, you didn't leave and planned to stay."

"That's something that can't be helped." Achilles pretended to be relaxed and said, "World peace, no more wars, sounds extremely beautiful. Everyone yearns for it, right? A peaceful world was realized by that priest If so, everyone is really happy.”

"You are lying. Soldiers do not yearn for peace, you only love fighting."

The frivolous smile on Achilles' face disappeared: "Sister, you are wrong, but I am the only one who yearns for peace. And soldiers are the ones who yearn for peace the most. Only when you know what hell is, will you understand that as long as there is peace, Everywhere is heaven.”

"Then don't you believe that Father Shiro will realize that great wish?" Atalanta asked after understanding what Achilles meant.

"Impossible. The desire for world peace is impossible to achieve. Without struggle, man is not human. Although this is sad, it is true. I hate war, but I like fighting, and I like fighting with others." Fighting. What is war? It’s just a building block for fighting. As long as my thoughts like this exist, the war will never stop, and peace will never come.” Achilles said pessimistically.

"Then why did you stay and help that god..."

Atalanta knew she had asked a silly question, and the answer was already obvious, wasn't it?

"It's impossible for me to like you. My whole life, including after my death, is dedicated to the Moon God."

"Elder Sister—I like you don't necessarily require you to like me too, liking you is my own thing, it has nothing to do with you, and I don't need you to give me something in return. If you pay, you can get something in return. This world is heaven, how can there be Does the Holy Grail War exist where desires gather?" Achilles smiled freely and jumped down from the fortress, "Next, just look at me, big sister!"

"You don't have to pay for something, do you?" Atalanta sighed.

Wouldn't it be great if you could get something in return?

"Thank you, Archer, if it wasn't for you, Rider wouldn't want to continue walking with me, would he?" Amakusa Shiro narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"This is his choice and has nothing to do with me." Atalanta put away her bow, "Hey, priest, what are you going to do?"

"I want to see if the Lord allows my actions, whether the sublimation of mankind is allowed to come earlier. I am going to fight."

"What an adventure, aren't you afraid that the black assassin will assassinate you quietly? Although you can be regarded as a follower, the gap between you and him is obvious."

Amakusa Shiro shook his head and smiled, "Don't be afraid, Caster protects me."

"If you can kill Amakusa Shiro in front of this king, it can only show that Amakusa Shiro, you are really unlucky." Gilgamesh took off Hades' invisibility cap to reveal his figure.

"Of course." Amakusa nodded, "Then, let's go."

Chapter 42 Shit on you, Gilgamesh!

The Mercedes-Benz chariot carried a blue thunder, killing the man-made humans blocking in front of the chariot one by one.

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